
Rise of the Queen of wolfs

Enemies had been destroyed,... Azroth was victorious, the war was finally over........... But the battle was yet to begin... Cassius, king of Azroth had Conquered Gortha and killed the king and his sons but he still wanted the princess of Gortha. He forces himself on her..... Feeling filthy and disgraceful, Dia princess of Gortha places a curse on Cassius to become a beast and never see the light of day again...... Now three hundred years have passed and Cassius has been released... He plans to take back what was rightfully his and become king of Azroth again... He goes to the witch Lydia to lift the curse. She asks for something in return,..that Cassius takes her with him to the palace, to which he agrees. But after helping Cassius and even giving herself to him, Cassius kills Lydia.. But he had made the mistake of piercing her with his claws right before he killed her.. In the dead of the night, Lydia reawakens a beast just like Cassius and vows to take her revenge.... Will she ever win against the devilish being Cassius who is now king once again?.. BTW... The world in this story is different from earth as we know it.... Don't expect to hear the names of familiar places.. The names of cities and towns in this story are mostly fiction.. Compiled pictures gotten from the internet to make the novel cover..

_Queen_A · Fantasy
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14 Chs

A place to stay

Lydia led the werewolves to her cottage. She made arrangements for the rituals to turn them into human. It was the same ritual she had performed with Cassius. She was hoping that it would work because for Cassius, she had performed the ritual because he was cursed whereas these men were not cursed. They had somehow become beasts after coming in contact with Cassius just like her. But the difference was that she was able to turn back into human and they were not.

She followed the same procedures she had done with Cassius, the four werewolves knelt down in the middle of the bloody salt that she drew on the floor, which was then surrounded by black candles. She cuts herself and puts the blood on their heads then she steps out of the circle... Lydia then begins the chants, she felt her energy being sucked out of her body as she increased the chanting. It was much more painful and energy draining than that of Cassius. Or maybe it was because of the fact that this time, there was four of them....

Lydia collapses to the ground as the fire on the candles increases. She laid there breathing heavily almost going unconscious, but she looks on at the fire in hope that the ritual works and that they turn human. As she looked on in hope, out of the fire, she saw a human feet emerge. That was all she saw before she eventually passed out.

"Can you believe it, I am human again...one man said

" I almost lost all hope of becoming human again"..another said.

"that's the lady on the ground"...one of them finally notices the unconscious Lydia lying on the ground. He walks up to her and is about to pick her up when he feels a faint vibration coming from the earth...

" I think we have to leave here..we have to leave now. It feels like horses are coming this way. And I don't think they would be friendly...he tells the others.

" if what you are saying is true, than how are we to escape. If they are on horses, they would catch up with us in no time. And there is only one horse here" they all think about this,

"ahh hah!!..the witch said we would be able to turn back to beasts whenever we want. So we turn and then escape as beasts... The problem now is how do we turn??

" We just think it.... And with that, they held deep breaths, and tried becoming beasts in there minds first and it was manifested in the flesh... One of them picked up Lydia who was still unconscious and placed her on Barak who seemed to miraculously understand the situation. At that point, the only one who knew his way out of the woods was Barak. So they let him lead and they followed behind as fast as they could.

Not too long after they left, Cassius and his men got to the cottage, they checked inside the place but it was empty.

" Sire, it's still warm!!! Ceteus said as he picked up on of the candles.... I think they just left. They couldn't have made it that far"...Cassius was fuming. Now he was sure she was still alive but how? No one could survive the brutality he had shown her. But she did...and somehow these men who are now beasts also survived they should have died after what he had done to them in that hole but they were still alive and now it seems there was more..... The question 'how' kept on coming to Cassius. It seemed that whoever he touched turned to beasts but he could not yet figure out why....

" I found footprints!!! a soldier said.. They rushed to his side to see. There were huge footprints and they could also see hoofprints on the damp earth..." it seems they have a horse with them"

"We follow the trail!!! Cassius yells as he climbs atop his horse and leads the way through the forest following their trail...

Lydia was still unconscious, they had successfully made it out of the forest, but the question now was where they would go for the mean time that Cassius would not find them.

" I know a place follow me...we have to be there before the sun fully rises so we don't alert passersby."...the one in front said. He led the way and the rest followed him including Barak who was carrying Lydia.

Cassius was hot on their trail. He carefully but quickly followed the footprints on the floor. But it seems that the gods were not on his side for as they were about to come out of the forest, it started raining. Erasing the only clue they had to follow from the face ot the earth.

He was beyond angry,..there was no word to describe what he was feeling right now.... All he could do was...

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhh" he released a bit of his anger by shouting. Although it did not really do much to help because he still felt like cutting off someone's head..."what now Sire?? Ceteus asks

" we head back to the castle, but only by evening, we can't let people see them like this.... Cassius says pointing to the werewolves.....for now, we head back to the witch's cottage"..

Lydia woke up in a strange place, the walls were beautifully sculptured, but the whole place was a mess. They were spots and stains on the beautiful walls that looked like dried blood. She stood up from where she was laid, goes to the walls and places both her hands on what looked like dried blood stains. she could suddenly see what had happened here centuries ago....She saw a happy place filled with laughter and singing, children running in and playing happily...they all looked like they had no problems.

She gasps out as the vision suddenly changes and all she could see now was terror.....

A father and king bidding his family goodbye, princes going to help their father, and then a princess who hears the news of her families decapitation, and her refusal to leave her people behind, but she eventually leaves after much persuasion...after she leaves, he comes in...the devil Cassius..him looking for her and then tearing the place down killing anyone and almost everyone.....

Tears just kept on rolling down her face what she was seeing was horrible....

"You are awake?? A voice brought her back to the present... She had heard this voice before. Although then it was deeper and huskier, she still recognized the voice that had first spoken to her in the cave...she turns around to see a fine young and able man.

He stood to be at least 5.7feet tall. He did not have a pale skin like hers, his was almost brown, but maybe that was due to the hardship he'd faced in the hands of the people of Cazroth. He had brown long hair that reached his shoulders and they matched his eyes. He was just wearing something that covered him from his loin to his ankle, giving her a full clear view of his broad shoulders and clear chests.

She stumbled as she moves away from the wall, and he quickly catches her. She could feel his rock hard chest and abdominal muscles. The hands that held her were strong and firm. Just the touch made her shudder. She could definitely rest on these strong arms for a long time. But she waved the thought out of her head because her main goal was her revenge on Cassius...

He sets her down on nearby table... "where is this place??

She asks trying to sound as composed as she could...


"Welcome to Gortha Milady"