
The king

The carriage finally arrived at the capital city of Astoria. The walls were grand, and soldiers could be seen walking along them.

There was a strict check at the gates to ensure that nobody with bad intentions got into the city.

When they got to the gates, Wilbur just had to show his identity card, and they were let right in. The guards even showed him respect because being a sage was akin to being a deity.

The carriages got inside without issues, and immediately after, a group of knights lined up on foot and escorted them towards the castle at the center.

"I feel like a VIP with all this escort," Seth said.

"Indeed you are. The main noble families will be there for this as well, not to mention that there is definitely going to be a banquet after you meet the king.

I'll tell you now, you will all be bestowed with the lowest noble title for sure. I know some of you, like Ezra, will not want such attention, but it is unavoidable.