Due to personal reasons, I'll not be updating this novel for a while, thanks for reading along with me for all this time
After a gruelling battle with the shadows, Ezra and Lucy had managed to deal with all the shadows, they had spent over thirty minutes in this fight, and they had pushed themselves to the limit to win.
'I hope that the shadows in the other floors are not stronger than these ones, because we won't be able to defeat them'.
Ezra bought some potions and handed one to Lucy, they drank up to replenish their energy and mana.
"We don't have time to waste, so we should get going." Ezra said to Lucy, they headed for the stairs to the next floor, immediately he got to the next floor, he felt cold presences on the second floor.
Suddenly, a fire ball shot from the darkness at Ezra, but Riot was quick to block it, Ezra looked in the direction of the attack and used shadow sense. It was a scorpion like shadow, and the tip of its tail was what it used to cast the fire ball, because Ezra saw it making another one.
Riot still blocked the fireball while Ezar pondered.