
Not strong enough

The next day, Violet was ready to head back home. She had accomplished what she came for—a smashing victory.

"Don't miss me too much," Violet said.

"It's too early for that. You have to show me that you are worth me missing you," Ezra replied. She got into the carriage and went off.

Ezra returned inside, where Lisa was standing, waiting for him.

"This is a shocker. I didn't think you would ever date," Lisa said.

"Why not? Loneliness is an abyss that is very deep. That's why I surround myself with resourceful people, because they can pull me out.

Dating Violet comes with a ton of benefits—more benefits than when she was just part of the group.

There exist secrets that even I would not want to share with the Shadow League—family secrets, that is. But now I can get all that," Ezra said.

"You want me to believe that is the reason you are dating her?" Lisa asked.