
Unknown terror

"Why are you so angry with me?" The woman asked and hearing the hurt in her voice caused anguish in his own heart, "did I displease you?"

"Uh," Aldrich swallowed down feeling suffocated, why was he angry? How could he be angry with her? The most beautiful woman in the world?

"No-no, I am not angry… I was just…" Aldrich didn't know what to say.

"Aldrich don't you love me?" The woman asked and his heart beat quickened.

"Yes, of course I love you with all my being." Aldrich said and a moment later he wondered why he said that. He didn't even know her.

"Can you… do something for me?" She asked sweetly and Aldrich hung at her every word.

"Anything, I will do anything for you!" He hurriedly declared.

"Why don't you make me your woman? Come here be one with me."

Wait, who was she? What was he doing here? What did he come here to do? He need to do something here, a pressing matter. But for the life of him he couldn't remember.

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