
Rise Of The Superpowered Nation (Jinrouki Winvurga)

A homeless New Yorker reading a everyday manga of jinrouki Winvourga as he’d always admires one character mashiro and on his final days of his life , until he was isekaid by god , as he has his own void , country a nation Jake must stop the evil dominator empire he must prepare his people to become the strongest for the kingdom they will protect

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · War
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24 Chs

Chapter 9 Out of control part 3

As everything begins spiral out of control Jake screwed up and more trouble keeps coming at this point a riot will erupt

As the sovereign police used a megaphone given an order to stand down and surrender


Sovereign police 1 : everyone inside the bar exit and walk towards with hands behind your heads

As everyone is outside still protesting against the police

Male protester 1 : fuck off pig!!

As they throw more empty bottles against the police

(Glass sheddering!!)

(Glass sheddering!! , glass sheddering!!)

As for Jake he's getting slightly worried the fact that he fucked up that much

Jake : ...

Jake (thinking) : okay I may fucked up even more then I thought

Jake (thinking) : okay okay calm down Jake ! I can I can turn this around

As mujeed is panicking about it

Mujeed : hooo!!! Haaa! Haaa! This is so fucked ! My friends if this keeps

Mujeed : I need more alcohol!!

Mujeed grabs a bottle whiskey and drinks it down

Mujeed : (gulp , gulp , gulp , gulp , gulp , gulp)

Fionn : okay okay okay we just need to figure this one out

Luka freaks out

Luka : what mean figure this out !! , we are totally fucked !!

Luka : those assholes ! Outside are about to bring the riot team here and that's gonna be a problem

Jake : calm down luka it's just a normal riot team!!

As luka begins to explain why it's not just a normal riot team

Luka : oh you think it's normal riot squad now let me explain to you dumbfucks!!

Luka : they are well trained equipped with advanced riot gear and riot shields and they can throw concussed grenades and Flash bangs !

Luka : and if those guys are about to attack the riot team it's gonna get worse!!

Reggie also said one thing that involves with carrying a deadly weapon

Reggie : I also took his gun with me ….sorry mates


Luka : ooooh nononono! This is so bad ,so so bad guys!

Until the guys heard a helicopter properly as it's coming it's was to the central district it was a Zetatech Valgus but made to carry riot squadrons

Sovereign R.P.D pilot : dispatch I see multiple males on the ground …uuugh I don't think we have enough guys to deal with this

Sovereign R.P.D dispatch : roger sending riot jinki to help Disperse the crowd mean while use tear gas

Sovereign R.P.D pilot : roger using tear gas now

As one of the riot squadrons fires tear gas

(Thunk! Thumb! , thunk ! Thumb!)

(Fzzzzz!! , clack! , clack! , Fzzz!!)

Crowd : coughing!! ,coughing!

As they begin to throw the tears gas back at them

Male protester 3 : fuck you!


Sovereign police 1 : Fuck! they're throwing back tear gas

Just moments later on a riot team shown up the street

(Clack! , clack!! , clack!!)

As they bash they're nightsticks together with the riot shields

Jake : holy shit …..

Luka : oooh nooo!

Reggie : Fuck me ….

As the crowd make an attempt to dash through the riot teams

Sovereign riot police 1 : fucking morons…t throwing flash bang!

(Click , thrown!)


Male protester 2 : aaaghh!!..nnngh!

But many still kept Rushing to break through

(Thuds! , thuds! , thuds! , thuds!)

(Kick, kick)

Sovereign riot police 2 : these weak shots are annoying push them back !!

(Push!! Push!!)


Meanwhile jake has been trying to find way to escape the central district

Jake : okay I have an idea now guys !

Luka : oh does this idea involves with better one then before you fuck!!!

As Jake ignores luka and begins to discuss it with rest of the guys to escape

Jake : okay here's what gonna happen reggie if the gun

Reggie with confused look

Reggie : what? What for?

Jake : just give me the gun Reggie

Reggie gave Jake the gun ,357 revolver

Jake looks back A jinki appears at the sight for the first time he was amazed by its design

Jake : waaah!

