
Testing The Sword

Ezra got a grip on the sword, and everything was now ready. All that was left was testing.

Though he wasn't very proficient with a sword, it wasn't foreign to him, so he would be able to tell if it was good or not.

"I'll go out to test the sword. I'll be back in an hour or so," Ezra said to Colax.

He left the castle and the boundary and headed deep into shadow territory.

The best Ezra could do at his current strength was fight against a knight shadow. Colax had told him about the rankings and taught him about their strength differences.

She said that a warrior shadow was not simply stronger than a knight shadow; it was at least ten times as strong, with a lot of abilities as well.

Ezra knew his strength and would not rush into such a battle; it was basically suicide.

If a single knight was ten in strength, then a warrior would be a hundred. The gap could not be closed that easily; it was like fighting ten knight shadows at the same time.