
Rise Of The Omnimancer: Tempest of Avalon

In a world shattered by centuries of conflict, a prophecy whispered through the ages foretells the rise of extraordinary people known as Omnimancers, wielding unimaginable power capable of shaping the destiny of nations. Their purpose, to restore balance and usher the world into its rightful order. But when one of these enigmatic figures succumbs to corruption, the delicate equilibrium is shattered, plunging the realm into an era of unrelenting war and despair. In the midst of the ashes of once-thriving civilizations, where hope flickers like a dying ember, a remarkable discovery rattles the foundations of this war-torn land. The unearthing of Cerfryx, a rare and mystic mineral, sparks a feverish race for dominance between two mighty empires: Epher and Raylean. Amid this harrowing turmoil stands Theo, a young and unsuspecting 18-year-old, burdened by haunting fragments of a past he cannot recall. Plagued by mysterious flashbacks and enigmatic visions, he finds himself thrust into a treacherous journey of self-discovery. As Theo unravels the secrets of his origins, he becomes entangled in a perilous web of intrigue, danger, and ancient prophecies. _________________________ Disclaimer: I do not own the cover. If you are the artist and want it removed, please contact me and I will do so.

Mystic_Ravenwood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


"A week? Don't you think it's too early? I received the same letter, but my deployment is scheduled for a month later," Benedict told him.

Upon hearing the news, Theo said: "It seems like I'll be going first then."

"Well, it's not like we could have gone together anyway. I would have to join the special corps anyway," Benedict said.

The army had two divisions:

° Special Corps

° Soldier Corps.

The special corps only consisted of Enigma and the Soldier corps consisted of normal people. The Enigmas were directly enlisted into the army while normal people had to pass a test.

"Screw it, " Benedict cursed. "Let's go to the arcade after the graduation ceremony and celebrate. What do you think?"

Theo replied, "Sure, let's do that. Maybe today will be the day you finally beat me," trying to add a touch of humor.

Benedict's competitive nature was awakened, and he replied with enthusiasm, "Just wait and see. I'll crush you!"

"You've been saying that for as long as I can remember. But if I win, you owe me a meal," he joked.

"Deal," Benedict agreed.

Theo and Benedict walked to school together, eager for the graduation ceremony that awaited them. As they entered the courtyard, they were greeted by a sea of their classmates, all dressed in their finest attire for the special occasion. A grand stage with a towering podium had been set up, and rows of chairs were arranged for them to sit in.

The ceremony began with a rousing speech from the student council President, which had the entire crowd enraptured by her words. The air was filled with a sense of excitement and anticipation as the students eagerly awaited the rest of the ceremony.

After the President concluded her address, the principal, Marcel, took to the podium with a commanding presence. His words were filled with wisdom and encouragement for the graduating class. "I pray you all good fortune in your life," he said, concluding the speech and stepping off the stage.

As the ceremony continued, Amanda, one of Theo's classmates, took a group photo of the whole class. The students were quite enjoying themselves, singing and dancing together.

Theo found himself standing on the sidelines, observing his classmates with a sense of contentment. Despite coming from a war-torn country, their laughter and joy filled the air, and he couldn't help but smile at the sight.

Just then, Benedict strode over, grinning from ear to ear. "Hey, why so glum? Come and join us," he said.

Theo hesitated for a moment, unsure if he should join in the merrymaking. But Benedict urged him on, and with a deep breath, Theo decided to throw caution to the wind and go along with his friend's suggestion.

As the graduation ceremony came to a close, Theo and Benedict took a final bow to show their appreciation to their teachers. Once it was over, they caught up with each other and decided to celebrate by hitting the arcade.

"Wow, that was a rush," Benedict exclaimed as they made their way to the arcade.

Theo nodded in agreement. "It's nice to let go and have some fun now and then."

The arcade was packed with other students, all eager to enjoy some games. Feeling generous, Theo offered to pay for both of them and approached the counter.

