
Big movements...

The two men in black suits let the car drive, headed for a town in Pennsylvania.

"You and your fucking ponies, Bob. You had to fuck everything up for me too didn't you. It'll be fine, you said. The boss won't find out, you said. WELL HE FUCKING FOUND OUT! And things are not fine at all!"

"C'mon bud, how da fuck was I supposed ta know dat would happen? I mean what're the odds she would run into the guy in Conquest, fa gawd's sake?"

"You coulda just done what the boss told you to do. Give the fucker the money! Now he's some big-shot that even the boss needs to get on the good side of! It's a fucking miracle you aren't sleeping with the fishes in the East River."

Bob muttered something unintelligible and added in a louder voice, "Y'heard what the boss said, gotta bring the kid in to see him ASAFP! "

"What was that you said!? Don't try to fucking change the subject you schlemiel!"

"Crap...I said, the boss ain't gonna do that to family."

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