
Rise of the Queen of wolfs

Enemies had been destroyed,... Azroth was victorious, the war was finally over........... But the battle was yet to begin... Cassius, king of Azroth had Conquered Gortha and killed the king and his sons but he still wanted the princess of Gortha. He forces himself on her..... Feeling filthy and disgraceful, Dia princess of Gortha places a curse on Cassius to become a beast and never see the light of day again...... Now three hundred years have passed and Cassius has been released... He plans to take back what was rightfully his and become king of Azroth again... He goes to the witch Lydia to lift the curse. She asks for something in return,..that Cassius takes her with him to the palace, to which he agrees. But after helping Cassius and even giving herself to him, Cassius kills Lydia.. But he had made the mistake of piercing her with his claws right before he killed her.. In the dead of the night, Lydia reawakens a beast just like Cassius and vows to take her revenge.... Will she ever win against the devilish being Cassius who is now king once again?.. BTW... The world in this story is different from earth as we know it.... Don't expect to hear the names of familiar places.. The names of cities and towns in this story are mostly fiction.. Compiled pictures gotten from the internet to make the novel cover..

_Queen_A · Fantasy
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14 Chs

More Werewolves


Atara woke up the next morning to the touch of a slightly rough finger trailing down her naked body. "I must confess sire this is the best night's sleep I have had in a long time." she says with her head still buried inside the pillow... "why, did Pallas not know how to treat you right?.., he takes her hands and places a kiss on both of them. She stands up from the bed and places a robe around her naked body as she strides across the room to stand in front of the window.

" The only thing good I ever got from that treacherous soul was 'Elon'. He in no way compared to you. He was a bad husband and a worthless Father."

"His Majesty, General Ceteus seeks an audience" a voice calls from outside the door. "Let him in".

"A fine morning sire....Her Majesty....",he greets them both with a bow as he walks in. " the people await your presence sire, I have had the guards gather them together"...Ceteus says.

"well then get me the finest robe that I may greet my people,... and my Queen,...he said as he walked up to her... Get ready, for you shall stand beside me as My Queen...

She was utterly pleased with what he said." Does this mean that you have acknowledged me as your wife and Queen? She asks just to get more clarification.

" Only if you acknowledge me your king and husband. And besides, Ceteus was a fool to not see the Jewel he had. I am No fool. "

" Then it is settled then, You are the one true king of Cazroth and the husband to this humble woman." she gives a courteous bow.

They both had two things in common and it was that they were sure of what they wanted, and they knew how to get it.

Now Lydia had entered the city gates, she had left Barak outside the city walls away from prying eyes. She saw the guards gathering the people in one place, so she called a little boy "hey boy, what is happening, where is everyone going? She asked

" they say we have a knew king, we are going to see him. " he answered and ran off. She blends in with the crowd and moved in the direction they all went.

" Queen Atara" Ceteus announced as she stepped forward to address the people...

"People of Cazroth, it is indeed with great sadness that I stand before you today. I am sure most of us already know why we are gathered here today. Unfortunately our dear king Pallas has passed. He was a good king to his people and a better husband and father, we will miss him greatly.

But as we all know, the throne of Cazroth cannot remain empty, for my son Prince Elon is but a child. So know it is with great pleasure when I tell you that the gods have shown us mercy, and have sent us a warrior, a true king, one with honor and strength, one capable of protecting his people,... People of Cazroth, I present to you the new king of Cazroth, and now my husband,..

'His majesty the King Cassius'....

As Cassius stepped forward, their was murmuring, whispering and hissing in the crowd "who is he?,...where is he from?,...some say he is no man,...the queen has no shame,..." all these and more where the words that kept on coming out of the mouths of the people.

Lydia could see him clearly from where she stood, but he could not see her. She felt a more powerful surge of hatred and urge to get her revenge. She would destroy him. She would take what he wanted the most from him.

"They say the king was murdered" a man shouted from amidst the crowd, "some say this man is a beast, a werewolf is what they call him" another man echoed from behind "the queen is a whore" a woman shouted, and like they had all been given courage, everyone in the crowd began throwing insults and vulgar words at them. Cassius was beginning to burn with anger. But he tried controlling himself.