Jinki riot police : all of you hand behind your head and kneel and if you do now comply tear gas will be deployed Upon you

Male protester 1 : fuck you!!

As the pilot inside the jinki begins to flip some switches to launch mortars of tear gas

Sovereign pilot : little cocky fucks

(Flip click! , flip click!)

(Thunk! , thunk! Thunk! Thunk!)

(Boom! Boom!)

Tear gas erupt in the air as it travels down towards the crowd

Male protester 2 : (coughing!!) shit !

At that moment Jake fired a gun in the air

(Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!)

Male protester 3: holy shit !

Male protester 4 : let's get outta here !

As the crowd dispersed and the riot team marched forward

Sovereign riot police 1 : go go !

As some news reporters inside the helicopter described the situation

Male news reporter : the sovereign police forces had deployed tear gas and gun shots were fired!

Male news reporter : crowd are beginning to disperse!

And among the crowd jake , luka , mujeed , Fionn and reggie are running to escape

(Thud! , thud! , thud! , thud!)

Jake : stay close guys! Stay close !

Luka : this is insanity!!

Jake : mujeed hot wire a car now !!

Mujeed : okay !

The guys ran towards to the alley and found a shity car and Jake thrown the gun at the window and the car alarm rang

(Beep!! , beep! , beeep!!)


Jake : go! Go!

As Mujeed hot wires the car and the guys looks at every surrounding

(Spark , spark)

Luka (whisper) : we're taking another fucking car!

Reggie (whisper) : oh and run on foot looking suspicious!

Fionn (whisper) : think man !

Luka (whisper) : I'm freaking the fuck out ! Okay!

As the engine raves

(Engine raving!)

Mujeed : okay everyone get inside I'll drive !

(Slam , slam , slam)

(Tire screeching)

As everyone inside the car drove off with a hitch they successfully escaped

Military academy gate

Luka : haaaaa! ….That was close

Reggie : I almost shat my pants

Jake : okay peeps let's forget this shitty night we had was all a dream

Everyone : deal!



As they fall back to they're own beds


Jake : holy shit …..Finally it's over

Jake : zzzz…zzzz

Jake falls asleep easily with no worry

Next morning


Jake wakes up yawning

Jake : (yaaawning!) I'm so hungry

As he was getting cup of noodle shrimp he also noticed the time he was supposed to go to class

Jake : oh shit ! I'm late!

And the next thing happens


Jake : who the fuck can that be?

Jake walks up to the door and opens it


As it turns out it was the police and with warrants

Sovereign police 1 : my king have been near the central district?

Jake : uhhh …no no why you ask

Sovereign police 1 : your sure?

Jake : oh yeah

As the police men gets his phone and shows a video of Jake

Video audio : GUYS!! These fucking pigs want us pay for all this shit! You want to!?


Jake : uuuuhhh…..

As they handcuffed the guys and dragged them out of the building

Reggie : I didn't do shite!!

Mujeed : sir you have the wrong suspect

Sovereign police 3 : yeah sure

Fionn : my dad is gonna sue the shit out of you !

Sovereign police 4 : so annoying!

Luka : so smooth huh !! Jake you bastard!!

Sovereign police 5 : do me favor such the fuck up!

Luka : aaaah ! Fuck you!

As jake stood there with no response as the officer shown him the pictures of jake shooting a gun

Sovereign police 1 : this also you firing an armed weapon

Jake : ummm …can I get my student ID so you an have the update

Sovereign police 1 : sure let's us in to verify

Jake : oh hohoho you don't need to-

(Step , step , step , step)

As jake makes an attempt to escape throw the dormitory window but he was pinned to the ground


Jake : aargh! hey!

Sovereign police 1 : your under arrest for starting a riot and numbers of your BULLSHIT!

(Click , cuff)

Sovereign police 1 : anything you say will against you According to law ad you have the right to remain silent

In the end he was caught along with his friends as well

End next chapter