

check out my new novel: Golden Era:Intergalactic Conquest Notice:All chapters have been edited and mistakes have been corrected so plz enjoy Author Support In XXX-city a young man named Fang was using his computer in his dark apartment got click baited into opening a strange site that caused his computer to crash and a strange eye appeared on the black screen and scanned him from head to toe before opening a dimensional rift on the black screen sucking him inside it. A few seconds later the mysterious eye disappeared without a trace causing the computer to return the screencast's home screen displaying a beautiful wolf screensaver. if you want to know what will happen to Fang then join him in his journey of survival in the mysterious otherworld. I promise whoever is planning on reading this novel that it's highly original if you can show me a novel that's similar to mine I'll even call you father for the rest of my life Note: English is not my home language so they'll be some grammatic and punctuation mistakes also the pic is not mine so if you're the owner and want me to remove it plz notify me My email: onii46229@gmail.com

Suicidal_Wolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 9 Bravery Of The Weak (2)

Fang ran through a few trees and bushes without even checking his surroundings as all his focus was on the location where the noise came from. Fang's mind had long since gone blank as his body was only being driven by pure instinct.

Fang lowered his speed drastically, and sneaked closer to a tree in Infront of him then hid quietly behind it before slowly poking his head out to get a glimpse of the scene that's was taking place just a meter away from where he was hiding.

The location where the battle took place was a large circular area just like the one Fang was at when he first arrived in this world, and within this area that was originally covered in lustrous green grass now had several blood pools, splattered blood and flattened grass all over the place, clearly displaying the intensity of the battle that took place on this once peaceful area.

When Fang peeked at the battle from behind a tree the first thing he saw was a 6-meter tall beast hybrid rising its front limbs and smashing them heavily towards a snow-white wolf with strange golden markings on the area between its eyelids and cheeks. The wolf was about as tall as Fang in height and 2 meters wide with incredibly sharp silver eyes, fangs and claws.

The wolf saw the powerful attack of its opponent and swiftly dodged to the side before launching its counter strike with its front paw. The attack was fast and accurate as it drew a silver Streak of silver light on the air it passed through causing the space around its claws to slightly crack, but the swift courter strike could not escape its opponent's sight, and a large 8-meter scaly dragon tail protruding from the beast's backside appeared instantly and deflect the wolf's claws with ease as if it were blocking the attack of a 3-year child.

The wolf didn't put much thought into that brief exchange of blows because it has been happening every time it tried to attack the beast in Infront of it and only revealed its sharp teeth displaying its annoyed face. Fang shifted his eyes from the white wolf and instead turned them towards the beast that was battling the wolf. The creature was really strange and hard to look at, as it was the very definition of a beast hybrid, which was a type of beast that is a mixture of several other beasts that have merged, but couldn't be done unless under special circumstances.

The beast hybrid had pure white eyes, the head of a line with a golden mane, the body of a goat, the tail of a dragon, and extremely violent and dangerous nature. The beast was the very definition of the Greek mythical beast the Chimaera.

The giant chimaera towered over the white wolf, as it smashed its massive front limbs on the ground causing the earth around a 10-mile radius to crack and shatter creating a massive craver, with it being at the very centre, which not only turned the once grassy area to be completely devoid of grass without even a single blade of grass left behind. The white wolf managed to dodge the strike once again since the chimaera only focused on power in its attacks and not speed, but even after avoiding the attack it was still blown away and crashed into a tree that was 1 meter away from it.

The white wolf was outmatched as its opponent was simply too strong for it to even hope to contend with, which lowered its confidence in coming out of this battle alive, so it decide to take a final stand and fight the chimaera to the death, yet it was still unwilling since it also had reasons for not wanting to die in such a place, and especially in the hands of such a revolting beast that shouldn't have existed from the very beginning, but alas all these thoughts were just its way of refusing its fate. After all, what could it do when faced with such immense power besides cursing its luck for running into such a beast.

The white wolf's sliver eyes shone slightly and its golden markings shone brightly as the golden light blended perfectly with the sun's golden rays radiating a majestic aura, and a large golden magic circle with beautiful golden patterns spread across the magic circle in an organised manner. The magic circle had an effective radius of 5 meters, which easily covered the majority of the battlefield.

