
Rise of the Scythe Empire

Follow Alivander as he builds up his fleet and conquers other countries while making allies, lovers, and many enemies. This is the story of Alivander Des Ires, a pirate prince who is out of the line of succession, as he makes his own path to greatness in a world of magic and strange new technologies from another dying world. He faces threats from both enemies and potential allies as he has to prove himself and steals from people he don't necessarily consider an enemy. While also coming into his own families unique traits and qualities. This story will update on an infrequent basis with at least 2 chapters a week until it has 40 chapters. After 40 it will change to 2 chapters a week.

PlatWolf · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Northern Difference

"I will be honest sis, of all things you would do in your free time." Van looked around the exercise facility, "this is the last thing I expected, rock climbing a fake wall." There were several people already there but his sister led him to a wall that was far taller and clearly more difficult than the other walls.

"Oh, don't belly ache. It's a useful skill to be able to free climb. Of course we are required to use these safety restraints here. Besides, imagine having to scale a ship and enemy strongholds like this. Seems a lot more useful doesn't it?" Anne asked with a chuckle as she double checked Van's and her own harness.

"Hmm…" Van imagined it and then nodded, "okay, I will concede. The idea sounds useful, but shouldn't we start on something easier?"

"Hahaha!" Anne let out a chain of laughter as she led him to the wall, "you are a prodigy, I am sure you will pick it up quickly."

Van could only sigh in resignation as he watched his sister climb the wall, after a minute he started climbing as well. His sister was right, he picked it up quickly.


Sakura walked into the exercise facility with Nina and Arteria following behind her. It was rare for her to get a chance to hang out with her friends. Usually her mother or grandmother were forcing her and her siblings to learn something. But now was her free time.

"So what should we do-" Nina stopped mid sentence as she was looking around the exercise facility. Sakura and Arteria both looked at their Anubi friend. The Anubii were descendents of a god called Anubis which was sort of like a doberman dog meets Wolf-Man. But Nina in particular had what were called deity markings, meaning she had access to a greater power. So a white line went from her right ear to under her eye then under her chin, while a silver line went from the same ear to down her back below her shirt. Her fur color was completely black aside from the deity markings. She stood at 5 feet and 6 inches and was sixteen years old the same age as the rest of them but she was a few inches in height compared to the other two. At the moment she was wearing an elastic pair of running pants and a loose gray t-shirt.

Sakura looked at Nina and tilted her head in confusion before she followed Nina's gaze and saw what she was looking at. Grinning madly, Sakura suddenly walked towards the rock climbing walls. As she called out she waved as well, "Hey Anne!"

Anne was in the middle of climbing the hardest rockwall they had. She was a 7 foot and 9 inches tall 19 year old and one of Sakura's seniors who would be apprenticing under her mother. She had free flowing crimson red hair that had a shimmer to it, but was done up in a pony tail but was usually loose and reached her mid back. That matched perfectly with her orangish-red irises. At the moment she was in a pair of gym shorts and a sports bra, she had really taken to the clothing of the Eternus Islands. Apparently this particular combination showed off her chiseled six pack abs and displayed plenty of her tanned skin tone.

Climbing up just behind her was a handsome young man with short black hair and a similarly tanned skin tone. He wore a pair of red gym shorts and a white shirt. It was less noticeable but she could see a tattoo on his left arm. He appeared to be conversing with Anne quite easily.

Anne noticed Sakura and used her free hand to wave back before she said something to the young man and then repelled down the wall quickly. The young man seemed to be thinking how to do the same thing.

"Hey Sakura! Nina and Arteria as well? What are you three trouble makers doing here?" Anne was unhooking herself from the rappel. "You girls are starting at Eternus Academy this year, right?"

"That is correct Lady Ires, from what my mother told me you begin an apprenticeship under her as well this year? I did not think there was much to learn under her, what kind of stuff will you be learning?" Sakura asked as she glanced at the young man that started to rappel down.

