
Rise of Yahunyens: Origin

"I Am... The Revolution!", Born God Griswa Skaar, the last of the Skaar Gods, lost his memories as he struck the planet of Aeartha. Later he met allies and observed the cruel events of this world. As the 'God of Revolution/Helezar Mackenadock', he won't just free the world from the Yahunyens after 185,000 years of their rule, but the entire Omniverse from Greater God 'Brighter Dark'. This is not a struggle for supremacy. Supremacy itself is a struggle here. While every other story is dealing with weak to strong, this story explores the struggles of being too powerful, yet trying to adjust and control it. But even with too much power you need to cultivate, cultivate differently, using your powers with limits and cultivation of not trying to be stronger but to control your power, because even if you have everything, there is a chance you'll have left nothing (Only MC), if any apocalypse dawns on the worlds because of those powers. Being too overpowered, boon or a curse? Rages are on... Welcome to this 'Cinematically Written' Webnovel. Introducing an enhanced genre of mass (something made for a wider range of audience with ingredients loaded for the masses), #SUPERMASS Action Level: Dragon Ball Series and Demon Slayer Story Level: One Piece, Naruto and Attack on Titan Other Inspirations: Avengers (Everything in Marvel) and Star Wars A complete package of entertainment containing the elements of all the peak franchises. Also it's a great shout-out to them all, at once! My vision tells us that if any peak franchise is at its peak for all the reasons why they should be at peak, what if I combine everything and bring a new peak (infinity) story including my Origin-al elements too? The purpose of this story is simply fun! And that's why, ascertain the tragedies, histories and mysteries Beyond The World. Trailer out on YouTube and Instagram. https://youtu.be/15hLF-TC6zs?feature=shared Follow me at Instagram @mackenadock

TezarxAI · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs

Episode 4: Birth Of A New Dragon

As morning gently crept into the cavern, Griswa and Yesdar stirred from their slumber, the warmth of the blankets cocooning them against the chill of the cave's embrace. Emerging from the shadows, the tall figure of the man they had met the previous night approached, his features now visible in the soft light filtering through the cave's mouth.

"It's beyond dawn, young ones," the man greeted with a soft smile, his voice carrying a reassuring warmth. "Hope you two slept well."

Griswa and Yesdar exchanged nods, taking in the sight of their surroundings in the daylight. Beyond the cavern's mouth, they could see the makeshift settlement bustling with activity.

The man knelt beside them, his gaze falling upon Yesdar's injured toe. "Let me take a look at that," he offered, reaching for a small pouch at his side.

"Thank you," Yesdar murmured gratefully as the man tended to his wound.

Curiosity burning within him, Yesdar turned to the man. "What's your name?" he asked.

The man looked up, meeting Yesdar's gaze with a twinkle in his eye. "Ah, where are my manners? I'm Sivera," he introduced himself, a warm smile gracing his lips.

Sivera's eyes then wandered to Griswa, a silent invitation for him to speak.

"And what brought you here?" Griswa inquired, echoing the curiosity that danced within them both.

A wistful smile played on Sivera's lips as he settled beside them, his gaze drifting into the distance. "Ah, my young friends, that's a tale for another time," he replied cryptically. "For now, let's enjoy the peace of this moment, and the camaraderie it brings."

Sivera extended a warm invitation to Griswa and Yesdar, ushering them towards the makeshift dining area where breakfast awaited. The aroma of freshly cooked food wafted through the air, enticing their senses as they settled around the communal table.

"Come, join us for breakfast," Sivera beckoned, his voice carrying a note of familial warmth.

Following Sivera's lead, Griswa and Yesdar found themselves seated amidst a diverse group of individuals, their faces bearing the marks of resilience and camaraderie forged through shared hardship.

It was then that Sivera introduced them to his daughter, Malaes, a spirited young girl whose laughter echoed like music in the cavern's depths. Around the same age as Griswa and Yesdar, Malaes welcomed them with a radiant smile, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"Nice to meet you," Malaes chirped, extending her hand in greeting.

As they settled in for breakfast, the group engaged in lively conversation, swapping tales of their exploits and escapades in the city of Shiyahval. Amidst the laughter and camaraderie, they recounted humorous anecdotes of daring heists and narrow escapes, each tale more outrageous than the last.

"We once managed to outsmart those Yahunyens by disguising ourselves as merchants," one member chuckled, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Their flying ships didn't stand a chance against our dragons' speeds."

