
Rise of the Unknown

Upon learning that he had a son who died and whom he never even met, Ajy became lost. He became different, his promptness, attentiveness, active and bubbly attitude were changed to silence, sadness and would always be lost in his own thoughts. People close to him weren't used to this so they tried cheering him up. But it was all in vain, not until the game W. A. R. was introduced to him. Entering the game for the first time in his life, Ajy was awed by the scenery and how life-like everything he sees. He started his journey as a noob but became an expert in half a year. All through out his journey, he was killed multiple times and went back to level one. He has done quests that would make him lose all his levels once failed. He would be hunted by others and sent back to the starting point. For him, he enjoyed everything. This game was able to lift his spirit and he returned to his usual self. He thought it was just a game at the beginning, but after he became the season 1 champion of the game, it changed his perspective and wanted to create his future inside the game. In front of his son's tomb, he promised that the two of them shall never be forgotten. He will create his own legend that will always be remembered. **** War of Armageddon Resurgence is a virtual reality game that features mostly fighting and wars against the dark forces. It became a trending game especially after it opened the gold to real life money exchange feature. Countless players were ecstatic as they can earn money in game. Some poor people even became celebrities after trying the game. Currently, almost sixty percent of the Earth's population were playing this game. **** I don't have a book cover yet since I am not sure if this novel of mine would receive recognition. I wanted to earn money at first by writing but I changed my mind since I don't even know if my novel would be up to standards. Anyway, I would just write and share my imaginative world that I would like for our readers to grasp. Forgive my grammatical errors since English is my Second Language. And if you do find some grammatical errors, please message me or leave your comments in the chapter. ***** Enjoy reading guys!

GeezyGeez · Games
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50 Chs

Chptr 9 Mission Complete

Witnessing the ability of Ruby, Ajy and the three were awed. Silka was envious that Ruby became so awesome with Ajy's guidance, "Uhm! Elder Brother, could you also give me pointers?"

Silka was an Archer but her control towards her avatar was so poor, she can't even properly land a hit of an unmoving monster. Ajy was reluctant to teach her but seeing that she was eager to learn made him gave her pointers as well.

Of course, she also gave Erka and Auntie Lave some pointers. The three of them were all Mages so Ajy's pointers were more on point as he was the most knowledgeable when it comes to this class.

They have been grinding levels for the whole time that Auntie Lave and Erka were fed up so they just wandered around the area.

Ruby and Silka were still fighting against those monsters while Ajy was at their back constantly giving orders, pointers and information. Sometimes, he would even tell them to stop and personally show them how it should be done.

Soon, the four of them were leveling up faster. Despite not joining the two in killing monsters, Auntie Lave and Erka were leveling up at the same speed as Ruby and Silka since they were all in a team. Every experience gained will be equally distributed amongst them.

Not long after, the five of them were alerted as their in game clock notified them that they only have ten minutes before their alarm, "Ok! Time to go!"

With Ajy's words, the five of them, their avatars started disappearing in game one by one as they also woke up on their respective beds.

As usual, Ajy was going to have his morning run. He first went to the kitchen to chug down a bottle of gatorade when he bumped into Erka wearing a very tight blouse, revealing her perky nipples that made him instantly move his gaze to another direction, "Sorry! I gotta go?"

"Where to?" Erka asked who was now embarrassed as she covered her breasts with both her hands upon seeing the reaction of Ajy.

"To the athletic course, need to run!" Ajy said nonchalantly while his mind was still lingering on Erka's breasts.

Two hours of running then some exercise routines and shadow fighting, Ajy went back to the apartment and when he and Erka's eyes met each other, they immediately directed their gaze on a different direction which was instantly noticed by Auntie Lave.

"I'll be leaving you guys in two weeks time by the way," Ajy said simply while they were eating breakfast.

Erka panicked as this might be her fault because of what happened inside the game and a while ago. She couldn't accept it, she was finally having a home and her daughter was starting to smile more often. If Ajy would leave them, then she's going to start from scratch again but it would be so close to impossible because of Ruby's father, "Ajy, I know it's my fault but please don't leave. If you're mad at me then I'm willing to leave just don't include Auntie Lave and Silka...."

Before she could finish her words, Ajy interrupted, "No! No! You misunderstood me, I am temporarily leaving you in two weeks time as I have to go back to my province."

Ashamed! That's what Erka felt. She thought they were going to the streets once again but she thought wrong. It was because of misunderstanding Ajy. She thought, "Why did I have to speak? Urgh!"

