Due to personal reasons, I'll not be updating this novel for a while, thanks for reading along with me for all this time
Lily was shocked to see three screens, she walked beside Lisa and took a look.
"Space magic: force field, space magic: gravity control, mind magic: telekinesis."
Lisa was indeed a genius, there was no denying that fact, she even got the magic that Lith had used, and everyone had seen the application of it.
She walked back to her seat with a smile on her face, a smile that Ezra knew by now, one that was asking for praise, so as soon as she reached the seat he gave it to her.
"As amazing as ever, you did great." He even flashed a smile at her, this caused her smile to widen, she took her seat and was congratulated by the others, even Leo, but all in all, the words that made her most happy were those of Ezra.
Ezra was the first of the twins, so he was the senior, though by a few seconds, still she respected the opinion of her brother more than she would her father.