"People of Cazroth" he said at the top of his voice, they quieted down a bit. "I know,.....'these words had not left his lips completely when like a flash of lightning, he saw those familiar eyes among the crowd. They were eyes he could not forget, a strand of white blond hair fell close to the left eye. There was no doubt he knew this person. Though she wore a cape over her head, he knew it was her,...it was Lydia.

Lydia who intentionally made herself visible for Cassius to see, moved swiftly and in a second she was lost in the crowd, no where to be seen.

"Lydia,....but how?,.. I am certain I killed her,..how is she...all these thoughts were what flooded his head, he used his eyes to scan the whole place but she was gone, he was sure he saw her....." Your Majesty,... Milord,.. Milord,... Sire"...the voice of Ceteus brought Cassius back to reality.

He tries to calm himself down before he finally speaks

"I know it is had for you all to understand how I became king,.. I must let you all know that the kingdom of Cazroth was always mine. I just had other people take care of it for me, and now I am back to my kingdom and my people, and I swear to protect Cazroth and her people,...he was still talking when a footwear comes flying through the air, and almost lands on his face, but he catches it.

Being already vexed by the witch he had seen among the crowd, he takes the footwear and walks down the stairs majestically towards the man that had thrown it. He gets to the man, who was now shaking for the other people had parted from his side, and left him standing alone to face the wrath of Cassius..

Cassius looks him directly in the eye "next time you don't like what you see don't throw a footwear at it,...throw a spear." he says and goes down on one knee, takes the man's foot and places it on his other knee and then puts the footwear back on for the man. "

He does not go back up to the podium, but stands right there and speaks

"Before a king, I am first your servant, and you people of Cazroth are all my masters. I am here to serve you all, and I swear to do that even if it takes my last breath. But I cannot protect or even rule Cazroth alone, I need you,.....'he points at the footwear man'.. I need all of you, and together we shall take down all our enemies and we shall rise to the zenith and make Cazroth the pinnacle of all" he says conclusively.

There was utter silence, everyone just watched on.

"Hail king Cassius", the footwear man called out....

"Hail king Cassius" the whole people echoed back

"Cassius,.. Cassius,... Cassius,.... Cassius,.... Cassius"

They all started chanting as they surrounded him and lifted him like a champion.

Lydia stood at a corner watching them, you could see she wanted to tear him to shreds right there and then, but she knew that would have been a stupid move, though she was a witch and a....well according to the people a werewolf, she was still no match for Cassius alone. Not even now that he had succeeded in winning the love and support of the people. She had to find a way to bring him down, a way to turn the people against him.... NO...., she would find those who were already against him and Cazroth, and together they shall destroy him.

"Come with me ceteus"... Cassius says as he walks into his chambers. "I must say Your Majesty, you were brilliant out there, you made the people love you, they now...ceteus was still talking..." the witch Ceteus,...Cassius says now gaining Ceteus's full attention....the witch, she is alive", he says in a angry and disturbed voice. "you mean Lydia Sire? Ceteus asks and Cassius replies with a nod. "but I saw her dead on the tree."

"Exactly my point, I am certain I killed her, but I am also sure it was her in the crowd. Those eyes that burns, her almost white hair, it was definitely her"...

"but sire how is that possible" Ceteus asks feeling very confused. "not even a witch should be able to survive that kind of.....he was still talking when they heard a loud bang on the door.

" A message has come for you Sire "the guard calls from outside the door.

" Later the King has other matters to deal with now." Ceteus says

"I'm afraid that it is quite urgent Milord and it needs your attention" the guard says.

"I said later, or do you.....Cassius signals Ceteus to let the man come in and speak.... You may Come in.

" What is this urgency you speak of "Ceteus asks the man

" a small town 50 miles to the battlefield has reportedly been attacked last night by beasts Milord" the guard says. "Beasts?, what kind? a wolf, a tiger a boar what kind of beast in particular? Ceteus asks the man for he was getting irritated by him.

" According to the few people who survived the night Milord, they say it was no ordinary beast, they say it had the face of a wolf and fur all over it's body, but it had the body structure of a man....according to what people are saying Sire, it looks a lot like you did last night, they were Werewolves.