
Sealing Wilbur

The head master sat inside an office, he was going through some files. He suddenly looked up at the door, and at that instant a knock was heard at the door.

"Come in." He said and then returned his eyes to the file he was reading.

The door opened and two hooded figures walked in, The head master immediate sensed danger, he got up to his feet.

"No need to get jumpy old man, there is really nothing you can do now." One of the hooded figure said, he removed his hood.

He was a pale man with red glowing eyes and silky smooth hair.

"I knew it was you when I sensed that sinister aura, Karanaki." The head master said.

"Oh Wilbur, why won't you use my former name Teo, I do love it when you call me by that name." Karanaki spoke.

"A being that would sell his soul to the darkness and became a vampire does not deserve the name that I gave him, you are nothing but a blood sucking demon." Wilbur said.