
Rise of the pervert healer

Please see the tags before reading, if it is not your cup of tea please read some other novel: Incest, netori, no netorare, bdsm, non consensual This is my first novel and first few chapters (especially first 7 chapters) may not be to everyone's taste, things get better after chapter 8 onwards. In future when I have time, I am planning to update first few chapters. Andy got transmigrated to another world after a normal road accident which activated the [Pervert Healer] system in his new life. Follow Andy on his journey to become the greatest healer the world has ever seen, as he help others' wife and daughters by healing and satisfying them.. even though they didn't ask him to. Note: Readers be advised this novel may contain very explicit R-18 scenes and is focused heavily on netori and bdsm.

bearguard · Fantasy
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100 Chs

16. Dinner

Andy continued with his daily tasks in Wright mansion and after finishing his second last task for the day he came to find head maid and asked

"Miss Jenny, I've finished cleaning the punishment chamber. Can I proceed with my next task to setup the dining area for dinner?" asked Andy

When Jenny heard "punishment room" a shiver ran down her spine and she nervously said

"Yes Andy, please go ahead"

Jenny's voice was shaking a bit and lacking the boldness she usually had.

'What the hell did you do to head maid inside punishment chamber Freya?' thought Andy. This was the first time Jenny ever called him by his name.

Apparently the 50 lashes which Jenny received, were much more brutal compared to Levi's 100 lashes.

When Andy went to clean the punishment room earlier he was surprised seeing the pool of blood and bloody whip lying on the floor.

'She is actually an S not an M!' thought Andy as his lips curved into a creepy smile. He got a sudden desire to break her even more and thought he actually went easy on her last night.

Andy then went to help setup the dining area as it was about to be dinner time soon.


Soon all members of Wright family gathered in the dining area to have dinner and took their respective seats.

When Thomas came to the room he glared at Andy as if he stole his wife. But without saying anything he just took his seat.

Both Andy and Freya were nervous at the time, this was the first time Thomas saw Andy since last night, and were worried if Thomas would instantly kill him if he lose control of his emotions. But thankfully that didn't happen.

Atmosphere here was gloomy due to the set of events happened in the mansion since yesterday. Both Thomas and Frank had sour mood and didn't say anything just quietly ate their dinner.

Frank didn't even try to make things difficult for Andy that day, he just wasn't in the mood for that.

To break the awkward silence in the room, Tamara asked

"Mother, how was your meeting this morning?"

"It was fine darling, just the usual politics. How about you, did you buy a nice dress for your date tomorrow with Derek?"

Tamara blushed and quietly said

"Yes mother, I went to market today and got 3 new dresses. And it is not a date, Derek just said that he will buy me something from market tomorrow"

"Hmm? Sounds like a date to me!" teased Freya

Tamara couldn't reply to that and just continued eating her food with a red face.

"Hmph! whats so good about that bastard's son?"

Tamara bit her lips hearing that. Seeing how her husband ruined the atmosphere and made her baby girl sad on such a happy occasion, Freya went into rage.

"What is your problem Thomas! How can you say something like that about your son-in-law in front of your daughter?! You are not a child anymore grow up!"

"Future son-in-law! He haven't married my daughter yet!"

Hearing all this yelling, Tamara broke down in tears. Freya got up from her chair and went to hug her daughter.

"Everything will be fine Tammy darling, mother promised you that you will marry Derek without any problems right? Do you trust your mother?"

Tamara nodded slightly and Freya gently wiped away her tears.

"Don't ruin your pretty face, tomorrow is a big day for you, come on cheer up" comforted Freya, then she whispered into her daughter's ears

"Go near the lake before sunset, it is a really beautiful and romantic place. That is where your father and I had our first kiss" said Freya and winked at her daughter.

"M-Mother!" Tamara immediately blushed and turned down her head. She couldn't took at her mother anymore.

Freya then went back to her seat and asked Frank

"You are unusually quiet today Frank, did something happen?"

"I... nothing mother, I am fine" he initially wanted to complaint about the harsh punishment for Levi, but decided against it. It would cause suspicion why he cared so much about a maid.

"So tell us what did you learn during your first year at knights academy?"

"Just the usual stuff mother, I've focused a lot on learning 1-on-1 fights, I am thinking about going for swordsmanship as my specialisation starting next year. I even defeated a ranking senior from 2nd year in a sword fight last month"

"Hahaha now thats my son, you make me proud! Show them what we men from Wright family are made of! Bring me some wine!"

Freya sighed hearing her husband's words and shook her head. He never complimented his daughter like this before even though she had even better achievements in her first year.

"What is your problem Freya, what are you shaking your head like that?! I can't even celebrate my son's achievements?"

Thomas was really on edge today for some reason, and Freya didn't want to start a new debate with him.

"No, I am not shaking my head due to that. Hearing about Frank's achievements I just remembered the time when we were studying in knight academy. You were so unruly and heavy handed back then. You confessed to me right after defeating me in a duel publicly. Who the hell propose a girl like that?"

Thomas's mood improved a lot hearing this.

"Hahaha thats how a true man propose his girl!"

Then Thomas raised a toast for his son's achievement and everyone had a drink to celebrate.

After drinking a glass of wine Thomas said

"That reminds me, next month when the new year at academy starts, don't we have a joint competition between knight academy and magic academy?"

"Yes father! I am really excited for this, I will make my name in this competition and make you proud. I will also defeat my fiancee in the competition and the propose her same as you did for mother!" said Frank in excited tone.

"Good good! Good son!" Thomas patted his son's shoulders.

When this son and father pair was in their zone, Freya suddenly said

"Why don't you take Andy with you next month to Knight academy as your servant? Anyway Andy is our butler you 2 months, he can work here for a month then follow you to academy next month."

Apparently all students of both academies are allowed to bring 1 servant of their own of same gender to the academy.

After hearing this crazy idea both Andy and Frank beamed with joy.

"Yes mother that is a great idea" Frank immediately agreed.


After finishing up the dinner, maids cleaned up the room and everyone started going to their rooms to rest for the night. Seeing Andy was already gone, Freya felt a bit of disappointment in her heart.

'This is for the good. Thomas is very vigilant today' she thought and went to her bedchambers to rest as well.

Thomas went to his desk to work instead of directly going to bed.

"Thomas what are you working on, are you not coming to bed?"

"Hmph, didn't you already said you won't let me do anything for a month after all the things I did to you last night."

Freya sighed and was about to go to sleep alone when suddenly Thomas fell off from his chair with a scream.

"What happened Thomas?!"

At that moment Andy appeared out of nowhere standing near Thomas and said with an evil tone

"Did you both miss me?"