
Rise:The God Butcher

What happen when the gods want to prevent a threat to their rule? What if someone take the threat and make it into a gods hating weapon ? This is the story of man who want nothing but to have his revenge and he is ready to do everything for it. Even selling his soul for it. *Cover is not mine if you are the author and want me to change send me a message.*

Arres · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Chapter 3 Aurora and Energies

(ATTENTION this chapter is an info dump)

A man with red horns and red eyes, that is wearing only a pair of baggy pants can be seen walking inside a dense forest. With bloodlust still coming out of his body.

{Caïn POV}

´System, do you know something of this world ?' I asked to hope to get some information on this world.

[The system gets knowledge on every world you walk on]

"Then tell me the general knowledge of this world."

[The world you are actually in is called Aurora. This world is in a medieval like era, only in this world magic is real. This world has four continents:

The continent of demons, Dæmonium the continent you are in currently. Most of the living being on this continent are demons. This continent is also called the land of slaughter because the only law that is respected here it's the law of the jungle.

The continent of humans, Angelum the continent of the church. All the living being here believe in the one and only god of this world. This continent is also called the land of hypocrisy by the being from the other continents due to its laws that are said to help the poor but in truth, it's not.

The continent of beasts, Bestium continent

believed to harbor the strongest of three kings and the "strongest" being in the world Aurora. This continent is also called the land of mixed blood because of a large number of mixed races.

And the last is the neutral continent, Neutrum the continent is said to have not only demons, humans, and beasts but also elves, dwarfs, and even spirits.

This continent is also called the land of "peace" due to the contract that has been signed by three kings to never battle or enter this continent.]

"Magic? And three kings? Who are they? Are they the strongest in this world?" I asked many questions in a short amount of time.

But I also remembered the two innate skills that are sealed. "And how do I unseal my skills?"

[Yes magic and it's divided into three sorts of energy:

The demonic energy is the most chaotic and hardest to control the energy of the three. But it's also the most destructive of the three. Most spells that use demonic energy are used to kill and destroy. If enough mastery isn't achieved then it will attack the user's mind. And if the mind isn't strong enough then the energy will take over the user's body, making him or her a mindless slaughtering machine.

The next one is divine energy, the nemesis of demonic energy. The only way to have this energy is to have a god give it to you or absorb it from him. The spell that uses this energy depends on the god that gifted you with his energy. If given by a god then that means that the god can take over your body whenever he wants.

And finally, there is mana the most stable and versatile of the three energy. Every race can safely use this energy with a bit of training. This energy can replicate weaker versions of the spells used by the two other energies. But the user can transform its neutral form in different energies depending on their affinity. For example, someone with a fire affinity can make the basic neutral mana into fire mana, which will make the fire spell stronger.]

[Yes the three kings are some of the strongest beings in this world. These beings are:

The King of the demons also called the Demon Lord and the Sage of Demons, Eliphas.

The Queen of the Church also called the Human Lord and the Pope of Eternal Dawn, Angie.

And the King of beasts also called the Dragon Lord and the King dragon of Poison, Attor.]

[And each skill is unsealed differently:

The 'Energy Construct' is unsealed the moment you sense energy.

The 'Divine Library' is unsealed when you learn how to enter your mindscape.]

"Then how do I sense energy? "

[The first thing you must know is that the three energies are everywhere. So to sense it you must meditate and sense your surroundings.]

"Meditate? Like some monk?" I said remembering these Chinese novels my daughter talked about. At the same time, I remember what happens to her. A small bit of bloodlust coming out.

Suddenly I hear a rustling sound behind me. As I turn around, I see a green small creature. A creature with a humanoid like body and only a groin cloth hiding his body.


The creature made a weird sound and walked entirely out of the bush. Now I can see it more closely, it has a big and pointy nose, and it reminded me of a show that my daughter watched. Which reminded me again of that scene making me angry. And making a bit more bloodlust come out of my body.


That doesn't seem to have a good survival instinct because, at the same time, the bloodlust is out, it rushes toward me with a small and rusted knife.

With both hands clapped on the handle of the knife it tries to stab me, an action that I see in a very slow manner. As soon as he is close enough I dodge its stab to the side and hit it with a kick strong enough to make it lose its weapon and destabilize it. After it loses its weapon and makes a few steps back.

