

Amden Vantistart is a heir to one the leading consortium. But Amden has a secret. This is his second life. Amden have received a mysterious inheritance in this life. He will go beyond the boundaries of the Blue Water Planet in the wider universe to rule over everything. Watch how he conquerors and become a supreme ruler. The story is set in urban fantasy. (Must comment and review your opinions. And yes send more power stones please.)

Graviele · Urban
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96 Chs

The Duel

Natale and Amden stood facing each other on the temporary stage.

Natale took out his sword and let out a chuckle, "Get ready young master Amden."

He was ready to completely humiliate Amden in order to regain hi lost face.

Meanwhile Amden maintained an expressionless face and took out an ordinary sword from his spatial ring.

Natale said haughtily, "Make your move Amden. Giving you a handicap of few moves should minimise the advantage I have over you."

Amden despite the provocation and the insulting tone stood still and did not move a single muscle. He stood and calmly stared into Natale's eyes.

Natale was the one to first loose his patience. He raised his sword and charged towards Amden.

Despite not using mana Natale's speed was fast and this showed his physical prowess was on a higher side and the reason he was called a genius in generations.

Meanwhile Amden still did not move a muscle. Everyone witnessing the scene thought that Amden did not move because he could not catch Natale at this speed.

Seeing Amden unmoving, a smirk appeared on Natale's face and he slashed his sword vertically at Amden's right soldier. With the same momentum without a break, he slashed his sword, it it struck Amden, he was going to get injured badly.

Many people, especially the supporters of Vantistart family, frowned seeing Natale's action. He behaved like as he was settling a real grudge and not a simple duel to exchange moves.

At the last moment when the sword was about to be struck at Amden's shoulder, he just casually side stepped. Natale missed his attack and unprepared for this could not maintain his proper balance. Because of his momentum his body went forward.

He was about to turn and stand properly when a sudden dread appeared in his consciousness. A cold metallic touch rested at his neck and it did not required a genius to know that it was Amden's sword and the sword was followed by his mocking voice, "Young master Clove, I thought that we would be comparing notes in sword moves but you are trying to cut air. Is it kind of some new move you are trying to display?"

Amden's mockery generate a low and suppressed chuckle from the crowd. Although because of Clove's status, very few were ready to openly laugh at his face but in their mind everyone seemed mocking Natale.

The second feeling which went through the crowd was awe and surprise. The crowd was stupefied at what has happened.They dare not believe what had happened, mostly only thinking it as a stroke of luck.

Meanwhile the experienced one could see it was no luck.It was all Amden's capability. One of the most talented of the younger generation was crushed in a single move. No Amden did not even made a single move.

Natale felt completely humiliated. Firstly he missed his attack completely and then Amden's mocking word and the laughter of the crowd.

Natale then calmed his heart down. He then jumped backwards and created some distance between them.

Natale wanted nothing more than to pay back the humiliation. Using all his focus he dashed towards Amden and slashed his sword vertically.

Just like the previous time Amden side stepped to avoid the sword slash but Natale was more than prepared this time. He in a quick movement changed the direction of the sword in mid air and tried to slash it on Amden's neck.

Natale was delighted as felt his sword inching towards Amden's neck but in the last moment the sword missed its mark with a very fine margin.

Natale became utterly confused at how his sword missed Amden's neck. He was very sure that Amden was in the range of his sword when he had made his move.

Similar to him many other people were also left confused. Some even thought that if Natale was so stupid that he cannot take a proper measure of his sword range.

Only the experienced ones in the crowd had noticed the small subtle movement Amden had made by bending his back slightly at last moment to avoid the nick at his neck.

Although it was simple to describe in words only someone with high battle IQ and a peoper understanding of the enemy's attack could pull such a move. A single and small misjudgment could make things fatal.

Natale was quickly running his mind to decide his next move but Amden had it enough. Before Natale could react a fist smashed on his chest and he was sent flying.

Amden taunted again, "Mr. Natale Clove you are still unable to touch my sword. How do we compare sword notes if you maintain such an atitude?"

It was a complete humiliation for Natale. His face was red in rage and had lost any control over his mind. His anger had taken over calm and composed thinking.

The crowd, specially those who attribued Amden's two dodges to luck were stunned. Even if he had escaped using luck how could he send Natale flying, that too without any mana? How could Amden's physical body be so strong and probably even stronger than Natale?

Meanwhile in the room where Dramon and Alex had taken their seat, almost all the people present had surprised smile on their faces.

They were the top tier people and veteran of their profession. They had somewhat a true understanding of Amden's talent.

Breaking the silence one old chuckled, "Truly talented."

He then eyed Dramon, "Vantistarts have another genius."

All the other people could only nod in approval and agreement.