
The future (1)

'After the rise of the kingdom of Austria In 1422 AD, the entire European world was left star-struck as the kingdoms of Switzerland and Bohemia were annexed by the upstart king, and later first German Emperor, Berengar Kufstein in a glorious display of military might, and political authority. While the many kings of the 14th century tried to copy the weapons of the budding kingdom of Austria (and its vassalizsed states), the new kingdom had already begun making new weapons, the 1420 Schmidt Needle Rifle and 1423/24 Austrian Rifled Cannons, both made by Baronet Ludwig Schmidt, head of the engineering department within the kingdom of Austria.

These new weapons made the old smoothbore cannons and other rifled muskets used by the Austrian army (Now the first Imperial Austrian legion) obsolete and destroyed any chances of the Catholic Church securing victory in the crusade against Austria, especially with only eight hundred and seventy muskets made for the entire army of one million (-Composition: five hundred thousand levies, two hundred fifty-thousand cavalry, two hundred forty-nine thousand knights of all of the Catholic orders, and one thousand musketeers [Some used the Arquebus instead due to the distinct lack of muskets]-) crusaders, do to the failed crusade in Bohemia and the Iberian peninsula takin back by the Muslims specifically the Granada Sultanate, leaving only weakened England, France, Hungary, Italy, some of the Catholic or unhappy dukes of Germany, and a few Catholics from the Kalmar union joining in on the crusades as many of the Kalmar union where German reformist themselves (Now the German Church, or the Wahres Wort Gottes Church for none German peoples).

The crusades ended in total failure against Austria, the now reformed Al-Andalus Sultanate (Only consisting of Granada (an annexed Portugal), Castile and Aragon at the time and later Tunis, Tlemcen, and Morroco, hit the French and British from both land and sea eliminating over half of the crusaders' forces before they could even march into the Swiss duchy of Austria, with the Byzantine Empire sending part of their fleet to handle the Hungarian and almost none existing Italian "fleets" that were transporting troops to and through the frontlines of the Austro-Catholic war of 1427 AD oftentimes referred to as the "Catholic Macassar", do to the death toll of the war rising to one myllion five thousand and eighty deaths and not a single dead Austrian.

(two thousand deaths were from a regiment of disgraced catholic nobles thrown into the frontlines in France and England by the Grandanians.

Eight thousand of the deaths were caused by a combination of Mamluke refugees with a vengeance joining the Hungarian forces with four hundred muskets and five thousand and nine Arquebus that pushed back the Byzantine forces to the original borders knocking them out of the war as they were to busy with the Mamluke Sultanate to do any more.

Al-Andalus took the largest amount of casualties on the Austrians side losing twelve thousand troops when they landed in England and the fierce fighting in France cost them four thousand soldiers with two to three thousand being killed and one hundred and twenty-six Arquebus being stolen by both British and French troops. The total Austrian alliance casualty count: Twenty-four thousand five hundred to Twenty-five thousand.

The total number of catholic deaths: Nine hundred eighty thousand five hundred eighty-nine hundred eighty thousand and eighty.)'

A German man of around twenty-five years of age with orange hair and brown eyes wearing a reversed color tux with gold trimming throughout the entire suit in cannon shapes and floral patterns read out loud to a small group of children.

"I'm afraid that's all of the time I have to spend with you here," The man said to the children before standing up from the lavish couch he was seating on.

"Do you really have to go uncle Falken?" A golden-haired boy with blue eyes asked the man.

"I am afraid so prince Berengar (XXI)" Falken said to the boy, which began to pout at the mention of his honorifics.

"I told you not to call me that in private uncle!" Berengar said frustrated at the formalities.

"I am sorry pri...Berengar It's just a habit" Falken said while scratching the back of his head before sighing "but yes I do need to leave I have a meeting with Congress and the emperor soon." Falken then proceeded to leave but before he closed the door he decided to say "I'll make sure to show you a new prototype later to make up for my folly earlier ago." then Falken closed the door and left the excited young prince alone.

