
Sly game of the gods

Tendrils shot out of his body, numbering up to hundred, he let the sap out all his shadow energy to do this.

The tendrils began lashing all around in no pattern at all, so much that even Ezra had to be on guard in case one headed his way.

Seth's eye was uncontrollably twitching, his face looked like he was under high strain.

'I can't read it, there is no future to their movements, what the hell is this?' he asked himself.

Multiple tendrils shot towards him without pattern, he readied himself to dodged, but suddenly they all change directions except one.

Normally this would have made him happy as the amount to dodge was reduced, but rather it threw him off balance, he wasn't able to think fast enough, the single tendril slammed into his chest, he was sent flying.