
shadow men..

(You have gone too far Arana, we will remember you as one of us, but your existence must be destroyed) Tera spoke.

(I refuse this verdict.) Arana said in rage, he flapped his wings to fly, but the hydra latched onto him and pulled him down.

Arana struggled to fly, and leave the grasp of the hydra, but it wasn't working.

The phoenix, dove down like a meteor, its entire body engulfed with dark purple flames, it rammed into Arana and sent his body crashing to the ground.

Arana opened his mouth to fire his dragon's breath, but the tiger slammed his mouth shut with his paw. The Hydra lifted Aran into the air and slammed him down.

Still, Arana refused to yield, he struggled to get to his feet, but Tera opened his mouth and fired a powerful wind bullet that slammed into Arana's head.