

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
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27 Chs

father and son


(inside Dominick's study room)

The room was spacious,interior in a dark theme ,filled with books ..file..magazines and all necessary stuff a businessman would need.

Dominick was doing some work on laptop, when he suddenly remembered his talk with mia this morning.

Dominick thought the same as mia expected 'england is the best choice ,to see how much he can do...stephen's mafia power is rising at very fast rate!'

"we need to control him,he is doing so much human trafficking.."

though dominick also rules sweden's mafia but he is keeping everything in control forming peace with other mafia rulers!

He pick up his cellphone and call his eldest SON.

"tu...tu..tu...ting"(call connecting)

"RING-RING"(call connected)

"the person you have call is busy"

"tsk",clicking his tongue frustratingly he made a call again , but still latenterey didn't answer,

"where is that brat now??"(frustratingly)





somewhere in greece






There was a devilishly charming man, full of sweats practicing boxing in the training room.His blue eyes were in daze like it has become deadly cold. His jawline was sharp and his face was holding a long expression.

each time his punch lands on a boxing bag it becomes sharper and harder.

At the same time, another young man with blonde hair and green eyes enters the training room holding cellphone. His name is grey.He is among the close childhood friends of latenterey .

GREY -"hey bro!!"(worriedly while gazing at latente)

'it's been 7 years, but he is turning more and more cold.I m his close frind but even i dont know the reason'

punching noise halt and a cold and sharp voice rang inside room


and again latente restarted his practicing,


GREY--"Dominick uncle called me..."(showing cellphone screen while waving hand)

LATENTEREY--"what did father say!!"(coldly while boxing)

GREY--"he wants to talk with you!"


room turns silent except for the punching noise!.

grey gaze at him ,who was punching boxing bag continuously ,expecting to get answer. Latente click his tongue and nodd slightly. After getting his answer grey sigh then put cellphone aside and move out.

after 10 min

"ring ring"


LATENTEREY--(still boxing)

"ring ring"


"ring ring"

LATENTEREY frustatingly pulled out his boxing gloves ,threw them aside then moved and grabbed the cellphone . as soon as his gaze landed on caller "tsk", pick call frustatingly and coldly.


on other side

DOMINICK'anger rose at the way his son just answer his call,

"you..brat!!...where are you??"(angrily)

latente press his lips realising that his father is angry at the way he just answers his father's call.

LATENTE--"Greece"(but still answer without any emotions in his tone )


Dominick's anger rose more knowing that his eldest son is in greece and he ..his father ..don't know about it.


on the otherside, after taking his daddy's silence latente already feels that his dad is angry.

LATENTE---"you have something to say daddy?"(cold)


'let it be he is like this(cold) from childhood and kitten is right...he is turning more cold..he needs a tour!'

LATENTE--"what?"(move out and sit on bench wiping sweats with towel)

DOMINICK--"your momma and I decided that you are going to England for 3 years!"


DOMINICK--"it's your momma's wish"(smirk)

LATENTE--"what m I going to do their?"

DOMINICK--"it's up to you!"

LATENTE --".."(press his lips.)

DOMINICK--"we are not going to support you financially"(smirk more Imagining his son's expression)

LATENTE--".."(pondering something)

DOMINICK--"you have to earn on your own!"(thinking about revenge of how his son tease him in cold way though right now latente is capably earning on his own)

'this is the best revenge..you brat..now how will you enjoy luxurious life which I gave you?'


DOMINICK--"hmm....I will arrange your another identity.."


DIMINICK--"and come back home ...your momma is missing you!"

LATENTE---"okay~"(smile forming on face remembering his mother)

DOMINICK raise on brow nodding in agreement that atleast his son is warm to his sister and mother!...but before he could say something )

"tut-Tut"(call end)

LATENTE---(hung up before his dad could say anything)

On dominick's side,

DOMINICK--"this brat...he dares to cut my call..huh!"(angrily while Gazing at screen of cellphone)

Then mumble"let me see what you are capable of in mafia UNDERWORLD brat!(smirking).."


'I know your mother must have given this idea cause something is coming!...and it's related to underworld!'(chuckle)

---------on latente's side


'that man!!...he must be cursing me!'




i know there might be mistakes ...please avoid them i will try to make them correct as soon as possible

silkystormcreators' thoughts