

check out my new novel: Golden Era:Intergalactic Conquest Notice:All chapters have been edited and mistakes have been corrected so plz enjoy Author Support In XXX-city a young man named Fang was using his computer in his dark apartment got click baited into opening a strange site that caused his computer to crash and a strange eye appeared on the black screen and scanned him from head to toe before opening a dimensional rift on the black screen sucking him inside it. A few seconds later the mysterious eye disappeared without a trace causing the computer to return the screencast's home screen displaying a beautiful wolf screensaver. if you want to know what will happen to Fang then join him in his journey of survival in the mysterious otherworld. I promise whoever is planning on reading this novel that it's highly original if you can show me a novel that's similar to mine I'll even call you father for the rest of my life Note: English is not my home language so they'll be some grammatic and punctuation mistakes also the pic is not mine so if you're the owner and want me to remove it plz notify me My email: onii46229@gmail.com

Suicidal_Wolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 11 White Wolf King

Author's note: Before beginning this chapter I'd like to inform those who read the previous chapter before I edited it that they can quickly re-read that chapter since there are a few tweaks in the word choices but if you prefer reading MTL then you don't need to re-read it. Without further ado, I present to you my blood, sweat and tears that you still don't feel like reviewing but being a man of high mental patients I won't pursue that matter any further.


Dark clouds gathered and spread across the once clear blue sky, covering the golden sun's majestic yellow rays of light. The once bright and lively clear sky turned into a gloomy depressing cover that would ruin anyone's day just by staring at it, yet underneath this aura of depression was an even worse mixture of auras such as despair, helplessness, anger, and regret ware all mashed together then concentrated in a single plot of land amongst the countless plots of land spread around the large sea of fresh green trees that were overflowing with vitality.

The plot of land stuck out like a sore thumb within the mystical oversized forest to the extent that if one focused a bit of mana in their eyes they would be able to see a large pillar of darkness shooting up into the heavens as it pierced through the covering of dark gloomy rain clouds heading towards the nine heavens above. The pillar was the embodiment of the Chimaera's emotions, and also acted as the eye of the storm clouds causing the dark gloomy clouds to swirl around the dark pillar of emotions like a whirlpool in the sky.

No beast dared to enter the vicinity of the battlefield, nor had any ideas of taking advantage of the chaotic battlefield by surprise attacking the party that came out victorious in this intense battle of life and death because in their hearts they refused to believe that the winner of this battle will come out unscattered after claiming victory in such an intense fight to the death. Originally the fight wasn't as intense as it is now but they still chose to play it cautiously by playing the game of patients and waiting for the opportune moment to deliver a critical strike to finish off the remaining beast, but when the Wolf King personally made an appearance their plans were instantly crushed as they desperately escaped with their tails behind their legs as quickly as they could before the Wolf King noticed and memorized their scent.

Although the Wolf King was a kind leader its viciousness towards any creature that harboured ill intentions towards its children was unmatched within the entire forest. The Wolf King had incredible senses that can easily memorize multiple beasts from meters away then it would hunt them down personally, or use those beasts as a stepping stone for its children to gain combat experience. This kind of two-faced beast was very rare within the forest but that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, which meant it was just your terrible luck if you ran into one since the odds of you dying increased by 80%-90% and if you're lucky you may escape with minimal injuries.

Putting its viciousness aside the Wolf King's raw strength and mana capacity were so high that they couldn't even survive single mana infused slap from the Wolf King much less hope to match it in a fight because the Wolf King was within the ranking of the top 10 King beasts that resided within the forest but its actual rank was within the top 3, but since no one dared to declare who was the strongest within these 3 beast kings which cased the power ranking of the top 3 strongest beasts to be very vague and only a fight could settle the matter, yet no beast wanted the fight to break out since they too would suffer greatly after all if god's fight the mortals suffer the most.

They knew deep in there that even if they wanted to duke it out with each other they would only trouble their children and a lot of them would die, so they could only compete with each other through their Clan's youths which prevented both them and their various high ranking Clan members from taking action no matter what happens to their young, after all, how could the old bully youngsters. If one of the beast Kings broke this unwritten rule the other two beasts kings will use it as an excuse to find trouble with it, so how could a beast king who was so strong and wise be unable to notice the hidden intentions of the beasts that were desperately trying to escape.

