

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you, Mr. Kaizen." said Lidia sitting on the sofa, bowing her head.

After the unexpected meeting between the two princesses in the halls of the Arena, because Lidia asked Petril Wyvernjack to immediately take her to her sister, the butler also directed them to a special room so that the winners would not have to deal with the crowd coming out of the Arena, and soon after left, leaving them alone to talk.

"The pleasure is of course from my part, Princess Lydia... In fact, I see that Ravastine's natural beauty runs in the family."

The two sisters arched their eyebrows and blushed at the same time, but at that moment Ravastine pulled back her shoulders and averted her eyes while Lidia had a more mischievous gesture. She touched her sister with her left shoulder and said:

"You hadn't told me he was such a handsome..."

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