
Rise of the Reaper

The world changed on a fateful night in the winter of 2010 The night was young, with only the light hue of the moon illuminating the stary sky. "On this fateful night, a large meteor shower is scheduled to appear and dazzle the sky with its majestic sights" A news station tuning into the event reported. Expecting to see the vibrant blue and red-tinged streak that is associated with a meteor, a small voice pierced the entire night. "Mommy, why is the sky yellow?" A young boy expectedly looked toward his mother. Instead of the vibrant blue and red-streaked trail following a meteor, a dull, lackluster yellow could be seen tailing the meteors falling down to Earth

WrathofSwords · Fantasy
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15 Chs

-Back Alley

After leaving the infirmary, Ethan and Hunter decided to head back to their dorm room.

Grabbing some water, both Ethan and Hunter decided to grab a seat on the couch, Hunter grabbed the remote to turn on the tv.

As he was about to press the power button, Ethan suddenly stopped him by grabbing Hunter's wrist. Flinching in slight pain, Hunter voiced his opposition.

"Hey! What's the deal!"

"So, are you going to tell me about that scythe that came out of thin air or not?" Ethan stared at Hunter, interested in his response.

Stammering to think of a response, Hunter quickly came up with a lie.

"I wanted to keep it secret, but," Hunter thought of an excuse, "I manifested my ability in the heat of the moment"

"What! Really!" Ethan said excitedly "That's great, I've heard about intense situations activating abilities but I've never seen it happen myself!"

"That's a thing?" Hunter asked, "I mean, uh, yea that's what happened I guess"

"You must be a weaponeer type power user then! I've never heard of a power 0 being able to manifest their ability though, I guess you're an exception" Ethan said.

In the world, there were three types of manifested abilities. There were some sub-classes that differentiated enough but they were rare.

The first is an enhancer, the same type as Bryce which can enhance and transcend human abilities like strength, agility, or other attributes.

The second is a conjurer, the ability to conjure elements at will to physically attack or protect, the same as Ethan.

The final classification of abilities is a summoner, the ability to summon a beast companion, the strength of the beast depended on the power level and bondage that the summoner has with the summoned. Summoned beasts cant be killed but if injured enough, they disappear and can't be summoned again for a certain amount of time.

"I guess so, weaponeer huh, I can work with that" Hunter giggled to himself, worrying Ethan.

'I can keep the system a secret while faking being a weaponeer' Hunter thought to himself.

Settling down for the night, the boys played video games through the night, staying up because they had two days off for the weekend.

Waking up in the morning, Hunter heard snoring in the bed to his right, glancing over at the sleeping Ethan.

'Open quests' Hunter thought to himself.

[Daily Quest (Incomplete)]

[Weekly Quest: Reap a Soul]

[Main Quest: N/A]

'So it does reset itself daily' Hunter grinned to himself.

Getting up, Hunter got dressed and had a light breakfast.

Heading to the gym, Hunter saw a few girls staring at him for a few seconds longer than usual. The previous day he would have thought he had something on his face but Ethan's comment from yesterday had him questioning the reason.

'Maybe my looks did change' Hunter thought to himself.

Feeling confident, Hunter headed into the gym.

After finishing his workout, Hunter received the familiar ding in his head and the confirmation of the quest completion.


<Daily Quest Complete>

<Rewards: 4 Stat Points; 1 Ability Point>

'Add stat points evenly' Hunter thought in his mind, saving the ability point for another time.

[H/P 20/20]

[Strength 14]

[Agility 14]

[Stamina 14]

Now that Hunter was getting used to his body, he felt the slight changes in his body. He felt his muscles tighten and swell slightly as well as his energy spike up.

'What to do today' Hunter thought to himself, 'I guess I could go to town and walk around'

Deciding what he would do for the day Hunter returned to his room, seeing that Ethan was still fast asleep, he quietly moved around. After showering and getting on some casual clothes, Hunter left the school entrance.

The path from the academy to the town was a dirt path, well-taken care of with trees lining the road on either side. The path was about a mile and a half long, a distance that once took the breath out of Hunter but now, he walked it with ease.

City guards were standing outside of the gate of the town, checking the identification of travelers before entering the town. By showing his watch with his student I.D., Hunter gained entry into the large town without a hitch.

The town had large roads that intertwined throughout the buildings of the town. Beautiful flowers and lights decorated the streets with vibrant colors and a joyful atmosphere.

Grabbing a candle apple from a vendor, Hunter decided to walk around while munching on his treat. Enjoying the peaceful atmosphere and bustling streets, Hunter started to finally relax after the past few days.

Losing track of time, it was eventually night. After walking around the town without a clear destination, Hunter was lost.

Deciding to cut through a back alley, Hunter heard some voices talking. Thinking about asking directions, Hunter rounded the corner, only to freeze in shock at the sight.

'Activate Shadow Cloak!' Hunter dreadfully thought to himself.