"Hmm… Yes, my plan is to apprentice under your mother. I will learn about and how to rule a kingdom, but mostly I plan to learn about fighting, combat, and her World Guardian title." Anne chuckled at the first part once she realized why they approached her, probably due to the occasional glances at Van they were making. "By the way, I would like to introduce my baby brother who just sailed into town this afternoon." At that moment Arteria and Nina came up and joined them and the young man had reached ground and started unhooking himself with one hand.

But with the other hand he reached out and waved at them, "Hello there! I am Alivander, but I go by Van." His accent had that thick Northern Islander accent that Anne's did but with something else mixed in there as well.

"Hi-ah? I-I Nina… I mean my name is Nina." Sakura had to hold back her laughter when her friend slipped up, but she couldn't hold back the surprised look on her face. Nor could Arteria it was clear from their reaction. Nina was never like this.

Anne chuckled as she fully realized what Sakura's reason for approaching might be. She then looked over at the young man and saw him smiling as he was now unhooked from the rappel and walking over.

"Nice to meet you Nina," he had a rogue-like smirk that basically screamed bad boy. Then after a moment he added on to really start his flirtation, "but I must say you look absolutely stunning in your exerci-" He apparently got a little too close.

Nina suddenly punched Van as she bashfully blushed and hid her face, "Ooohh! Quiet you, I am not happy about your compliment!" Nina was now crouched on the ground murmuring incoherently.

Van was on his back stunned from the punch while Anne started roaring with laughter and Sakura and Arteria stood stunned. After a moment Van started to pull himself up while rubbing his cheek. A mix between a smile and surprise was on his face.

"Baby Brother, I have to compliment you. You have been on the island for less than a day and already seduced a woman for yourself. Hahahaha!" Anne continued to chuckle which resulted in her sizable breasts bouncing up and down as she did so. Sakura clicked her tongue in annoyance and jealousy as she looked at the bronze skinned balloons.

"Wow she has a really good jab, it was so quick I didn't even see it coming." Van complimented and then suddenly jumped back as Nina suddenly kicked towards his legs.

"Shut up, stop complimenting me!" Nina yelled while acting bashful, sending mixed signals to the crowd that they had gathered.

"Okay," Van smiled at Nina as she gathered herself up he then looked towards his sister, "perhaps we should move elsewhere so we are less obstructive." Van nodded toward the group of people that had gathered around them. At this point it was getting to be quite large.



A few minutes later they were sitting at a table while Anne was buying them drinks at the clerk's desk or counter… whatever she called it. He may not know much about Eternus' unique cultures or about its many innovations.

But one thing that Van did know was that this… Anubi, he believed her race was called. She was quite attractive herself. He was really taken with her, even now as he was smiling at her she was squirming in her seat and looking away. Nina was her name and he had to do everything in his power to hold his silver tongue and not compliment the young woman.

Then there was the blonde girl who honestly seemed too rigid and knightly to be one of their friends but more like a guard that was watching them. She had freckles and blue eyes with tanned skin that was clearly a result of the sun as opposed to being natural. He could tell because of her tan lines that were visible. She had muscles like she trained with heavy weaponry as well.

Then there was the final one of the three and the one that was clearly the 'leader' of the trio of girls. She had naturally tanned skin which oddly matched her pink hair, tail, and ears. Her irises were even a shining pink that seemed to shine like gemstones. She seemed fit and used to practicing with swords as well. He could tell because of the calluses on her hands.

"So, I got your name but not much else." Van nodded at Nina while smiling. Which seemed to make her squirm that much more.

"Ahem." Sakura coughs to pull his attention away from Nina. "My name is Sakura Sian, I will be starting this year at Eternus Academy. Your sister is my grandmother's star pupil so I see her a lot."

Then the blonde girl nodded to him, "I am called Arteria. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." She gave a small head bow, "I also will be starting my first year at Eternus Academy."

"Um… me too. I will also be entering Etern-" Nina stopped mid sentence as bit her tongue. Van had bitten his own tongue and used all his willpower just to not chuckle. "Sorry, I will be entering Eternus Academy along with my twin brother as a first year." She repeated after taking a second to recover.

