
Rise of the pervert healer

Please see the tags before reading, if it is not your cup of tea please read some other novel: Incest, netori, no netorare, bdsm, non consensual This is my first novel and first few chapters (especially first 7 chapters) may not be to everyone's taste, things get better after chapter 8 onwards. In future when I have time, I am planning to update first few chapters. Andy got transmigrated to another world after a normal road accident which activated the [Pervert Healer] system in his new life. Follow Andy on his journey to become the greatest healer the world has ever seen, as he help others' wife and daughters by healing and satisfying them.. even though they didn't ask him to. Note: Readers be advised this novel may contain very explicit R-18 scenes and is focused heavily on netori and bdsm.

bearguard · Fantasy
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100 Chs

47. Going back home

"Master will you be fine, Welf family is really powerful and influential? They are even in the fight for the top 10 families in this country." asked Freya worriedly

"There is nothing to worry about, if they mess around with me, there will be 1 less noble family in this country"

Hearing her master's confident tone Freya sighed in relief.

"Alright Freya I am going to close the clinic's gate now and will only heal the ones who have already entered. Let's wrap up the things here then I will go back home to bring in my mother and sister, it is already too late" said Andy.

Initially he thought there will only be couple of patients but his master played him. It was already evening time and still there was a never ending queue outside. In fact the queue increased throughout the day no matter how many commoners he healed.

After treating the last few patients, Andy enabled the defensive formation on clinic's public gate and asked Levi to clean the clinic.

After closing the clinic, Andy and Freya went to eat a delicious meal prepared by Layla. After finishing the meal Andy got up and said

"Alright I will be going to my home now. I will come back tomorrow as it will be already too late by the time I reach my home. No one is allowed to go outside the defensive formation till then".

"Yes master please have a safe journey"


After leaving the mansion, Andy took one carriage and left for his home. The reason he didn't use teleport was to keep it in reserve in case their family runs into some trouble while moving to capital city.

It took him around 5 hours in total to reach from his mansion to his hometown.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Andy said looking at flock of people around his home.

It turned out headmistress' announcement spread like wildfire and everyone in Andy's hometown were trying to meet Lily and give her gifts to get in her good books and also many people were hoping for Lily to help them book an medical appointment with her son... as it was practically impossible now to get in the queue outside Andy's mansion and meet him in a single day.

Andy tried getting into his house... but couldn't... there wasn't even space for a fly to pass by.

"Let me through people! Out of my way!" screamed Andy in frustration.

"Wait for your turn quietly young man! Miss Lily is a busy person!" scolded a middle aged woman.

"This is my freaking home!"

"Yeah right, and let me guess you are master Andy is it?" joked another man

"I am Andy! Now let me through!"

"Hahaha you are the umpteenth person so say that today" said a man and everyone laughed.

Andy was done with this and touched that man and stepped back. After a few seconds that man shat his pants and everyone backed away. Finally Andy was able to get near his home and knocked the door... but no one answered the door.

Andy then created a sound barrier covering him and the whole house and said

"Mother please open the door I am outside"

Lily immediately came running and opened the door for her son. Andy got inside and immediately closed the door before anyone else could.


Lily embraced her son and started weeping. Andy also hugged his mother and said

"I am here mother, don't be worried"

"Andy! Little brother you are finally here! We thought you abandoned us after becoming a great healer and headmistress' apprentice" teased Emily with a "sad" expression.

After weeping for a little bit, Lily scolded her son

"Where did you run off to without telling me anything?! When did you became a healer? How did you became maste- ahem I mean headmistress' apprentice?"

"Calm down mother, I needed to leave urgently last time to help out a friend's sick mother... I've been secretly reading some books related to healing for many years, thats how I became a healer. When I went to magic academy for my healer exam, headmistress was really nice to me, she was impressed by my talent and accepted me as her apprentice. She even gave me her mansion to live in."

"Hehe as expected of my little brother!" joked Emily and Lily glared at her.

Andy then asked

"Mother, sister why don't we all go to capital city to live in? I have a big mansion now with defensive formation so we will be safe there"

Lily's expression changed hearing that and she immediately denied

"No! We will not go to capital city! Why don't you open your clinic here? We will be much safer here."

"Haah mother please listen to me, you don't have to worry about our safety, we will be safe there I promise. Let us all go there tomorrow morning okay?"

"I've already said no! If you want to go, then you can go alone!" said Lily and started walking towards her room in anger... but she stopped mid way and went to kitchen to make dinner for her son.

During the late dinner, Lily didn't talk to her son. After dinner, Lily went to her room to rest without saying anything.

"Sister do you want to come to capital city with me?" asked Andy once only 2 of them left in dining area.

"Yes.. but I can't leave mother alone here" said Emily sadly.

"You don't have to worry about mother. Just pack your bags alright, I will convince mother. We will leave tomorrow morning."

"R-Really?! You are the best Andy!" said Emily and hugged her brother, then went to pack her bags.

Andy then went to his mother's room and knocked... but didn't get any reply. Andy opened the door and got inside and saw his mother lying in bed, acting to sleep.

"Mother can we talk please?"


"I know you are not sleeping mother"


"I've got a great mansion in capital city where we all can live safely, it has the defensive formation as well, so there is nothing to worry about."


"Even lady baroness is helping me out with my clinic there"

Lily immediately sat back up thinking 'That bitch!'.