The white wolf could sense every little detail within the magic circle's effect range, which included even the slightest muscle movement that could not escape its sight as various other things appeared in front of its vision

[ Host has activated sensory skill: Domain]

-Effect: Able to detect the slightest mana fluctuations and muscle movement of any kind of creature that contains mana within the magic circle's effective range

-Duration: 1 min

-Cool Down Duration: 10 mins


[Host has activated chain skill: Rapid Slashes]

-Effect: Once the activated host can perform short-distance teleportation and increases the power of slash attacks by 40% within a 6-meter radius

-Duration: 50 sec

-Cool Down Duration: 1hr

After the appearance of the strange light blue panels, the white wolf's razor-sharp claws seemed to change colour from its originally metallic to greyish colour, and a silver aura covered them as the wolf's figure vanish into thin air then reappeared behind the chimaera with its front paw raised high in the air before violently bringing it down towards the chimaera's right tight. The attack was so fast that the entire attack only took a split second to initiate which caused Fang's eyes to be unable to process the surprise development. The chimaera not only didn't panic but also decisively used its dragon tail that was incredibly tough to block the White Wolf's slash.


Sounds of metal hitting against metal resounded throughout the battlefield as the White Wolf's figure kept disappearing and reappearing in different locations to attack the Chimaera's body with its silver mana covered claws, but every time the Chimaera would block or deflect the attacks at the very last moment all most as if it were reading the White Wolf's mind. Each second the two would exchange 4-5 blows, and as time passed the White Wolf got more and more impatient especially since it's a most useful skill [Domain] wasn't responding at all.

The Chimaera's lion face smirked as it saw the white wolf struggling without knowing that the response it's skill was rendered useless was because of its skill [Lock On], which locked on to its opponent's body, and with it, naturally quick reflexes rendered the White Wolf's flash teleportation skill highly pointless as it proceeded to raise it's a large goat from limbs and stood on its hind legs, which completely covered the White Wolf's in its shadow as it activated it's AOE skill.

[Host has activated AOE skill: Rupture]

Effect: Completely decimates anything with a 10-mile radius

Cool Down Duration: 3 min

The White Wolf's [Rapid Slashes] skill's duration was almost up when it saw the Chimaera's towering figure lingering over its body with its body standing on its hind legs, and felt a large amount of mana gathering around its raised limbs. The Chimaera's raised limbs fell to the ground carrying a dominating aura that caused the air to tremble as it got nearer to the ground, and with a loud 'BOOM' the earth once again shattered under the Chimaera's incredible force.

The white wolf barely mannered to dodge the skill by teleporting out of its effective range, but after that last teleportation, its skill's duration ended leaving it in a dangerous situation.

Fang, who was watching the fight from behind his tree was immensely shocked, and couldn't stop himself from talking to himself, "Fuck!! what's going on here you can't possibly be telling me that these beasts are not only gigantic and vicious but also magical!? If that's the can then how am I supposed to survive in this place!?' Fang had plenty of questions but unfortunately, no one to answer them for him, which made him more frustrated after all finding out that your neighbours who were constantly trying to kill you had superpowers would be a shock to anyone.

Fang pondered on what to do for a while before looking at the battle situation once again and saw that the wolf was about to be killed he decided to secretly sneak up on the Chimaera for a sneak attack then join the White Wolf to do gang up on the Chimaera since he trusted the white wolf to not eat him more than the Chimaera.

Fang pulled out his spear and set his plan into motion as he cautiously sneaked up on the Chimaera from behind then threw his spear at the with all its might and stab the Chimaera's ass to infect it with the spider leader's poison and to his surprise, the spear struck its mark, but what happened next left him with so much regret.

The chimaera had successfully cornered the beast and was about to land the finishing blow using its skill [pierce], which was a skill that utilised the Sharp tip of its dragon tail to pierce through its opponent's flesh like a hot knife through butter. The wolf that saw the extremely fast tail strike that directly pierced through the air heading towards its skull, and closed its eyes to resign itself to its fate.

The Chimaera, that was already assured of its victory, and out of nowhere it felt a sharp pain in its ass causing the tail to instantly change course from the white wolf towards Fang and pierced through his chest instantly turning him into a doughnut, and his body fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes as he laid in a pool of his blood, but just as his body was turning cold and his consciousness slowly fading he heard a familiar howl a few meters away.



AUTHORS NOTE: I know this chapter may be confusing but don't stress since it will all be explained in the following chapter also I don't think I'll do the explanation of the opponent's skills like this ever again and last but not least plz don't assume the MC's system is the same as the beast's since their system is basically like this:




[HP Bar]:[????/????]

[EP Bar]: [????/????]

[Mana Bar]


[Unique Abilities]:



[Inherent Skills]:




[Learned Skills]





another note: not all monsters have unique skills

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Suicidal_Wolfcreators' thoughts