"It is a pleasure to meet all of you, I know my sister is a bit of a muscle bound moron but I hope she has not caused you too much trouble." Van can't help but to start imagining what kind of mischief and chaos his sister has gotten into.

"Chaos?" Sakura looked genuinely confused, "your sister has been perfectly kind and helpful. She has honestly been a model student, she is incredibly popular among the upperclassmen."

Van could only display his shock as Anne walked back with four drinks in one hand in some kind of holder while the other hand had her own drink. "Okay, a strawberry macchiato for Arteria," Anne started to hand out the drinks after setting them down. "A mango lemonade for Nina, a milk and blueberry lemonade for Sakura, and finally a green- Van, what is with that look?"

Van could only shake his head, "you have been here for two years and not caused any problems? How? Have you been replaced with an Ignasi?"

Anne made a face and flicked Van's forehead before setting his drink down in front of him. "Here's your green tea, I thought it might be similar to what you and your mom always drank. And for the record I have not been replaced, I am still the same me. Why did you even think that?"

"He asked about what kind of chaos or mischief you have caused." Sakura shot in, no doubt curious about what Van was talking about. Anne on the other hand frowned and sighed.

"I see. Well that is fair, but despite what you think. I was sent here as a royal and have to follow the rules or you and my other younger siblings might have problems when you come here." Anne explained with a serious look on her face while she took a sip of her drink, "so I am most certainly not an… Ignasi."

"I suppose that it makes sense, but I have a feeling you were forced to do so." A grin crossed Van's face as he started to understand what had happened. "Nevermind, I think I have figured it out."

Anne only shrugged in response and sipped her coffee.

"Um…?" Nina raised a hand curious about something no doubt, "what is an Ignasi? I have never heard of such a creature."

Van smiled and chuckled softly, "I doubt you would. They are creatures of legend from the northern islands. They are said to be shape changers that roam from village to village replacing the most notorious or troublesome person and then slowly consuming the village's unwanted populace. The funny thing about them is that during my raiding during this last year I have seen a number of legendary and mythical creatures appearing up in the North."

Anne frowned and turned to Van with a disbelieving look on her face, "why haven't I heard anything about this? It sounds like something that should be spread word of."

Van just shrugged, "father forbade spreading word of it. Understandably so, because even if we are pirates we don't want to be seen as insane people. Especially with how tall the tales of the North are. I mean I even saw Gaddaras and fought Grand-Octoleggers, which taste remarkably better than normal Octoleggers."

Anne's face lit up, but before she could speak Arteria was starting to get curious as well. "Umm… can we go back to the original topic instead of being derailed and us not understanding anything you two are talking about?"

He was surprised and then confused as Van seemed to take a moment to remember the original topic, "ah yes! My sister is a troublemaker. I was surprised she hasn't caused any mischief but more than likely her mother ordered her not to-"

Arteria raised a hand in confusion, "don't you mean your mother?"

"Weren't you the one that wanted to not get derailed? Hold your questions until the end." Van responded sarcastically, making Arteria shy away in embarrassment.

"Where was I? Her mother ordered her not to cause any trouble because she didn't want to lose the trade contracts and profits she was making from the Eternus Islands. Especially since she was the reason my father made a peace deal with Eternus in the first place, she didn't want her hard work to be spoiled because of her trouble-bound daughter." Van clarified that he took a sip of his drink and frowned as he tasted it. It was not to his liking, nothing like the tea he and his mother drink.

"Okay that makes sense, but now I have a new and very important question to ask you." Sakura leaned partially over the table as she spoke clearly, "can you tell us some embarrassing stories from when your sister was younger?"

Van felt a smile spread across his face as he was about to begin speaking his sister slapped a hand over his mouth and quietly and threateningly spoke in his ear, "say so much as a word about my past and I will go out of my way to acquire captures of when you were younger and not potty trained."

Van nodded vigorously as he felt a shiver run down his spine, 'if anything my sister has only become more terrifying in situations like this'.