
Rise of Wen

Rise of Wen: Prologue


It had been a while since the last convergence, of course it had other names to others like him but he thought that was the most accurate description of the event.

It happened every 1500 human years,

The last one had been over a millennia ago and the world was just recovering from that ordeal. This goes to show how terrifying it can be.

For the more popular of his siblings this was a busy time, still carefully guiding their followers and setting things in motion for the next convergence.

But he was tired of this cycle, he wanted to break free.

The politics between the pantheon, the deities of the humans, his siblings had made him weary.

He was born of Sev!

A being made from the true balance of the cosmic energies, he should've been placed above the others.

But Wen had denied him that claim, robbed him of his birthright!

Oh how he would rue ever doing that to him..... him! The child of equilibrium!

After that day, he had pulled away from his followers and the uncomprehending foolish little creatures had forgotten him and no longer offered prayers to him and just for that they too would pay. He would eradicate them and create new creatures that conformed to the balanced, the right way of the universe.

After centuries of research and careful plotting, he finally found a way to break the hold of Wen on him.

And now the time had come, Wen kept a lot of things away from his children, cosmic secrets.

Juicy secrets, but the biggest of the all was the point of creation. The place where the cosmic soup finally gained sentience and divide into the five prime aspects.

After searching for it, he'd finally found it, he believed it was in the star around which the world karlor orbited. And the place still radiated power!

Power that he would utilize, power enough that he could challenge even Wen! The Wen!

He teleported to the star, the humans of karlor call it Bel.

He moved towards it, filled with glee and anticipation, this was the day of his ascension.

Suddenly he sensed a presence behind him. Sela, his sister, another child of Sev by the feel of the energy.

He felt his teeth grinding instinctively, she had a way of getting under his guard. Many a skirmish had happened between them but today was too important for her to mess it up.

He pasted a smile on his face and turned,

" Ah, dear sister. What have I done this time to suffer your presence."

He knew if he was overly kind, she would be suspicious and not stop bothering him.

"Little brother, did you really think I would want to know what persuaded you to leave that hovel you call home?" She said in a singsong voice she knew would irritate him. The little brother part was a dog at him also, there was not age difference between Sev's children with all of them being born at the same time.

" Don't your have a filthy humans prayer to answer?" He replied, this was going like there typical conversations.

"Yes, of course there is..... I do enjoy doing that to the little things," she answered " but you wouldn't know how that feels? Not after so long since any human groveled for a favor from you, dear brother."

" I have no time for their silly nonsense." He waved his hand dismissively.

" Yes yes, of course. It's not as important as sulking around in your domain and of course the occasional staring session in front of stars right?" She retorted as she looked past him at Bel." So what's interesting about this one?"

" Dear sister why must you trouble so? " he said, weary of this conversation already.

" You know, if we were humans you'd probably be that brother always in the barn killing frogs and trying to see what was inside them." She said.

That was nearly enough to override his self control, she could clearly see the vein pulsing on his head, fists clenched hard enough to draw blood if his hands were like the fragile human hands.

Her eyes flickered down to his hands for a moment before a smirk slowly developed on her face.

"You know brother, for someone who absolutely loathes humans, you have a lot of human mannerisms." She said, her voice full of mockery.

"YOU.... YOU DARE COMPARE ME TO THOSE PITIFUL INSECTS?!" He was ready to rain fire and brimstone on her until he remembered why he was here, his armor had manifested when he lost his temper but it suddenly just faded away by sheer force of will.

Sela had been watching all this, happy that she'd finally gotten under his skin. He was easier to get information out of when he was angry.

So it came as a surprise when the anger just seemed to vanish, and her face showed that shock for a second before her composure took over.

Her mind was already spinning, trying to figure out where the sudden self control came from.

The only sensible explanation for all this, not just the current encounter but everything.

Him pulling away and hiding in his domain only coming out occasionally to specific places could only mean one thing,

Her eyes narrowed,

"What have you found brother?" Gone was all the mockery and irritating facade, all her face showed was seriousness.

"Sister dear, I am the God of knowledge. Forever cursed with a burning passion to pursue knowledge and search out wisdom even to the furthest edges of the universe, surely you do intend to fret over every whimsy of mine, do you?" He replied coolly.

They had a brief moment of awkward silence before Sela replied,

" Erevan, it might not be today but I will know what you know."

And with that her avatar faded away, her attention no longer on him.

He stood there for a brief time looking for hidden meanings in their conversation before he turned back to the task at hand.

Bel burned in a bright kaleidoscope of color, subtly pulsing softly as if breathing. In a different time, he would have admired its beauty and wondered in its awe, but that was a different time! A time long past and banished to the dark crevasse in the distant recesses of memory.

He gathered his divine power and created a tether for himself so that he could easily pull back, he didn't even bother to try and tag the tether, confident in his abilities.

He tried to think of an appropriate thing to say to commemorate such a momentous event but could think of nothing. No matter! He stepped forward and touched it.

As a deity, he could intrinsically feel the flow of time and even manipulate it to a very limited extent so he instantly knew that time had stopped, a feat he was sure even Wen could perform!

Suddenly, time moved again, but this time backwards. He zoomed past events, watching helplessly as time continued moving and he was transported to the very beginning!

He saw the moment of creation, saw the secrets and atrocities of Wen, saw things that threatened to push his mind over the edge!

And he knew,

He knew what the Wen had done

"DO YOU SEE? DO YOU UNDERSTAND? I WILL DESTROY WEN?" He heard a voice of immense magnitude that he had never felt before speak into his head, just that very sound threatening to fracture his mind and in a moment, it did.


P.O.V : Sev;

She had been working on the balance, always the balance when she felt the connection to Erevan behavior weirdly. It suddenly opened up, and she saw an immense power and an ancient but familiar foe look in through that connection.

In the same instant she felt a disturbance in time, before the connection suddenly snapped.

Whatever had happened, she knew Erevan was gone. Disintegrated to free him from his prison.

She teleported to the last place Erevan had gone, the star called Bel.

She got there just in time to see fragments scatter in time.

Her brothers and sisters got there just a second later but missed seeing the fragments disappearing.

"What happened here Sev, we all felt the disturbance." Asked Noks.

" He's gone, my child is gone... lost in the flow of time." Sev replied

"Time? What has time done? Is that why we're here?" Aens said," isn't this one of the anchors?"

" Yes it is aens, and the foolish boy must've tried to break it!" Growled Auth.

Sev was too distraught to even defend him, but there were bigger issues at hand.

" I feel him, he stared right at me." Sev said softly, but they all still heard her.

"Who? Erevan?" Asked Kin, finally joining the conversation.

" No, him." Sev said even as she involuntarily shivered. You'd think this was weird on such a powerful entity and it was, but they were talking about a possibility of him breaking free!

"Then we must summon our children, it seems the divergence shall come earlier this time."

They all teleported away, non of them looking back and noticing an entity suddenly pop into existence as if from thin air, shrouded in swirling dark energies that seemed to repel the very fabric of reality.


Copyright kunda,

