
Rise Of The Reincarnation Hunter

"The Reincarnation Hunter" transports readers to the mesmerizing Real Realm, crafted by the divine hands of The 7 Heavenly Authors. When a Protagonist rebels and manipulates the cycle of reincarnation, it triggers chaos within the realm. From this disruption, the God Fooler emerges—a mysterious entity yearning for purpose like a blank canvas. Equipped with hidden powers, the God Fooler defies the dominance of the overpowering Main Characters, unveiling secrets and reshaping the course of destiny. Prepare for an enthralling journey through the Real Realm, exploring themes of rebellion, identity, and the profound consequences of challenging predetermined paths.

ChocoBibi99999 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Leap of Fate

In the bustling metropolis of Startale City, where crime is nonexistent, the police and security personnel lead tranquil lives. The citizens enjoy a harmonious existence, basking in the freedom to live as they please.

Children frolic on the playgrounds, carefree and without worry. Stores operate seamlessly without the need for cashiers; people simply pay their dues with honesty.

Villains have no desire to disrupt this serenity, for this domain belongs to none other than the GHOAT—the Greatest Hero Of All Time—known as Omnimight.

Omnimight stands unrivaled as the number one hero in the universe, hailed for his extraordinary strength and prowess.

Gil Gunner is captivated by an advertisement featuring Omnimight on the television screen.

His eyes widen with admiration as he exclaims,

"Wow! Omnimight, I wish I could become strong like you!"

His voice carries a mix of awe and longing, echoing his deep desire to possess such power.

As the TV screen illuminates, Omnimight sends a message to the people, emphasizing the importance of inner peace.

Gil's gaze remains fixated as he listens intently.

The words resonate within him as Omnimight declares, "Peace starts within ourselves! If you can have peace, we can all have peace together! Peace I give you, peace you give me."

The camera zooms in on Omnimight's face, reflecting determination and sincerity. Gil's eyes well up with emotion as he watches his idol soar through the sky like a sonic boom.

Overwhelmed by a profound sense of despair, Gil's hands tremble as he smashes the TV screen.

Frustration and disappointment consume him, and in a moment of raw emotion, he cries out, "No, Omnimight! Not anyone can be you!"

His voice crackles with a mixture of sadness and anger, feeling trapped by his own limitations. In that moment, he believes his life to be utterly miserable, his dreams of becoming like Omnimight shattered.

Driven by a cold heart and burdened by stress, Gil climbs onto a window ledge, the weight of his emotions pressing upon him.

He gazes out at the world, preparing himself for what feels like a slow-motion vision of his life flashing before his eyes. His mind races, contemplating the actions he is about to take.

Left behind is a heartfelt letter addressed to his parents, expressing gratitude for their love and seeking forgiveness for what he is about to do.

Gil's voice trembles as he whispers, "I'm thankful for everything you've done... and I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." Tears stream down his face as he bids them a final farewell.

In a moment of desperation, Gil takes a deep breath, his voice strained but resolute as he utters the words, "Bye, cruel world." With a mix of fear and determination, he leaps from the window of the towering 24-story building, his heart heavy with sorrow and the weight of his decision.

[Fooler's Point of View]



"Who's that guy?" .


I wondered, my attention fixed on the young man's desperate act.

Is he planning to take his own life?

Does he feel utterly powerless? Or is he lost, desperately searching for something? Perhaps there are people who pose a threat to his very existence?

Could he even be a villain, consumed by darkness?

These questions swirled in my mind as I tried to comprehend the situation at hand. Observing his lanky frame and pale complexion, I couldn't help but wonder if he possessed a certain charm, appealing to the opposite sex.

Before I could fully process the gravity of the situation, the unthinkable happened. Without warning, he leaped from the edge, defying all expectations.

Shock and disbelief washed over me, leaving me breathless.

"Oh my holy FncK1ng Authors!" I exclaimed, unable to fathom the weight of what had just transpired.

In that moment, I offered a silent prayer, hoping that his soul would find eternal solace in the realm of the Happy Chapter End.

Collecting myself, I approached the lifeless body with a mixture of reverence and sadness. Gently patting his head, I murmured,

"I don't know what your story is, but you did well."

The weight of his struggles hung heavy in the air, prompting me to harness my mysterious abilities. With a surge of energy, I connected with his physical vessel, fusing our essences together.

Now, I am Gil Gunner, a name unknown to me until I found it inscribed within his wallet.

Contemplating my newfound identity, I remarked to myself, "Gil Gunner... so this is who I am now."

Testing the limits of my control, I attempted to move, only to realize I remained on the ground, surrounded by a pool of crimson liquid.

Frustration tinged my voice as I muttered, "I can't move, I'm still lying here drenched in this red liquid."

Yet, despite my immobilization, I could still communicate, declaring, "I am Gil Gunner!"

The words hung in the air, a mix of determination and confusion echoing in my voice.

Drawing upon my regenerative powers, I focused my energy on healing my broken bones and injuries. With a sense of relief, I proclaimed, "It seems I'm okay now. I suppose I'll rest here and wait for my friends or family to come rescue me... if I even have any. I'm unsure... but I will make an attempt."

Settling down, I prepared for slumber, hoping that in the embrace of sleep, answers would emerge, and the possibility of assistance would manifest. As I closed my eyes, a flicker of hope illuminated the path ahead, guiding me on this enigmatic journey as the enigma known as Fooler, now merged with the identity of Gil Gunner.

To be continued...