"Two tickets, please," Theo asked.

"That will be 100 quills, please," the attendant informed him, and Theo handed over the money.

After an hour of continuous losses, Benedict voiced his frustration, "There must be something wrong with this machine. How can I keep losing straight for an hour?"

"The same way you've been losing for the past three years," Instead of consoling my friend, I couldn't help but add fuel to the fire with a smug look on my face,

Benedict's frustration reached its boiling point, and he cursed at him, "Screw you!"

Irritated, Benedict declared, "I'm sick of this, let's go."

As they made their way towards the door, a news report on the TV in the lobby caught Theo's attention. "Hold up," he said, grabbing Benedict's arm and pulling him back towards the screen.

Benedict paused, turning to see the urgent expression on the news anchor's face. "We have just received breaking news that a ship carrying 'Cerfryx' has been hijacked by the notorious criminal organization 'Zelion.' This marks the third hijacking by the group in the past month," the anchor reported.

Fifteen years ago, a catastrophic war broke out between the Epher and Raylean empires, causing significant turmoil for Epher's ruling family. A decade later, a mysterious group called "Zelion" emerged, leading to a civil war in Epher that resulted in widespread chaos and devastation. How Zelion gained control over half of the established empire remains unclear, but their actions showed an unstoppable force. Over time, Zelion's influence expanded significantly in both political and economic arenas, and those who opposed their operations were quickly silenced. Even the army was intimidated by their power. Initially operating covertly, Zelion manipulated events, but they have recently become bolder and revealed their true nature.

In recent months, Zelion has rampaged across nations, attacking ships and causing chaos and destruction wherever they go. Their notorious reputation precedes them, and it was evident that they will continue to make headlines.

In the arcade, people gathered around the television, and the games stopped. "Zelion is becoming more daring by the day!" exclaimed a stout boy, his face flushed with anger. Another boy standing next to him trembled with fear and said, "I hope they won't turn their attention to us." The arcade was filled with unease.

Talk about Zelion filled the arcade, and everyone had mixed feelings about the group. Some were scared, while others were fascinated by how a mysterious organization had risen to power so quickly.

As Theo pondered over the possibilities, he felt a tap on his shoulder. It was his friend Benedict. Theo shook himself out of his thoughts and turned to his friend. "Sorry, I was just lost in thought for a moment there," he replied.

Benedict smiled, "I figured as much. It's getting late. Let's go grab some food."

Theo nodded, his stomach grumbling in agreement. "That sounds great. I'm starving."

As they made their way out of the arcade, Theo couldn't help but think about Zelion. The idea of a single group wielding so much power and influence was both fascinating and unnerving.

"So, what are you in the mood for? My treat. I lost in the last game we played."

"Anything would do," Theo replied.

"Okay, then. Let's go."

Theo was sitting in the café with Benedict, but his mind was consumed by thoughts of Zelion's recent attacks.

Benedict ordered a burger and began to eat, his eyes fixed on Theo. "What's on your mind, man?" he asked, noticing his friend's preoccupation.

Theo looked up from his phone, his mind still consumed by thoughts of Zelion. "I can't shake the feeling that there's something more to these attacks than just stealing Cerfryx."

Benedict swallowed a bite of burger and wiped his mouth with a napkin. "What do you mean?"

"I mean, what if they're planning something bigger, like an armed rebellion or even an invasion of the Freylyn Empire?" Theo's voice was low, his eyes fixed on Benedict's.

Benedict raised his eyebrows. "That's quite a leap, isn't it? They're probably just looking to make a quick buck by selling Cerfryx on the black market."

Theo shook his head. "I don't know. It just feels like there's more going on here."

Benedict leaned back in his chair and let out a sigh. "Look, I get where you're coming from, but let's not jump to conclusions. It's better to wait and see what happens next before we start worrying about all that."

Theo nodded, realizing that he tended to overanalyze things that seemed out of place. It was probably best to leave the topic for now and focus on something else.