
Rise Of The Wasteland

Zhou Qingfeng is a nerd with no car, no savings, and no girlfriend. This story is set three days before the occurrence of a cataclysm that would threaten all of humankind. Amidst the chaos, Zhou Qingfeng strives to gather resources that would help him survive. He will stop at nothing to protect his friends. Along the way, he is granted a few ‘special’ abilities. He becomes so strong that he is practically invincible. But, everything comes with a price…. Faced with new enemies each day, how far will Zhou Qingfeng’s determination to survive take him?! “I start the game, with a dog in my hand. The equipment I need, I gather along the way. I dive into the cataclysm with the status of a beginner. Ruthless, I shall become. I would even detonate a bomb over my head! This is the path that I have to take, to rise to be the King of the Wasteland. “ Im just transalting this novel unlike before this book isnt necesarly stolen but im translating it this time if you want to read the raw just take the name of this book and translate it into chinsese and no i dont know chinese all im doing is running this into google tranalate and then editing the shit out of it also im to lazy to proofread so beware of mistakes also if someone wants to take my version of this book and edit it even more or just make it better yes you can just put my name okay just want some credit for the work that im doing do what ever you want with the book ok just put my name in it ok you could even steal it and put it on another site as long as you say that this is my book do whatever you want with it

LickSuckEatMyBut · War
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11 Chs


  The moment the gunshot rang out, Ivan, who was as strong as a bear, could feel the sizzling heat of the bullet grazing his scalp. His first reaction to seeing Zhou Qingfeng's gun was to lie down and get down, while calling out to his brother Yakov for help.

  Just the sound of gunfire triggered a panic throughout the bar, the United States this place shootings every day, a few deaths are too common. This leads to Americans are sensitive to the sound of gunfire, the first reaction to hear the sound of gunfire is to run.

  The Cat's Claw Bar has only one access point, and everyone can only squeeze in one direction. In the midst of the chaos, brother Yakov had just drawn his own pistol when he saw a large number of people coming towards him.

  Damn it!

  Even if Yakov is also a big man, but in the face of the surging tide of people do not dare to stop in the middle. He knew that Zhou Qingfeng would definitely mix with the crowd and try to rush out, but now he could only turn his head and run to avoid being pushed back by the crowd. As for his brother Ivan, he could only fend for himself.

  After Ivan got down, he also immediately realized the danger of his situation, in the chaos of the crowd was stepped on hundreds of feet, even a cow will be trampled to death. But this will be a little too late to wake up, he just wanted to get up, headless crowd has surged up.

  "Ouch, who stepped on me? I'm going to kill him!"

  "Oh ..., that b*tch is wearing high heels and stepped on my balls."

  "Help, don't step on it, I can't breathe."

  Faced with hundreds of people with thousands of feet, the ground Ivan could not even raise his head, he could only curl up his body in the end, hands on his head, suffering the pain of being trampled. And as for where Zhou Qingfeng is, he couldn't care less.

  The chaotic situation is exactly what Zhou Qingfeng wanted, he grabbed the gun with one hand, dragged Angie with the other, and rushed out behind a dozen people. He even saw the signboard lights in front of the Cat's Claw Bar and fired several more shots to extinguish them.

  The continuous gunfire made the crowd even more agitated, screaming and shouting filled the entire bar. Everyone couldn't control their emotions, they couldn't even calm down, they could only rush out like crazy. Zhou Qingfeng easily rushed out of the bar door, only to feel the crowd pressure on the chest suddenly smooth, even breathing is much easier.

  And when Zhou Qingfeng reached the roadside outside the bar, a dilapidated Ford sedan rumbled over and squeaked to a halt in front of him. Lena in the driver's seat shouted in exasperation, "Kid, you have to thank me for not leaving you behind. In fact, I'd love to leave you alone."

  "Thanks, thanks." Zhou Qingfeng shouted thank you while gasping for breath, while opening the car door and taking Angie in, and after closing the door he himself shouted, "Drive, drive, let's go."

  And at that moment, Yakov, who was guarding the entrance of the bar, saw Zhou Qingfeng who escaped, and he drew his pistol and shot repeatedly at Lena's broken car. After realizing that he could not stop it, he cursed, "Kid, I know who you are! You hurry and hide home and cry like a BABY because I will find you and fix you hard!"

