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After the exciting conversation with Duke Frugold, Xisrith carefully watched every move and expression of the influential member of the royal court. The gleam of interest in the Duke's eyes made it clear that he was seriously considering Xisrith's words about his people and the possibility of having a land protected by them in Vrikhodour.

Duke Frugold raised an eyebrow in a gesture of curiosity and genuine interest, showing that he was fully engaged in the conversation. He rose elegantly from his seat and approached Xisrith with calculated steps. His keen eyes roved over every detail of her face and posture.

"You descendants possess unique abilities and extraordinary potential," Duke Frugold said in a grave tone, addressing Xisrith directly. His voice was filled with respect and consideration. "Protecting Vrikhodour could benefit both sides in many ways, but it would also bring responsibilities and challenges."

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