Falken wasn't actually closely related to prince Berengar XXI but loosely related through that of 'disgraced' Ava's third cousins (great-great-grandson) that married into the Schmidt Familia three century's prior but he and the prince were on close terms due to Falken being his godfather and a close friend and advisor of Emperor Berengar XX.

Though the Schmidt family was not known for producing politicians but engineers and inventors Falken was heavily thrown into the political scene as the most fitting for the position as grand duke of the swiss duchy.

Originally another family ruled over the Dukedom but they were overthrown by rebels despite Germanies (then Austria) might, but were swiftly eliminated due to the steam technology that had founded modern-day vehicles and was a basic foundation for tech advancement in multiple fields.

Falken proceeded to walk down the halls of the Kufstein Palace, which we're enamored with riches to show off the power of the Imperial family, and the Kufstein Reich as a whole. Eventually, Falken found himself walking on the streets among the common people who were as wealthy as any noble in any other country if not more so. He finally came to a stop when expecting a large thirteen-story building known as Adlerhaus to the Germans or the congress building to those outside of the empire.

"Falken! It's good to see you being on time for once!" A grey-haired man with blue opal-shaped eyes greeted Falken enthusiastically.

"It's good to see you too, King Hans XIX," Falken replied rather indifferently

"What just because I disagree with you going on that dangerous trip to Venus you suddenly don't like me now?" Hans said slightly aggravated at the notion.

"It's not that I don't like you sire it is that you prevent me from making history as my and your ancestors did so long ago!" Falken bellowed in annoyance at having to prolong his trip and make history to further bring glory to his family's name.

Hans sighed before saying "You are really adamant on that trip aren't you? Fine do whatever you want but if you die that's on you, not me!" Hans then began to walk towards the entrance of Adlerhaus "What are you waiting for the meeting starts in five minutes duke it will take the lift three minutes to get us to the top floor and a little more than one minute to get to the meeting hall!" Hans said hurriedly before running off into the massive structure.

Falken soon followed after as he knew that the Emperor gets rather agitated when people don't make it to the meetings on time, he is a very busy man with an extremely tight schedule.

After running for about thirty seconds Falken and Hans made it into the lift before waiting three minutes to get to their floor the thirteenth floor to be exact. "How goes your realm king Hans?" Falken asked Hans with a hint of worry.

"That damned Erobert faction is stirring up trouble again, violence hasn't broken out yet but we're in a state of political unrest, and from what I can tell those Russian bastards are supplying them with some weaponry making them stand competent of their opposition." Hans grumbled before continuing "I've had to dismiss half of the Bohemian Defensive Army due to them being a part of those damnable warmongers!"

Falken grimaced at that thought Half of the Bohemian kingdom was ready for rebellion against the Bohemian crown after them wanting to claim territory from a nearby country that they claim to be their rightful clay but without the support from the Bohemian crown the people aren't able to officially lay claim to that land, so they are trying to usurp the crown and give it to Hans older brother Flieger von Böhmen (German for Bohemia) Kufstein who was the greatest pilot in the entire empire at that time along with one of the most powerful supporters of the Erobert Faction though not the head of the organization he was a leader responsible for recruiting pilots into their forces.

Though the empire could step in and stop this whole feud there's a bit of a roadblock in doing that, for one it would be the German Empire recognizing the Erobert Faction as rebels, and causing war with the Rus (Rus never became Russia in this timeline but they are still called Russians)

After a small time of silence, the lift dinged and the sliding doors opened revealing a small extravagant hallway that lead to just as extravagant doors.

The duo walked through the glamorous hallway before the servants opened the door, by the time they reached the other end the door had already been opened completely. Though the two had seen the meeting room many times in the past they still admired its extravagant beauty was equivalent if not more so than the Sistine Chapel ceiling painted long ago.

(End of chapter.) {Updated: Spaced out the paragraphs}

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