The mention of dragons sparked a chorus of laughter and animated discussion, with each member regaling Griswa and Yesdar with stories of their encounters with the majestic creatures. From thrilling chases through the skies to daring raids on Yahunyen strongholds, their exploits painted a vivid picture of defiance against oppression.

Amidst the laughter and merriment, breakfast flowed seamlessly, a feast of both food and camaraderie that nourished the soul as much as it did the body.

As the meal drew to a close, a hushed murmur rippled through the group, drawing everyone's attention to a momentous event unfolding in their midst.

"A dragon egg is hatching," a man exclaimed, his voice tinged with awe and excitement.

Intrigued by the revelation, Griswa and Yesdar exchanged astonished glances before rising to join the group as they hurried towards the source of the commotion. Through the winding corridors of the cavern, they followed in Sivera's wake, their hearts pounding with anticipation at the prospect of witnessing such a rare and wondrous event.

In the heart of the cavern, a hush fell over the assembled group as they ventured deeper into the labyrinthine passages, drawn by the allure of the momentous occasion unfolding before them. Their footsteps echoed softly against the cavern walls, a reverent cadence that echoed the anticipation building within their hearts.

As they entered a vast chamber bathed in ethereal light, the air thrummed with the pulse of nature's symphony, a melody of life and renewal that seemed to emanate from the very depths of the land. In the center of the chamber lay a nest, cradling a single, shimmering egg—an exemplification of the wondrous cycle of life that had captivated Aearthalings for generations.

With bated breath, Griswa, Yesdar, and the others watched in awe as cracks began to spiderweb across the surface of the egg, heralding the imminent arrival of new life. Time seemed to stand still as they bore witness to the miracle of birth, their hearts overflowing with a profound sense of reverence for the natural world unfolding before them.

"It's... it's happening," Yesdar breathed, his voice barely a whisper as he gazed upon the egg with wide-eyed wonder.

Griswa, too, felt a stirring within him, a primal connection to the ancient forces at play. As the first hints of movement emerged from within the egg, he felt a surge of inexplicable emotion coursing through his veins, as if he were being drawn into the very heart of the moment.

And then, in a burst of light and motion, the egg cracked open, revealing the tiny form of a baby dragon nestled within. Its scales shimmered like molten gold in the soft glow of the cavern, its eyes bright with intelligence and curiosity as it spread its wings for the first time.

A gasp escaped Griswa's lips as he locked eyes with the newborn dragon, a sense of kinship stirring within him. Unlike the fear that gripped others in its presence, Griswa felt only a profound sense of calm and acceptance as the dragon drew near, its gaze unwavering as it regarded him with a silent understanding.

"Sivera, look," Yesdar exclaimed, his voice tinged with awe as he watched the scene unfold before him.

Sivera, his eyes alight with a knowing smile, nodded in acknowledgment. "Seems to like you," he remarked, his tone filled with quiet reverence for the bond forming between Griswa and the dragon.

As the group marveled at the sight before them, Sivera's voice cut through the silence, his words carrying the weight of prophecy. "Perhaps this is your future dragon," he suggested, his gaze shifting between Griswa and the newborn creature with a sense of certainty that brooked no argument.

With murmurs of agreement rippling through the group, Sivera turned his attention to Malaes, his daughter, a glint of determination in his eyes. "Malaes, my dear, perhaps it's time you shared your expertise with our young guests," he suggested, a smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Malaes, her face alight with excitement, nodded eagerly. "Of course, Father," she replied, her voice filled with enthusiasm as she stepped forward to greet Griswa and Yesdar. "Let's begin."

Yesdar stood in awe, his eyes wide with wonder as he beheld the newborn dragon before him. Never in his wildest dreams had he imagined such a sight—a majestic creature born from the depths of myth and legend, now standing before him in all its glory. It was a moment that defied comprehension, a whirlwind of emotions swirling within him as he grappled with the enormity of the events unfolding around him.

"Can you believe this?" Yesdar exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement as he turned to Griswa beside him. "I never thought I'd see a dragon, let alone learn to ride one!"

Griswa, too, was filled with a sense of wonder, his eyes alight with the same fervent enthusiasm that radiated from Yesdar. Together, they had embarked on a journey that had taken them from the depths of despair to the heights of unimaginable possibility, and the prospect of riding a dragon seemed almost too fantastical to comprehend.

Actually Griswa acted like he was amazed by what he had just witnessed, in his past he was already used to events like these. But to keep things natural around him, acted like a natural kid who'd appreciate the beauty of events just like these, like he had witnessed them for the first time and had a lot to know, a lot to learn and a long way to go. 

