

The first rays of the morning sun fell on Thesra's face and she yawned inhaling the air scented with a delicate fragrance. She brushed a few strands of hair out of her face and sat up in bed. She was still feeling upset about the ceremony the night before and she sighed heavily looking over her cat Jiji, who was still soundly asleep on his royal cat bed. She walked over to the mirror and looked at her reflection, her eyes were a little puffy from crying and she touched her face gently her gaze falling shut.

Just as she was setting into a peaceful day, the chief maiden entered carrying a heavy red ball gown and trailed by a few other maids. She looked to be at least sixty years old, and Thesra wondered how the poor woman could carry such a heavy gown. The chief maiden smiled and curtsied, along with the other maids.

"Good morning, your highness." She said, "you're almost late for the meeting in the court room."