
Rise Of The Wizarding World's Brotherhood

Last of the assassins from the brotherhood uncovers the deadliest strategic attack of the templars in late 2019. The plan has already been set in motion; a virus had been created. They were waiting for the total annihilation of the league of assassins to push their plan forward. However, by using his soul as a sacrifice he activated the most lethal weapon of the brotherhood the kills off everyone along with himself in an attempt to save humanity. As his reward, GOD allowed him seven wishes and an opportunity to be reborn in a fictional world of his choosing. Follow Dresden S. Winchester, on his journey to recreate the league of assassins in this traitorous new world, as he realizes the deeper workings of the world and the undercurrents going on in the shadows. Disclaimer: I do not claim the ideas taken from other sources, J.K Rowling is the Owner of Harry Potter. All Charters and world-building information taken from any of her works including movies belong to Her. All ideas that have been borrowed from other fan-fiction belong to the receptive owners. However, I do reserve the right to any original charters, plotlines, and world-building elements that I created. I have also borrowed some elements from Assassins Creed Franchise which belong to them, However, I reserve the rights to all new information that is created by me.

Asad_Dogar · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


I saw some concerns about the chapter pacing and a possible time skip. First off my intention for writing this story to go in detail and explain how he became proficient in using all how gifts. I planed on using his younger years to set up his organization. I gave a brief glimpse of his thinking and plans.

I wanted his travels to start with his parents at a younger age once he masters ligilimency and rudimentary magic. He would go to Japan on one such adventure and be invited to be a day student at mahatakuro school of magic there as it starts at age 7 he would collect info from there go to newt for some time to be introduced to magical beasts, gain their trust and feather materials for his wand.(as I said even though windless magic is better he will maximize his potential in both just like students of modern day Ugandoo. (Excuse my spellings I will fix them later)

He would set up his elf squadron etc. and a few surprises along the way that I wanted to save for later hint(something related to newt's trunk and the Phoenix-dragon)

I have read other fanfics where they breeze through their pre got warts years and just summarize their mastery in mindsets Bering yo criminals getting money and everything without details. I wanted to make it different.

Just as Batman could defeat anyone with enough prep time.

I wanted the Mac to gain advantage of his prep time and anonymity in his younger years to establish a somewhat sold foothold.

I had no big time skips planed because my story was supposed to have three volumes first one preschool, second one his schools(yes multiple) third one fighting the hidden organizations and cremating a true safe haven for all things magical.

Now let me know if you want me to continue this route or make a story with a time skip to his school years and make small notes on his accomplishments.

Again he would live with two main identities thanks to his metamorphmagus abilities. One as Dresden and the other as the leader of the brotherhood possible name suggestions are welcome or should I title him Ras-Al-Gul.

So please let me know, also if you notice the grammar errors or some confusing phrases please let me know so that I could fix them. As I said this is the first time I am writing and publishing it. I will try to fix it.

I will start posting again in the next week or two, thanks for your patience.