

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
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27 Chs

my melody


i don't know for how much time i played, but i don't want to stop.

i peek at the sun while playing, which is already going at top which means it's going to get afternoon soon.

let's just play for some more.

i was about to play more when i caught some strangers standing at some distance near me

"she plays so good",i snap at my back  and caught some couple sitting behind me.

i replied with a thanks with a slight nodd of my head and put my violin inside violin case.

"but most of your song only express sadness dear?",one of the girl from them said to me from afar and i was about to answer when

"(ting)",my cell vibrate with a message.

i nodd at them and gaze at message which is from alexa

(message)"darling,when are you coming?

she must be asking about university!

let's head to university as today is my second day.

so i message her back,"wait for me at gate....i will be there within 10 min"

"(TING)",another message pop up

"(message)okay be safe today is 27th i know!" ,Although they only knew about my nightmares and trauma.

But, Her caring message automatically crept a smile on my lips.

let's head towards university. 




At university'

I passed through university's gate then walk inside and gaze at time on my cellphone screen.

"let's wait for them"

it's already afternoon and i just skipped my morning classes as, i was at beach.

and what did i do their? a mocking laugh left my lips.

"hah..trying to forget an unforgettable memory?",i don't know why but i can't help but mock myself.

as i walk inside, i passed through basketball court, the same one from yesterday.

I halt and  I peek through my hoodie  so as to get clear  view.

some boys are playing today too, but is he their?

 i look around but i can't see HIM.

"wait!!",when i realize...

"why m i even searching for him?",i pout remembering  his yesterday's behavior.

"i don't want to see him...hmmf",turning around i walked away. 

after some min of walk and passing through some classrooms, i move and halt at corridor waiting for my friends arrrival.

i look around for them and then glance at my violin case and books in my hand.

"(sigh)", i m tired of holding this but i don't want to keep them on floor.

I snap at corridor catching two girls coming towards my direction while gazing at me.

i pull my hoodie down more so that they won't be able to see my face or try to pull my hoodie as  a prank. 

"hah" ,i heard a scoff from corridor and saw two girls coming closer. 

"What happen?", i snap as another girl asked her.

and the first one,while  pointing her chin at me which i caught while peeking through my hoodie said, "look!!"

let's just ignore them,i turn my head to look for my friends as it's every day's show.

but oh godd!! i can feel their stares.

i can hear them so clearly.

girl 2:--even though her figure is hot...what's the point huh...with that ugly face which need to cover!!

I know that my figure is good as I'm used to run early in the morning. so I don't have that much fat on myself except for the essential parts like front and back.

The first girl replied,"yeah...skirts look even more preety on her isn't it?"while eyeing me up and down.

today i wore a small check black and white   skirt which reached above my knee over a hoody brown t-shirt  with my  hoody over my head to hide my face.

i can understand them clearly as I always tries to avoid  this type of clothing and my attire always hide my body and face.

They pass through me and one of them mock while passing,"is she now trying to seduce someone?...hah...who will even fall for her?"

"tsk",i heard everything but I can't change their thinking.

"hey sweetie~",someone chirp from behind me whom I know clearly.

I turned around and caught my friends.

Alexa was walking towards me and following her was Amelie.

Amelie caught my violin,"yo babe...wow...violin"her eyes sparkle like a kid and she move to me in hurry.

She continued,"....please.. please...one Melody...please... June",i know they both like me playing and doing my favourite things.

And I don't want to disappoint them as these two are the only one whose wishes I won't be able to. deny,"okay~ after classes"

Alexa chirp feeling excited,"yippie"

and Amelie gaze at me holding worried expression,"but June are you alright baby!" and Alexa too gaze at me with same expression.

i nodd my head slightly at them and tried to change the topic,"okay lets go now!!"

they look at each other.

i knew both understood that i don't want to talk about my nightmares and begins to follow me silently giving me my space to clear my mind.






"now .. classes are over...where should we play music",Alexa asked Amelie while i just kept sitting silently with them.

i don't want to play!

i never did in university till now and right now the situation is also not good.

"obviously in music hall",Amelie answered her back which made me flinch.

i don't want to get any attention from others...i would love if they just IGNORE ME.

"b..but....!!",I can't let this happen.

"okay...June...you are scholarship student from music...",Alexa reminded me.

yup....i m a scholarship student but i never played after taking my admission here.

like they understood what i m thinking even under hoody they looked at me

"you have to play...one day",Amelie who always talks in a friendly way but now her tone is so serious that she reminded me about the fact which made me realise that i do need to play in one of the day.

i bite my lower lip and put my head down and nodd at them like a obedient child.

"don't worry sweety~we are with you baby",Alexa pull me into a side hug trying to make me relax.



"hey.. hey...do you want to suffocate us!",Alexa yell as Amelie hug both of us tightly"how can you leave me alone!...hmmf....i will hug both"

"this girl",Alexa mumble and Amelie giggle and i giggle at them.

"so you wanna play?",Amelie asked.

"amhmmm"i nodd.




----to be continue