

[WARNING- it contains mature content AND violence] JUNE...A simple,innocent and sheltered girl got ABDUCT just before her wedding day and when she got to know that the man who kidnapped her is none other than the trustworthy man of her soon to be husband she got shocked! She argue with her kidnapper "No!!...why did you kidnapped me??..he is DEVIL!!...mafia ruler ..he will kill you!".. but the answer she got made her shocked!.. "LET'S SEE MY DARLING~" he is just a guard!... BUT he gives different VIBES...A vibes of a king....A DORMANT KING... _________________ THIS IS A STORY OF A MAN...who is capable enough to RULE WHOLE UNDERWORLD MAFIA. A MAN who will burn the WHOLE world for his DARLING. A story of a MAN who will fight to become stronger....to protect his DARLING~ BUT WHAT AFTER GETTING STRONGER???? "WRECK HAVOC ON EARTH JUST FOR HIS DARLING!------ -----JUST TO HAVE HER!!!!"

silkystorm · Urban
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27 Chs

capturing my thoughts

Next day

at University

i arrived at University and yesterday's violin incident ran in my mind.

"will something good happen today?",i mumble hoping something good might happen.

why m i hoping for something like this?....i know what my heart is hoping for?.....but I can't do anything!...this people will never respect me!... because of me hiding my so called 'ugly face'

"urgg",i groan rolling my eyes and strode inside.

let it be!....I m early today...a small smile crept on my face!....let's just enjoy small happy moments.

i was in a good mood when I caught some boys peeking at me from corridor.

"huh?",i look around

why is everyone peeking at me?

are they shocked because of my performance from yesterday ?

i mumble,"tsk who cares!!" and walk inside trying to ignore their gossips which I can hear clearly.

''--have you seen--"

"she played so beautifully!...but what about her face?--''

''but what was that tune?"

"shall we approach her?---"

i can hear everything!

but i hope they don't approach me.i increase my pace and walk inside my classroom where my first lecture will be held.

i caught both Amelie and Alexa sitting on back and went to them.

soon professor follow me inside.

as soon as I sat beside Amelie she chirp and whisper,"Your Melody got viral june"

Alexa nodd while i peek at them from professor.

"b..but...I don't want this!",i whisper and my head bent down as i know i too want it.

"ohh...baby!!you are so cute..June!",Amelie whisper again and pinch my cheek under hoodie.

i pout at them and caught professor glaring at us.

we all flinch and gaze at our books.

after that classes went smoothly and now its about 3pm.

we all walked out while gossiping and went towards the back gate of the University.

i halt, as i suddenly remember those books which I wanted to grab from the library and my both friends stop too and gaze at me worryingly.

Amelie was first,"June?"

"are you okay we know that you might not have slept whole night!",Alexa said.

i don't want to think about night so i tried to ignore their worries,"I will be late...I'm going to the library to pick some books.."

both went silent for some sec and then nodd to each other and ,"kay...we will head back to home..",said Alexa.

i nodd and caught amelie's worried and reluctant expression,"yeah take care".

i nodd then turned around and walk towards library.

after grabbing the book, i again went towards the back gate to move out .

i pass through the basketball court and peek inside around, to see if i can see 'him'.

when the wind blew,

"urgg"groaning I shudder and clenched the book tightly around my chest ,i should have wored something like jeans"tsk", i wore a small skirt above my knees and a hoodie and now this wind ,i feel cold on my lower body.

I think i might catch cold at night i thought unknowingly while shuddering at its coldness and again begins to walk but a strong wind blew,

"gasp",my skirt blew up.

i tried to hold books with one hand then bend down and hold my skirt with another.

gosh...their are so many boys here as it's playground area.

my cheeks start burning with embarrassment.

that's when, my hoodie blew away and my hairs scatter with wind all over making my eyes widen with fear.

"sh!t!",i loose grip around books and they fell down scattering not worrying about books i tried to grab my hoodie which was in vien.

i peek around and some students are already gazing at me.

my heart begins to thump loudly in my ears and i fell down on my knees lightly , while bending down my head making them cover with my hairs.

my instinct moved my hands. my one hand grab all the books at one place one by one , while my other hand pull back my hoodie over my face with my all might to hide my face.

after gathering everything i gaze around at people and their stares and mobiles directed at me from under my hoodie.

my eyes unknowingly moved towards the basketball court and caught the same devilish looking guy staring at me expressionlessly.

i met his intense gaze and the same develish arrogant smirk form on his lips.

gulp..my heart sink while remembering warning from my smiley and I ran out of University in hurry.



{sometime earlier}

Playing basketball here at this time had became our daily routine.both grey and i come here to play for sometime away from that bastard stephen.

and as usual we were taking short break when I caught her moving out from library.

i was not the only one who spot her,many were already talking about her from yesterday because of her violin performance.

today is quite a cold day,wind is breezing from time to time and yet she is wearing so less cloths.

She is wearing brown color short skirt with oversized hoodie top

[Does she want to get attention from others?],a hideous and 'not like me' question ran in my mind.

m i gone crazy?how can I judge someone even when I know that she didn't sleep for whole night and kept crying for unknown reason.

she might be careless wearing.

she halt and look around for sometime when wind blew and i can see her shuddering from here and caught her clenching her book tightly around her chest.

she always wears shabby clothes that no one can have a guess that she has such a petite figure

i grab water bottle from grey and began to drink it while keeping peeking at her and her moments.

''oh god?'',Roman standing beside me mumble and i follow his sight.

as i thought, because of wind her skirt begins to blew up while she kept trying to hold it down.she must be embarrassed.

and to her bad luck because of her action her hoodie blew away revealing her long pitch black hairs scattering in wind.my guess was right she got dark colour hairs.

she peeked around ,trying to grab her hoodie and then release her grip around her books and fell down.

i don't know why but i find her falling down so graceful.

shall I help her?.... everyone is just watching and trying to click her face maybe to discriminate her as ugly or to reveal her face.

maybe by helping her i might be able to see her face and i was about to move when she grabbed all her books and stood up successfully covering her face with her hoodie.

i halt, as she look around and snap to our direction for 2 seconds

,why does it feels like she is looking at me?

does she found out anything about last night?

no,i made sure not to leave any traces.

having this thought made me excited for no reason and i smirk at her knowing that if that really is the case then this action might backfire me.

but I can't help,she flinched and made her run out of University.

"She ran away", i snap my eyes as one of my classmate mumble while looking at gate where she ran out.

then was she scared about everyone and about revealing her face? remembering how she was gazing around scaredly.

(sigh),leaving long sigh i tried to not think about her.

this is the first time after so many years that someone other than my family and my work is capturing my thoughts.

to be continue.....