

When Gideon returned, he explained what happened to the group, and he also told them about how The Patriarch was the one who brought astral energy to their world and that he was technically responsible for them existing.

It was also through this conversation that Nathan was made aware of the fact that they weren't actually inhabitants of this world and they didn't exactly have good intentions either. But he took it surprisingly well.

"Well, I'm honestly not that surprised. Besides, there's nothing wrong in defending your home, as long as you don't harm innocents." Was his reply.

As for Lisk and Victoria, they entered a state of deep contemplation. Similar to Gideon, the truth behind their existence was simply mind boggling, and they needed some time to fully process the information. 

Gideon left them to their thoughts as he had confidence that they would be back on their feet soon, and if not, then he'd just encourage them like the system encouraged him.