I rush toward it and catch it by the neck. It starts trying to break free but, why would I let it live when it attacked me first? As I observed it, the adrenaline stopped working and made him realize what he tried to do, and finally what I was waiting for appeared.

Fear. Something I have seen very few times this clearly. This fear it's so pure, it's not fear for someone or something it's pure and simple fear for its life. Unconsciously this fear makes a grin like no other appears on my face, making it even more scared and starting to make a gibberish sound.

[The goblin is trying to pledge its life to you using and mana oath. Do you accept its allegiance ?]

'What is a mana oath? Something like the contract I signed with "him "? '

[No, the contract you signed with my creator is different it's way laxer. The mana oath is something that only someone who sensed mana can use, and it can be way more brutal depending on how and who uses it. It can not only kill someone, but the contractor can also use it to read the memory it's his or her subject and erase it or even remodel it entirely. The contractor, depending on the terms can do everything about its subject.]

'What do advise me to do?'

[You should accept it because this goblin is more talented than the average goblin, it also has the potential to evolve depending on circumstances. You can also use the oath to look at its memory and learn its language and how it sees energy, it cloud help you sense your own]

"Ok, I accept your mana oath." As I said those words an inexplicable link appeared bounding him to me and making me understand that I can control everything for him.

[Congratulation you have acquired your first subordinate!]

As I hear the Systems notification. I concentrate on the link with the intention of viewing his memory. Suddenly I appear in blue like void with many holes in it. In these 'holes' I see fragment with a small goblin in it. I seem getting beaten in some, and him meditating in others. As I concentrate a bit more on the intentions to learn his language and how he sensed energy.

I start seeing images of him talking to other goblins and trying to sense energy, at the same time I learn everything he spoke and was spoken to. I learned how he felt it, it was mana. Mana felt like a wave or a calm ocean, it could be destructive or helpful depending on the user.

At the same time, I started feeling two other things besides the calm ocean.

I felt a maddening darkness with shapes and forms that could only be described as something from a Lovecraftian book, that darkness felt like threatening to swallow everything and everyone.

The other felt good, too good almost holy but it was elusive trying to escape my perception, and it did after some time.

[Congratulation you finally sensed the three energies. By doing so you unlocked the skill 'Energy Construct' and some remaining bloodline energy from your past life has been transformed into the skill 'Magic Eyes'.

Magic Eyes:

These eyes are a lower version of the famous 'Lord Eyes' that has been given to Adam the father of humanity.

It allows you to see the surrounding energies.

It allows you to see hidden ghosts, spirits, or other immaterial species.

It allows to you see the true form of everything and everyone.

And it can distinguish truth from lies. Even if it's a half-truth and half lie the user will know it.]

'Wait how do I have 'Magic Eyes'? It's something that every descendent of Adam has?'

[Yes technically every human on your earth can awake the skill 'Magic Eyes' but their bloodline is too thin.]

'Ok, that explains it. Now what to do with you' I looked at the still scared goblin.

"What to do with you?" I asked knowing already what I will do with him.

"Master please don't kill me! I can be a good slave I can do many things! I can tell you my tribe is and it's not even that strong!"

The goblin said fast, hoping I could spare him. That made me smile a bit but also frown inside because he is too cowardly. As I think about this, I remember that I can control everything about him, so I make him completely loyal to me and only me. I made it so he could die for me.

As I finish modifying his nature, he stop struggling and begging, and at the same time, I set him free.

After a few seconds, he kneels before me."This small one greet Master."

"Good, good it worked better than I expected. Tell goblin where is your tribe and who is the strongest in your tribe?" I asked with a grin filled with madness.

The goblin looked at me respectfully but with the same grin as me on his face.

Thank you for reading.

The meaning of the names in this chapter:

Dæmonium: It literally means demon in Latin.

Agelum: Come from angelus which means angel in Latin.

Bestium: Come from bestia which means beast in Latin.

Neutrum: It literally means neutral in Latin.

Eliphas: It means endeavor of God.

Angie: It means messenger of God.

Attor: It means Venom.

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