

Ezra and Colax made their way through the capital at night. Colax had filled him in on the issue with Oliver.

Tonight was the night they paid a visit to all the houses of the people that had a hand in what happened to Oliver.

Everyone that was in the meeting, Ezra was going to kidnap them one by one, torture them, heal them, and take them to Oliver.

Though they had high security and staff, Colax had used the weeks that Ezra was away to plant the needed things.

She ensured that she created enough ways that they could carry out the plan. She planted shadow gates, infiltrated the houses, and rigged them to no end.

The thing about shadow energy was that you couldn't sense it like you could Mana. Also, Colax was very skilled in using shadow techniques that hide her presence and her being entirely.

She could infiltrate the house of a saint or sage and get away with it; that was how good her ability in shadow was.