
Rise of The Unknown

Sunny Chaudhary, an average student, faces a critical moment when he overhears his professor calling his name. For some unknown reason, the Universe grants him the opportunity to transmigrate to another world. There he realizes his dreams of supporting his new family and opening a company that will shake the foundations of this new world. He will be known as the Master Chef of the gods, a superstar singer, the best Mangaka to exist, the best Director, the businessman of the millennium and many other adjectives.

SuryaDev · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Hiring Manager

Since it was still afternoon, there were no customers at all. Furthermore, Alex decided make Sarah his manager while he himself would deal with expanding the business or opening other businesses.

"I have a proposal for you, I'd like to offer you to promote you to be my manager. You'll be in charge for running the entire shop, and I'll provide you with a business management plan to put into action. Naturally, your salary will be raised to according your new role." Alex said, looking at Sarah,

Sarah stared at him in surprise, finding it hard to believe that such an offer was coming her way. She hadn't even completed her management degree, which was the reason why she had been working as a barista, despite her knowledge in the field.

"Yes! Thank you so much for this opportunity!" she exclaimed, her emotions running high.

Even though the pay wasn't enough to cover her tuition fees, she felt grateful for the chance to work in the field she loved.

"That's wonderful!" Alex replied with happily.

'Now, I have someone with the expertise to assist me.' thinking to himself,

"How about we close the shop so I can explain my ideas for the business and you can comment on it" Alex suggested.

"Sure, let me take care of it. We can go to the back; there's a computer where we can work," Sarah said as she rose to close the shop.

Once they were in the back, Alex began sharing his vision for the coffee shop. he explained to Sarah that he will divide the shop into two sections one for coffee shop and other half for a library and Internet Café. He will provide the funds for installing computers and stoking the library with books. They spent hours discussing and creating a comprehensive management plan on the computer.

Sarah's eyes sparkled with excitement as she realized the potential success of the plan. The shop was likely to attract numerous customers after the reopening.

After discussing everything, Alex moved on to Sarah's employment contract. He offered her a significant raise and officially made her the shop's manager. After printing the contract, he handed it to her for review and signing.

Without hesitation, she read the contract and promptly signed it, recognizing it as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

Little did she know, this moment would mark the beginning of a remarkable journey, setting her on a path to becoming one of the most influential women in the world.

"Cheers to a successful partnership!" Alex said with a smile.

"Cheers to a successful partnership!" she replied, smiling back.

After finalizing their discussions, he read the records as he familiarized himself with the Coffee shop sales and purchases. after that, they said their goodbyes, planning to start the coffee shop's transformation the following day.

As Alex headed home, he passed by a grocery store and thought, 'I could buy something delicious to make for Aria.'

Upon arriving home with the groceries, he coincided with Aria's return. After both of them took a shower, they prepared dinner together while discussing their respective days.

Following dinner, Alex quickly drifted off to sleep, exhausted from the day's activities.

The next morning, Alex woke up at 6 am and went for his morning run again, he felt good while exercising in the morning.

Upon returning, he prepared breakfast, but Aria was still asleep. Given that it was summer vacation with about two and a half months left before classes resumed, he decided to let her rest a little longer.

As he prepared to leave for the coffee shop, he left a message for Aria, informing her that he was heading to work and had left food in the fridge for her.

The routine continued for the next three days.

Alex woke up early to exercise and then dedicated his time to working on the coffee shop's renovation. He invested an additional $3,000 in decorating the place and the installation of new coffee machine, Computer and internet Service in the coffee shop.

They also renovate the name of the coffee shop from 'Sky-fall Coffee Shop' to 'Sky-fall Café.'

After three days of hard work, the Sky-fall Café was transformed into a new, inviting establishment with decorations that would attract customers.

In those three days, Alex also working on his programming skill to develop Sky-fall Café app. after creating the app he asked Sarah for help to register the app on App Store.

And It now had a professional barista, Sarah, who was more than capable of handling the job. They were ready for the grand reopening the following day, even though they didn't heavily advertise.

They promoted the app through ads and make sure that words reach the local community and social media.

Back at home, Alex continued to study business management and programming skill as he realized he could increase his knowledge through learning, which was a relief since he didn't want to rely solely on the system. He had managed to level up his knowledge recently.

"System, status."


Host: Alex Carey

Level 1 (0/100)

Age: 18


Strength: 5.2

Intelligence: 14

Vitality: 6.5

Charm: 12


1. Business Management Level 2 (98/300): the ability to manage a business to success.

2. Programming Skill Level 2 (100/300): the ability to create app.


'Alex noticed that his attributes had changed due to his morning workouts, making him feel better than ever.'

'I'm halfway to leveling up in Business Management and Programming Skills. I want to reach level 4 before completing my mission, not just level 3.' he thought.

Alex continued to study at the table, while Aria watched TV on the couch. In her simple attire, she appeared stunning. Her Silver hair tied in a ponytail gave her a mature look, and despite her young age, her slender figure held great potential. She was only 16yo and With proper nutrition, she could become a beauty that shake millions of hearts.