
Inside the cave

His sword penetrated into the head of the scorpion and killed it, completely this time. He didn't get a notification about shadow energy increasing, so he took it that the trial didn't give him shadow energy for killing things.

Ezra continued on his way, but this time he kept his eyes peeled. He had a feeling that this place was more dangerous than he was seeing.

In response to his thoughts, the ground gave way, and he fell into a pit. He kept falling without stop. Ezra activated his shadow wings to try and fly, but then a force stronger than gravity began to pull him.

He tried to fight against the force, but to no avail. He fired tendrils into the walls to try and stop himself, but they snapped as soon as they touched the walls.

Ezra determined that there was no way to go back up, so he decided to cushion his fall as much as possible.

He wrapped himself in several layers of shadow until he became like a large ball, and then he waited for impact.