

It was a dark stormy night, nights like this were really an oddity in YHAKEDEI. The flash of lightening waltz across the sky, the rain started making its prints hard to follow and the ominous loud crack of thunder sent shivers down leomere's spine.

The shadows swallowing them as they walked.

"Nothing's worse than being stuck in a storm, just minding your own business and a blinding lightening bolt catches you by surprise as if being wet isn't enough."

The ancient ghosts were probably lurking in the shadows ready to attack at any given chance.

"Oh keep quiet you stupid child you always have a reason to complain." Bhabu said rather swiftly.

"Oh please... we are completely drenched."

Leomere paused and gave a casual glance at his environment.

"Yes and yet it feels like our souls are being cleansed and the cool breeze feels good on my skin..."

"What!" Leomere interrupted.

"You call this breeze? This is technically a tornado."

"Haha child, just enjoy the wonderful weather."

"Oh Bhabu, you are one weird old man."

"Okay." Bhabu began as he stoke his chin.

"There's a cave up ahead, We'll take shelter over there. We will have to make a fire when we get there."

He finally said words Leomere was dying to hear.

"That's more like my Bhabu." Leomere said as a huge smile appeared on his face.

"Okay." Bhabu laughed.

"Typical Bhabu." Leomere scoffed.

"Come on Leo. "Bhabu said upon entering the cave.

"Oh!" Leomere exclaimed. "Thought the cool breeze felt good on your skin." Leomere laughed as he followed Bhabu.

"Good lord." Bhabu sighed as he fell to the ground.

"Easy there." Said Leomere who was busy rubbing two stones together in order to make a fire. He had gathered some dried leaves he found in the cave.

"Don't worry child." I'm okay. Just trying to sit."

"Boom!" Leomere shouted. "And now we have light.

"Good job Leo. That's a lot better."

"Night then Bhabu..." Leomere said as he took off his dripping wet shirt. Exposing his bare perfectly toned abs. He was gradually adding the leaves to the fire to keep them warm.

"Are you trying to avoid the topic?" Bhabu cut in, knowing leomere wanted to brush it off.

"Of course not. "Leomere replied defensively. "I'm not changing my mind Bhabu, nothing can stop me from going there tomorrow." He added.

"Child, you are going to lose everything if you go there..."

"What is there to lose Bhabu?"Leomere interrupted. "Is it about losing the right to wed? or having to protect the princess with my life? Well let me answer these questions for you Bhabu, if there is something I have learnt in my life, it is that love makes you weak, and loved ones bring you down. Protecting the princess? Bhabu at least I'll die doing something noble." Leomere let out barely holding back his tears.

"Oh child." Bhabu smiled. Which was obviously a disgusting thing to do in this situation. "You will never know how it feels, until you lose your freedom of living like a normal man. And as for family, you need a family to survive child..."

"Family you speak of Bhabu?" Leomere cut in and laughed. "When it comes to family Bhabu, you of all people know that you don't have a clue about that because if you had..." Leomere paused.

"I'm so sorry I lost myself there for a second I'm so sorry..."

Ouch he did it again. Did he really have to remind Bhabu of his dark past? Leomere did that on several occasions

However, due to some sacred unknown reason Bhabu never got angry. Leomere didn't call him weird for no reason.

"Haha." Bhabu laughed, expressionless. Leomere clearly couldn't know what he was thinking.

"Come on child go on, no need to apologize go on remind me of how I killed my own wife and daughter come on." Bhabu let out so casually.

"I didn't mean it. Bhabu I'm sorry." Leomere pleaded.

"All I have to say to you now; is that when you do not learn from history you repeat it. Dwelling in the past can never change it. And as for your past, that's what destiny chose for you, and you don't know what it has in store for you next.'

"I'm so sorry Bhabu. I didn't mean it that way." Leomere pleaded.

"Good night." Bhabu said under his breath.