The only reason the Wolf King did not pursue the matter is that it was still infuriated by the Chimaera's disgraceful acts towards it in its territory, which clearly showed how little it regarded it but when it thought about the ridicule it would have to suffer from the two other beast Kings towards it. To have some lowly beast hybrid roam around its territory like it owned the place and attack its children to the point that it had to personally take action. How could the Wolf King ever live this down not to mention even showing its face in public again after suffering such humiliation?

The Wolf King's glaze got even colder when it thought of this fact as it coldly stared straight at the pitiful beast that was walling and shivering on the ground beneath its feet, completely crushed underfoot by the Wolf King as it spoke to the pitiful once overbearing Chimaera using the [voice of the wilderness] ability.

Wolf King--[What do you suggest I do with you?]

Chimaera--[Y-your majesty...h-how about we just forget about this matter entirely]

Wolf King--[We both know that's not gonna happen so if you keep talking nonsense I'll just take your life right here]

Chimaera--[Then w-what are you g-gonna do with me?]

Wolf King--[Shut up I'm trying to think]

The Wolf King stole another glance at the pitiful beast hybrid and couldn't help but laugh at its shaky voice and thought, 'how could my son be defeated so badly by this stupid thing,' as this thought entered his mind he instantly thought of something extremely amusing. He turned his head back to gaze at the condition of his son whose eyes were long since opened. The White Wolf saw its father's gaze on it causing it to feel incredibly embarrassed. When it saw its bloody paw as countless thoughts rushed through its head, 'father came in person just to save me! I'm both happy and ashamed what should I do!? Aahhh... father's staring at me what should I do!? come on brain think of an explanation!' The White Wolf's mind kept flooding with such thoughts ever since the appearance of its father.

The white wolf gathered all the courage it could muster and said to its father with its paw dripping fresh blood, "Father I can explain! you see the...," the Wolf King cutin just as the White Wolf was about to explain. In a dignified manner, the Wolf King replied, "there's no need to explain I already know everything," instead of being shocked the White Wolf revealed a warm smile as it thought of something that made its heart much warmer.

The Wolf King's gaze moved up a bit as it was searching for more bruises on its son's body, but was attracted by a large pool of blood behind the White Wolf's body. The blood pool prompted the Wolf King to stare at it, and when it did it saw a familiar figure lying in a pool of its blood.

The Wolf King told the White Wolf to check Fang's pulse to confirm if he was still alive or had turned into a corpse. The White Wolf hurriedly carried out the task and reported back to the Wolf King almost immediately," he's still alive, but has lost a lot of blood," the Wolf King smiled at its son as it complained about the inside, "Dammed brat do you think I've gone senile!" After internally cursing at its son the Wolf King revealed a humane grin when it stared at the two brats who was beaten to a pulp Infront of it as it ordered the White Wolf, "Carefully pick him up and carry him back to the den then tell Maria to patch him up and also announced to everyone that from this day forward that creature will be one of our brethren."

The White Wolf heard its father's orders and hurriedly picked up Fang by biting the part that separated the tracksuit into two pieces and ran off into the forest with him as its tail wouldn't stop wagging displaying its happiness, after all, it did risk its life trying to save him and would've crushed its heart if it had to leave him in such a place.

The Wolf King stared at the Chimaera that was still being crushed underfoot by it before concentrating mana in its throat activating the [Voice of the wilderness] ability.

Wolf King--[I've decided, ill let you go under one condition]

Chimaera--[Anything I'll do anything]

Wolf King--[You don't have to do anything just don't leave this territory until the time they come back to get their revenge, but if you can win against them you can leave also don't even think about escaping cause if you do you'll die without knowing how you died]

Chimaera--[Yes, yes, yes I understand!]

Wolf King--[Good, if that's the case I'll let you go]






Strange notifications appeared inside Fang's head who was being carried deep into the forest by the White Wolf.

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