Malaes and the others erupted into laughter at Yesdar's exuberant outburst, their mirth echoing through the cavern like the gentle melody of a summer breeze. It was a moment of shared joy and camaraderie, a fleeting respite from the trials and tribulations that lay ahead.

Sivera, his gaze steady and unwavering, stepped forward to address the group. "We will take care of this dragon," he declared, his voice filled with a quiet resolve. "It is a responsibility we do not take lightly, and we will ensure that it thrives under our care."

Malaes, her spirits buoyed by her father's words, beamed with excitement as she approached Yesdar. "Come on, let's take a walk outside," she suggested, her voice brimming with infectious enthusiasm.

Yesdar nodded eagerly, his curiosity piqued by the prospect of exploring the depths of the chasm alongside Malaes. With Griswa trailing behind them, they ventured into the vast expanse of the cavern, the cool air of the underground world embracing them like an old friend.

As they walked, Yesdar couldn't help but pepper Malaes with questions, his insatiable curiosity driving him to unravel the mysteries of their newfound world. "Where did the dragons come from?" he asked, his voice filled with wonder.

Malaes smiled knowingly, her eyes sparkling with the wisdom of ages past. "The dragons have always been a part of our world," she explained, her words tinged with a hint of reverence. "They are creatures of myth and legend, born from the depths of the core itself."

"Yesdar, meet Silyahun," Malaes introduced, gesturing towards the dragon she brought them to in another small cave like it was meant for dragons to rest. "He's my partner, and he is still growing"

Yesdar approached Silyahun cautiously, his gaze meeting the dragon's with a mixture of trepidation and awe. Despite his initial apprehension, he couldn't help but feel a sense of kinship with the magnificent creature before him.

As Silyahun inclined his head in a gesture of deference towards Griswa, Malaes and Yesdar exchanged astonished glances. "Did you see that?" Yesdar exclaimed, turning to Malaes in disbelief.

Malaes chuckled softly, her laughter dancing on the air like a melody. "He never bowed to me," she joked, her sense of humor shining through even in the midst of such a momentous occasion.

Malaes couldn't shake the feeling of intrigue that lingered in her mind. "Griswa," she began, her voice filled with curiosity, "There's something about you and dragons. The way that baby dragon was drawn to you... I've never seen anything like it."

Yesdar nodded in agreement, his thoughts echoing Malaes' sentiments. "Yeah, yesterday when we were talking about dragons, Griswa seemed to know a lot. It's like he has some kind of connection with them."

Malaes turned her gaze towards Griswa, her eyes alight with curiosity. "What's your story, Griswa?" she asked, her voice tinged with a hint of eagerness.

Griswa, however, remained silent, his gaze fixed on the path ahead. Sensing his discomfort, Yesdar discreetly nudged him, a silent signal to tread carefully.

Griswa, understanding Yesdar's message, kicked him lightly in the leg, a silent warning to stop him from revealing too much. "Ah, well, you know how it is," Yesdar interjected hastily, his words coming out in a rushed jumble. "Griswa's just... modest. Doesn't like to talk about himself much. Maybe that's why.... umm maybe... you know, dragons like... him."

Malaes nodded, though a flicker of curiosity still lingered in her eyes. "Alright, I won't pry," she conceded, though her curiosity remained unabated.

Meanwhile, back in the cavern, Sivera and his men gathered to discuss their next course of action. With the birth of a new dragon, the need for sustenance had become paramount, prompting them to devise a plan to procure more meat for the growing creature.

"We'll need to increase our efforts to gather more meat," Sivera declared, his voice tinged with authority. "With another dragon to feed, our resources will need to stretch further."

His men nodded in agreement, their faces set in determined resolve as they discussed the logistics of their upcoming endeavor. Together, they formulated a plan to raid the markets in the nearby city of Shiyahval, where they could procure the necessary provisions to sustain their fledgling dragon companion.


Sivera: [SI]+[VE]+[RAA]

Malaes: [MAY]+[LAA]+[ES]

Silyahun: [SIL]+[YA]+[HOON]

Alright I know what you guys thinking, Game of Thrones meets another Golden Trio from stories like Harry Potter and Naruto. Well won't deny the fact, that this story also has elements of One Piece considering the slaves and Government stuff. But I am gonna thrive to make it different, these stories have just given me certain ideas and inspiration. But I hope you like it.

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