
The Holy Grail

Aldrich wanted to see the Hall of heroes himself, but he was busy today. He had to get the important matters settled first.

Aldrich couldn't believe that he wasted four hours in city hall just to get most of the paperwork over with.

The department of commerce and trade had many civil servants. But the sheer number of people that needed to process work through the department was cause enough for delay.

Not to mention the intentional tardiness of the civil servants.

Even when they knew that he was a student in the Crest academy they didn't change their treatment. Considering that not many of the students become Crestmasters it made sense.

Only a true Crestmaster was worthy of better treatment, potential was nothing, true achievement was everything.

In fact, if he didn't spend three silver coins just to get the work done he would have had to wait for two weeks at least. When he understood what those dirtbags wanted he just started slipping coins left and right.

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