  Sitting in the car, Zhou Qingfeng is already sweating profusely, he seems to be limp like leaning on the back seat, his arms and legs are shaking because of too much excitement. Chest violently heaving breathing. Just wait for the car to drive out a few blocks, he turned to check what he had stolen from the Potarsky brothers' room, and then look at Angie, who was safe and sound despite being half-naked, and finally laughed out loud.

  It worked, it really worked! Although the process was thrilling, but Zhou Qingfeng got the money, tens of thousands of dollars. With this money, the catastrophe when he at least will not starve himself to death.

  The laughter is full of relaxed joy and happiness, moreover, there is a bright future and expectations. Now it's just less than twelve hours after arriving in the waste world, and Zhou Qingfeng has already completed his first step against the cataclysm, which is a very good fucking start.

  This is the perfect first step, although offended the Potarsky brothers and injured a person, but compared to the countless difficulties of the cataclysm, this is nothing.

When the whole society is in chaos, with food and drink and girls to keep you company, this life is too good!

  Zhou Qingfeng's laughter was contagious, and after he laughed, Lena, who was driving, also followed with a painful laugh. This mixed-up woman also turned around and hammered Zhou Qingfeng on the chest, asking, "Kid, how much money did you actually rob?"

  "I got more than 50,000, just twice as much as you." Zhou Qingfeng said with a grin.

  "FUCK! The Potarsky brothers will be furious." Lena laughed louder when she heard this number, more for the loss of the Potarsky brothers. She asked again, "Where are you going next?"

  "Back to Murdoch Avenue, 200th Street, I'm sending this girl back to her parents." Qingfeng Zhou said.

  "I'm so jealous of this girl, I didn't have many people to rescue me when I was in trouble." Lena sighed and quickly drove the car back to Angie's house.

  Zhou Qingfeng helped Angie get down from the back seat of the car and tried to ring the Lawrence family's doorbell, but then the confused Angie suddenly woke up and pushed Zhou Qingfeng away and ran to the garbage can in front of their house, lowering her head and vomiting.

  Lena stepped down from the driver's seat, found a tissue from her small bag and handed it to Zhou Qingfeng, saying, "She should need this."

  After taking the tissue, Zhou Qingfeng walked over to Angie and said, "Hey, are you okay?"

  Angie looked up at her surroundings after throwing up, took the tissue away from Zhou Qingfeng's hand and wiped her mouth, but said nonchalantly, "Go away, you disgusting guy, I don't need you to care about me."

  "I'm afraid you misunderstood something, things are not what you think." Zhou Qingfeng felt that now the angry Angie is also quite cute, UU read the book www.uukanshu.com This at least indicates that this chick cares about himself, "I think I can explain."

  "Explain? Are you trying to make up a ridiculous story to get me to believe your lies? Do you take me for a fool?" Angie still hated and hated, "I always thought of you as my best friend, but I never thought you would actually recruit *whore*. You're really called ... disappointing!"

  "Hey! You're the only one who made a mistake tonight, not me. You were only fifteen years old, you shouldn't have been drinking at all, let alone going to a dangerous place like the Cat's Claw Bar. Do you know you were almost given ...." Zhou Qingfeng did not put words down, at least to give this chick some face.

  But Angie kept snorting coldly, not believing Zhou Qingfeng's words at all. She even flung her hand and said, "I don't want to listen to your lies, you are not allowed to come near me again, let alone to my house."

  Said Angie stride towards the door of the house, just do not wait for her to open the door, the door of the room opened itself. Hearing the shouting outside, a puzzled Rachel Conner came out first, followed by a puzzled Rachel Conner. Conner came out first, followed by a stony-faced David. Lawrence.

  "Jesus Christ, honey, what are you and Victor arguing about? I thought you'd be asleep by now." Rachel. Conner had obviously just gotten out of bed, with a jacket over her pajamas. She wrapped her arms around her daughter's shoulders and said in surprise, "Angie, you've been drinking? Victor, what the hell is going on here?"

  Angie turned her head to the side and huffed, not saying a word. The two Lawrence couple could only look at Zhou Qingfeng, who was standing outside their own door. Zhou Qingfeng shrugged to organize his language, but heard Lena standing beside him say, "I think it's better for me to explain this matter, is it okay?"