"Anyway, don't bother calling me for lunch and dinner as I will be in the game this entire time." Ajy told them as he went straight back to his room.

[Initiating Log in...]

Having entered the game, Ajy went straight to the area of the Fairies in the Beginner's Forest. It was time for him to finish his mission, level up until 20 and start his real journey.

Fairies were a race in W.A.R. that was considered one of the strongest race that always hid in the forest and once spotted, they would immediately run as fast as they could. But for him who has gone back to level 1 ever since he played, he has tricks on his sleeves that he could use to find and ask the Fairies for what he wanted.

Venturing the deepest part of the Forest, there is actually a hidden mechanism there that could teleport a player into an enchanting place - a small lake and in the middle of it was a tree, sparkling magnificently while Fairies play and roam around the area.

This mechanism was actually shared by a gamer named Kind Beast who accidentally found it. Only a few gamers were able to read it including him as it was permanently deleted by the system as it is an offense sharing valuable information about game quests/missions. Despite that, a lot of beginning gamers were able to learn about it because of the gamers who saw it.

Although a lot of gamers were able to find it, only a handful had the right to talk to the Fairies. As for the others? They were instantly killed. Even those who have the right to talk to them could still be killed if the transaction went wrong.

With this information, a lot of gamers still tried it and made calculative preparations but in the end, it still failed. Soon, the matter about the Fairies at the Beginner's Forest died down eventually, there were still some who tried it thinking that luck would play the role but it didn't.

Never in their wildest imagination does Ajy hold the key to how to deal with the Fairies. Fairies were known as the kindest and most sincere race but once provoked, they are more brutal than the Orcs and more savage than the Undead.

Three things are needed to show your sincerity towards the Fairies: one is to give all your items(empty your storage and the equipment, accessories and weapons you're wearing) to them before talking, to show them that you mean no harm and don't hide any secrets.

Two, ask something that would interest them greatly and lastly, offer them everything you have if needed as a sign of sincerity.

Kind Beast who was able to find it accidentally lost his equipment so he was merely using the equipment given by the system. As for the items in his storage, he only had a few like potions, foods, some unnecessary looted items, and not even one piece of equipment could be found in his storage.

The Fairies already knew the items in a gamer's storage upon entering their place so they would allow gamers that meant no harm to them.

So he was able to pass through the first test, as for the second, Kind Beast immediately offered his help if they were facing any problems and so he passed the second test.

But the last test, he failed since he didn't offer anything and the only gamer who was able to finish these three tests was none other than Ajy himself. Offering them doesn't mean they'll take it. It was the thought that matters.

These three things weren't published in the game so it has gained a lot of bashing from the gamers but the creators of W.A.R. told them one thing, "Everything in the game has a purpose!"

Through experiments and multiple dealings with them, Ajy was able to learn, adjust and analyze the problems and finally succeeded. It took him 28 times to try it. So 28 times of going back to level one, and the mission would only reset after going back to the starting point (level 1).

Now that Ajy knew all of those things, the thing needed in the mission was acquired.


[Blessed Water of the Fairies Acquired]

[Blessed Water of the Fairies]

[Type: Potion]

[Quality: Divine]

[Description: A very potent potion that would instantly heal any ailments/disease no matter what it is.]

[Description: Gives a permanent attribute of 50 strength, agility, dexterity, intelligence and vitality also 5 luck.]

Upon receiving the item, Ajy then bid goodbye to the Fairies and went back to the Village Chief's residence.

"I bear the Chief the good news and a gift!" Ajy said upon entering the residence and bowing his head.

"Please," The Village Chief said weakly.

"I shall inform you Chief that this resident of yours has acquired the Blessed Water of the Fairies and I shall leave it to you as a gift!" Ajy said as he kneeled with one knee raising the item to the Chief.

A smile crept up on the Chief for a while as he slowly took the item and drank it.


[Mission! The Blessed Water of the Fairies Completed]

[Do you want to broadcast to the world this Achievement?]

"Ever since, I have completed this mission, I never announced it even once. But this time, since I was here to create my own glory, fame and empire, I will let the whole world know who I am in this game!" Ajy said brimming with confidence and excitement.


[World Announcement: Congratulations to Unknown for accomplishing the Mission the Blessed Water of the Fairies!]

The announcement repeated three times creating a massive reaction to the gamers. Some companies and big names were even posting online to offer this gamer money for the information regarding the mission.

There were big guilds also offering this Unknown to join them even giving him a position.

Even Wild Flower, Harsh Excavator congratulated him even offering him for the information about the mission.