
Check Mate

Ezra sat down crosslegged in front of Oliver, his hands were placed on his thighs, and his head was bowed low to show respect.

"I want to thank you, sir Oliver, though it was short, you made me grow a lot in that short time," Ezra said, his voice filled with respect.

"No need to be overly dramatic kid, a simple thank you would suffice. Your growth has little to do with me, you did all there is to do, and even out on extra work." Oliver told Ezra.

Ezra nodded in response, you played a vital role." Ezra said.

"Hmm, so now that you have awakened magic, will you be stopping your martial arts?" Oliver asked.

"Never, this martial art was what began my journey, even if I have magic, I will never stop using martial art," Ezra said.

"Hmm, I see, well that is good to hear. You will need to work twice as hard to handle the two." Oliver said.

"I understand, and I will not slack, I will reach the peak of both worlds," Ezra said.

"Now, before you go, I would like to give you a piece of advice son. When you leave this town, you will realize that this world is bigger than what you know.

There is immense evil, more than there is even good, people with selfish interests and wants, doing what they want.

You will see the evil and wickedness of the world you live in, there is no escaping it. The question boils now to what will you do when you're faced with such.

You said you will never bow, that means you will kill those that want you to bow?" Oliver asked.

"Without a doubt, I'll end them. I will not ever pity them or show mercy to anyone that tries to make me bow.

And not only that, if they try to make those I love bow as well, I'll have their heads, that is my resolve." Ezra spoke with conviction.

"What a powerful resolve for a young man, normally I would wave it off as childish talks, but something compels me to believe in what you said.

Ezra, you understand that taking a life comes with eternal burdens right? A chain that binds you for all eternity." Oliver said.

"I know, but no chain will hold me back, I decided to kill who I will kill, and that means I am ready to love with that decision.

I will not draw the blade and look back in regret, I will not allow it to weigh me down."

"Wow son, you really are something else. Keep that resolve, and you will be able to survive in this cruel world that you are about to step in. But remember when to take a step back." Oliver advised.

"I understand. Sir Oliver, there is something I must ask of you.

I was once out under a dark curse and almost died. The person had a falling out with my father and took it out on me.

I will be leaving for the academy, and will not have the time to find that person, but I have sworn that I will kill him.

I want you to help find that person for me in, any way possible. I know this is much to ask, but I'll be in your debt." Ezra said.

"Hmm, I'll do it, I'll help you." Oliver agreed.

Ezra didn't expect him to take it so quickly, but he was happy, he nodded in appreciation.

After a little more chit-chat, Ezra left the dojo. He walked down the street heading home to rest and prepare for tomorrow.

"Hold it there." Someone placed his hand on Ezra's shoulder. Ezra turned around and saw a blonde man with dark eyes. He was six feet tall and wore a simple white shirt and black trousers, finished with a boot.

He looked as though he was pissed off, his expression was sour, and there was a slight sound of teeth grinding against each other.

"Sorry sir, what can I do for you?" Ezra asked.

"It was you right?" The man asked.

"Don't play dumb, you are the one that killed my brother Richard." The man growled.

Ezra was taken aback for a split second, but he composed himself, he looked the man in the eye and smiled.

"And so what if I did?" Ezra asked, a reckless move in all consideration, but he had a plan.

"You bastard, so you admit it, I'll kill you." The man drew out his dagger and moved to stab Ezra.

Checkmate." Ezra muttered.

The blade struck into his towards his chest, but he used tendrils to quickly deflect it to his shoulder.

Warm blood sprayed into the air, "Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Ezra let out a pained cry that reached the whole neighborhood. He fell to the ground bleeding.

People turned to see the scene, they saw the man with the dagger and the bleeding kid on the ground, everyone ran to the place.

Some muscular men tackled the man who attacked Ezra, they held him to the ground and rained beatings on him, not letting him have the chance to explain anything.

Some other men quickly took Ezra from the ground, but Ezra told them he could walk, he just needed some support. They helped him slowly walk toward the healer's place.

Ezra glanced back at the man who was currently getting beat up, and they locked eyes. At that moment, the man realized that this kid was a devil.

He understood that Ezra had done this to set him up completely. He realized that he had played with a devil.

"You will pay for this demon!" He roared before a punch knocked him out.