
Rise of the pervert healer

Please see the tags before reading, if it is not your cup of tea please read some other novel: Incest, netori, no netorare, bdsm, non consensual This is my first novel and first few chapters (especially first 7 chapters) may not be to everyone's taste, things get better after chapter 8 onwards. In future when I have time, I am planning to update first few chapters. Andy got transmigrated to another world after a normal road accident which activated the [Pervert Healer] system in his new life. Follow Andy on his journey to become the greatest healer the world has ever seen, as he help others' wife and daughters by healing and satisfying them.. even though they didn't ask him to. Note: Readers be advised this novel may contain very explicit R-18 scenes and is focused heavily on netori and bdsm.

bearguard · Fantasy
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100 Chs

62. An emergency

"You are late mother, Andy! Do you know how long I have been waiting here?" Although Emily tried acting angry, she couldn't hide her happiness behind all the bags full of clothes she was carrying.

"Emily you have gone overboard! What are you going to do with all these clothes?!" scolded Lily. She couldn't believe how a young girl could possible carry so many shopping bags.

Before Emily could reply, Andy said

"It is fine mother, sister let's go to the counter and make the payment"

"You are the best little brother, hehe" said Emily and started walking with Andy towards the payment counter. While she was walking she turned back and showed her tongue to her mother"

"Haah this girl.. how can she act so indecently in public" thought Lily.

Once again 100% tax was applied, this time for purchasing luxury clothes since they were commoners.

"Don't tell mother otherwise she will be mad again"

"Yes Andy, but is it really fine? Should I drop some of the clothes" asked Emily worriedly looking at the bill.

"Don't worry about it sister, I've got it covered"


After leaving the store, they had dinner in the same restaurant as last time, but Lily wasn't too happy seeing the 100% tax once again, but she didn't complain this time. To cheer her up Andy once again bought her favourite sweets from a local shop on their way home.

"Andy look that girl is still here kneeling. Did she even eat anything?" Emily was the first one to notice her. She then went close to her and offered her the sweets which she was eating, but Raven neither said anything nor accepted the sweets.

"Andy can you really not help her?" asked Lily worriedly.

"No mother, there is nothing we can do for her. Let's go inside."

"Wait! You are coming with me"

But before he could go in, headmistress appeared out of no where, she was covered in blood and was out of breadth.

"Master what are you doing here, what happened?" asked Andy when he looked at her state.

Lily was also surprised seeing her master after so many years, but before she could greet her master, headmistress said

"It is not my blood, come with me immediately, it is an emergency"

Without waiting for Andy's reply, headmistress grabbed his arm and started dragging him to magic academy.

"Master calm down, I can walk on my own" Said Andy and started following headmistress without asking anymore questions.

Headmistress lead him to the healing section of the magic academy where they keep noble patients and then entered a patient room

There was a noble girl lying on bed, a few years older than Emily. But when Andy looked at her, his body shook. He had never seen such a gruesome scene in his entire life.

The girl's half face was gone and so was her chest. Even half of her lungs were missing and she had no heart in her half eaten chest. There was a drip which was falling on her forehead continuously.

"Headmistress, where did you go?! Please I beg you save my daughter! You have to save her at any cost!"

"Please headmistress, we will offer you anything you want, please save my sister"

There were 2 people sitting beside the mutilated young girl, her mother and younger brother.

Headmistress shook her head slightly and sadly said

"I can't possibly save her, I already gave her a high tier healing potion, but that can only extended her life for a few minutes. I don't have any other options left, thats why I went to get my apprentice." Headmistress said with a grim tone then turned towards Andy and explained the situation

"Andy can you save her, ever since you started your clinic, you have saved every single one of your patients. There were some patients which even I couldn't heal and asked them to go see you once and you actually saved them. This girl here has a very vicious curse on her body which almost nullifies the effect of health potions, I don't have any way to remove it right now, I don't even know what this curse is. Also we don't know what exactly happened to her, but her mother suddenly received a distress signal from her and deployed all her tropes and found her in this state right outside our capital city. It appears she was mauled by a magical beast, even her heart was eaten. The only thing I could do was to protect her brain and buy as much time as possible, that drip above her forehead is high-tier potion to heal her brain from damage due to lack of blood and oxygen."

"Headmistress what are you doing bringing in a child to treat my daughter?! How can he possible help her when even you couldn't?! Why didn't you go to royal family to get the top-tier health potion instead?" screamed girl's mother while she was crying.

"Even top-tier potion can't save her, unless we can lift this curse. And as I have already said I can't cure this curse right now, it will take lot of time to study this curse and find a counter for it. Let me be very clear Mrs Astley, this child here is the only hope your daughter has left. Please let him see your daughter."

After hearing this, girl's mother and brother started crying even harder as if she was already dead.

Andy's face twitched looking at their reaction and was about to say something foolish when headmistress glared and him and signaled him to check the girl's condition.

'Would they get mad if I ask them to read and sign the confidentiality document right now?' thought Andy for a second but decided against it.

Andy then moved near the girl and touched her palm. She had a high-tier curse on her body which negates about 95% of all healing effects. Half her face and chest was gone, her heart was missing and half her lungs were eaten. Her left arm was bitten off just below her shoulder. The high tier potion which was slowly dripping on her forehead was the only think keeping her brain alive.

"I might have a way to save her" said Andy and everyone in the room, except the patient, turned to look at him in surprise.