

The fourth floor. Ever since entering this floor, everything had changed. The fights had gotten tougher, and so were the enemies.

Hobgoblins with full armor and also hobgoblin mages with spells that ranged from fire to lightning had become a big issue at this point.

Four hobgoblins stood in front of the team, brandishing their weapons.

"Lisa and Colax, take one. The rest of us will fight one together. If you finish him first, then you can come help," Ezra said as he charged at the hobgoblin.

"These things are becoming a pain in the ass," Ezra complained.

He caused multiple shadow spikes to shoot out of the ground and impale the hobgoblin. The spikes penetrated the armor of the goblin, but they couldn't get deep enough.

The goblin seemed to understand that and wanted to retreat before Ezra made another move, but Ezra was not going to let it.