
An Offer

Ezra's team had successfully dealt with the demon beasts that were in that village. Luckily, there were no people in the village when they arrived, so no distractions came to them. Still, among all this, they had injuries, but they were nothing serious.

When they finished, Ezra used the crystal that he was given to communicate with the base. He gave them a mission update and asked for teleportation back to the base. A portal opened, and a mage came out and led the team back to the base. After getting back to the base, Ezra allowed the team to go and do what they wanted while he headed to the commander's office.

He knocked on the door and walked into the office. The commander was deep into some files, his eyes running through the pages as fast as he could.

"Ezra, good to see you and your team made it back in one piece," the commander said without looking up.

"Yes, we made it back, but that aside, I have a question for you," Ezra said.