

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
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27 Chs



after half an hour, we move back to our university by the same route.

As we pass by basketball court, I remember that devilish looking boy and look around to find that same arrogant yet handsome boy from under my hoodie.

When I heard some girls screaming and fanning over a boy!

"wow...he looks so handsome"

we all looked towards the source of noise and all three of us halt and snap at basketball court which was surrounded by many girls and boys and a game was going on.

those abs are so good I gulp down watching two boys who were playing shirtless from afar.

this is the first time I m watching this good body proportion?..l thought that this type of male body proportion only exists in novels!...but look at those 2 men?

one was with blonde hairs and another with brown dischielved hairs scattered and covering his eyes!...and with his sharp jawline.

that look suits him!..and look at how he is playing so expertly?

but... wait that boy looks familiar?..is he that same man??..I gaze at him playing basketball expertly,then he turn around and throw ball inside hoop making a goal.

and again girls chirp,

"wow...he is so cool ...kya~"

"what are you saying??..he is hot!..look at those abs man?"

their were some men too!..who were jeleous,

"man...I'm jealous of him..he always attracts attention.."


Amelia asked a passer by girl who was running towards the basketball court,"what's going on there??"

"ohh!!..I too donno!...I just got message from my friend to reach here!" ,the girl said while moving away in hurry.

I look at the basketball court then it.must be related to that boy??...he is really handsome!'

Amelie nodds at the girl and Alexa chirps in excitement,"let's go .. maybe new hot guy!"

AMELIE--''yeahhh"(Eyes sparkling like a fan)

I asked myself,

[do I want to go?]

and a voice came from my heart saying,


and my brain begins to make reasons,

[what if he is really that boy?...what if he is curious about me??he looked like that though!...I m sure from the way he smirked and look at me,he is!!.. thennn!]

I press my lips,but they move on their own,

"you go...I don't want to!"

Amelie groan in frustation as she knows me very well, and then roll her eyes,"as always,okay!!!"

I gave her a small smile,and looked around and saw Alexa already making her way to court.

[She too knows me very well...No!...they know me like how I show myself to them!..I have many secrets!...I can't tell them!...what if I lose these two too]

..I snap at girls screaming at basketball court and. then my eyes caught him

and about that boy?...well he should stay away from me!..that's best for him!..it's not like I like him or something?...that was just a coincidence!...that look and smirk on his face!..yeah that's just an coincidence!

I sigh while looking at my both friends running to their future crush,

''i don't have any important lecture now!!...and I want to read too!''

andreline rush inside my body imagining what will happen next in novel.

why not sit under tree and read peacefully?

and I storm towards trees, "let's go and read!"

i look around for good location,


there was a big tree just at some distance from basketball court.its leaf falling down due to light wind and it's shadow was covering the whole area beneath it.

''such a good location!!..'',I move and sit under it taking long breath and excitingly pulling out book.

"wow...what will he do now~~"

I hurriedly opened a folded page at which I stopped yesterday and resumed my reading.


I snap,''its new lecture?'' and again resume my reading.



but i don't want to stop.i change my position and continue reading.


"growl", putting my hand on my stomach which is now growling for food,i realise that too much time had passed .

I look around

"(gasp)" sun is setting down?

it's already evening??...I was so busy in Reading that I forgot about time?


I shot up and run to entrance.mom must be waiting!!

i didn't even tell her about being late and I'm hungry too!

I pull out my cellphone and look at time,then my eyes caught message.it's from Alexa!

ALEXA--(message)"we are going back...take care ~"

it's from 1 hour ago,

she must be worried! ..I replied her back in haste.

"going back home...bye~"(message)

the , I halt my steps and pull out novel book again while making my way out of gate.

"uff..I didn't fold the current page",i remember that I didn't Mark page so let's mark it before I move out of University.

I Open back my novel book to find the page.but keep peeking in front as I need to turn from outside of the gate or I will end up on the main road!.

now that I mark my page i thought about keeping it back in my bag so I pulled my bag and was about to keep the book and caught a turning point at corner.

when I was about to walk through turning point , a masculine fragrance wrap my nose and i hit something hard.

I stumble back loosing my balance and

"thud..", book fell down

"ouch!!!!",and me too.

ow..ow!!..it hurts!....I forgot to take this case in consideration that I might hit someone! ..

"oww",I rub my back.

it must be some boy!

and as I predicted!...it's a boy!..as his voice greeted me.

"are you all right??(coldly)"a shiver run down from my spine hearing his voice and tone which is as cold as ICECLES!

is this the way you ask someone if she is alright or not?

I groan peeking up from under my hoodie, but I can't see him.he is tall, so tall!...that I might only reach to his shoulder.

I tilt my neck up more but still can't see his face due to my hoodie and height difference that's when my hoodie threaten to slip down from back which pull me out of my thoughts.

"gasp",gasp left from my lips and I pull my hoodie down.

I even forgot to pull my hoodie down because of pain!!!.

suddenly,a masculine hand which is of the same boy came into my view.

"here",he said coldly without any emotion.

I snap at his hand I can see his viens , and I want to scold him

is this the way you help others??...you can just walk away if you want!!...why are you helping me forcefully?

but wait?

"oh no?",i began to look around.

where is my book, l look around for my novel and found it catching dust.

no!!..my novel!..it's costly!!...and I need to return it back to library too!

I ignore his gesture and grab my book.

"ummm",a small cries left my throat.

it caught dust!...let's just wipe it!,and I remember that boy.

and when i watch him after standing he has already pulled back his hand.

its all because of him!..hmmf

I pout under my hoodie.

he kept standing their and looking down at me..or maybe my book?

hmmf..why should I care, i began removing dust from pages and move away.

"sorry mister",I apologise to him without looking or waiting for his reaction as it's mine mistake too.


BUT..boy kept standing there and then he turned and peek at June who turned around at next turn ,

"I just got ignored huh?",he mumbled in amused tone.

"and that's just for a novel?",an arrogant yet a develish smirk form on his face.

he is none other than Rey...or none other than LATENTEREY.

then suddenly, her soft gasp with her sweet baby lips which was revealed before she pulled her hoodie more replay in his mind.

"what the fcuk?",he cursed out loudly and a cold bleam flash through his eyes.

"tsk",feeling frustrated latente turn around and strode away.



_____to be continue