
Rise Of The Superpowered Nation (Jinrouki Winvurga)

A homeless New Yorker reading a everyday manga of jinrouki Winvourga as he’d always admires one character mashiro and on his final days of his life , until he was isekaid by god , as he has his own void , country a nation Jake must stop the evil dominator empire he must prepare his people to become the strongest for the kingdom they will protect

Jonathan_Bencomo_2348 · War
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24 Chs

Chapter 6 First year part 2

As the boys snuck out of the academy it was a success and right now they had to the central district to have a fun time and hopefully nothing goes wrong

As it takes some time to get to the central district some of the guys drink

(Snap , Fizz)

Jake (gulp , gulp , gulp , gulp)

Luka : (gulp , gulp , gulp)

Mujeed : (gulp , gulp , gulp)

Reggie right now is driving while drinking as well

Reggie (gulp , gulp , gulp)


(Tink , Tink)

Reggie ( buurrrp!!)

Reggie : oi mate (hick) …I think we're almost there?

Jake : what are you talking about we are nowhere-

As Jake just realize Reggie has been driving drunk now

Jake : Reggie how many have you drank now?

Reggie : I..uh….ummmm…Sikh now (hick)

Luka : why the hell would you drink that much-!

Luka looks at the front driver window and notice that Reggie is speeding

(Fwoosh! , Fwoosh!)

(Tire screeching!)

Luka : WATCH OUT!!

(Beep! , beep!)

Reggie despite him being drunk takes evasive maneuver to avoid hitting the cars

Jake : HOLY SHIT !!!!

(Tire screeching!!)


(Long beeep!!)

As everyone begins to scream

Everyone : AAAAHHHH!! Haaaa!

Reggie : come the fuck down mates ! (Hick)

Mujeed : your driving to FAST!! , YOU LUNATIC!

(Tire screeching!)


(Crash! , crash! , crash!)

Due to Reggie's reckless driving the cross road intersection is now pilling up with cars

Fionn : oh fuck!! , Reggie!

Reggie : huh? What is that thing in front of me ?

Jake looks again of the driver seat front windshield and what next comes to worse that was supposed to be a great night

At the very sight of Jake it was a pole that we're gonna hit

Jake : OH SHIT!!!!!!

Luka : AAAAHHHHH!!!!!

Few minutes before

Before they crash some guy in suit is in a heated rage after being laid off

Fired corporate : firing me over your bullshit!! , you know what fuck you!!

Male corporate manager : get out of here you bastard!!

Fired corporate : I've been working this development for my entire life now!!

Fire corporate: your so-called expertise says it waste of resources and you even talk shit about us when it's all your fault!!

Male corporate manager : get out of here before I call the police !!

As he tells him off the last time

Fire corporate : okay you know what I hope you get what you deserve!!

Fire corporate : and I hope an accident hits your ass!!!

(Tire screeching)


It the was same car where Reggie , mujeed jake, luka and Fionn were in crashed to a light pull near to their building

Everyone : uuuhhh…

Jake checks to see if everyone has been hurt

Jake : uugh …everyone good

Fionn : ugh my ass

Mujeed : oh I'm wonderful

Jake : Reggie ?!

Jake goes to the driver seat and checks

Jake : Reggie ?

Jake thought he was dead but it was the air bag blocking his face and air bag burst


Reggie : zzzz….zzzz….zzzz

As it turns out he slept really fast during crash during impact

Jake looks at luka asking if he's alright

Jake : luka you good men ?

Luka freaks out

Luka : NOOO!

Luka : we almost died and kill by this asshole !!

Reggie : zzz..zzz…zzz

Jake : luka we can deal with this later okay come help me with Reggie and we gotta get the hell outa here now

Luka : fine !

Luka and Jake gets Reggie

Meanwhile the two corporates are still standing looking at the crash car

Fired corporate : what the hell happened?

(Glass stepping)

Fionn : uugh

Mujeed : (coughing!)

Fire corporate : wait a minute isn't that-!

Male corporate manager : are those student from the military academy?

As he smirks about and walk towards them

(Step , step , step , step)

Male corporate manager : hey you five stay right their while I call the police

Jake : oh shit ..we gotta go!

As they hurried to escape the scene

Male corporate manager : hohohoho I'm a get a reward for this if I turn them


(Tink , Tink , Tink )

Male corporate manager : hmm?

The pole they hit was collapsing the light pole was falling directly at the corporate manager

(Tink !!)



The pole landed on the corporate manager while the others still ran away

Fire corporate : he's dead ….

Fire corporate : wooohooo!! He's dead hahahaha! I can keep my job!!

Fire corporate : (sobbing)

Meanwhile the corporate employee celebrates and cry's about keeping his job as the others they successfully escaped the scene

It took awhile to get to the central district but they finally made

Reggie : zzz…huh? …wha what happened?

Luka : the fuck he just woke up!!

Jake : good

Reggie : where's the car ?

Jake : you crashed the car man

Reggie : what!!?

Like : what do you expect you drank while driving so it's clearly your fault!!

Reggie : …okay shit

The central district was so lively chattering , watching sports and above all else drinking alcohol


(Glass clatting)

Male customer 1 : (gulp , gulp , gulp)

Male customer 2 : gahahaha

Jake : Reggie get you bank account ready !

Reggie : oh say no more mate !

As Reggie is excited the fact they will end up shit face drunk in night of their lives the others forgotten about the crash and for luka he did not

(Step , step , step , step)

As they approach to one of the bars the bouncer asked for IDs

Male bouncer : IDs show em

Jake : okay here

As all of them shown IDs

Male bouncer : hmmm let's see

The bouncer scans the card if it was a fake but due to mujeed being a complete genius of encrypting the cards it was a pass for the both of them

(Long beep)


Male bouncer : okay you guys can go now

Jake : yesss!

Mujeed : oh finally

Fionn : I need a hard drink right now

Reggie : we'll might as well get more tons of fuck up now aye hahaha!

(Music playing)

As music if playing the guys went up towards the bar and set on stools

Male bartender : okay fellas what am I get for ya

Jake : I'll have a vodka leave the bottle though

Fionn : scotch leave the bottle as well

Reggie : six Pints mate

Luka : seven big glass whiskey men

Mujeed : Tequila five glass and six beers

Male bartender : okay

The bartender types in the amount they'll pay well Reggie will pay

Male : three thousand and seven hundred ninety four credits

Jake : Reggie

Reggie : oh it mate !

End next chapter