
Rise of The Myriad Power

The main Hero/ anti-hero Vinncent is a 27 year-old man who lives in Los-Angeles and works as the Dive leader for a ship repair yard not far away from a popular port. One day while diving he discovers a bizzare skull with a blue eye in the middle of the forehead and after a unfortunate event is transported to the office of a man named Eilohim and is charged with the enforcement of justice and vengence on a world known as the world of the unfaithful.

Unseen_Unheard · Video Games
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36 Chs

The Meeting

When Vinncent opened his eyes again he was amazed after all he thought that after the crane crushed him he had died but he guessed not. As he looked around he realised that he was wearing a suit and tie and was sitting in a reception room. Vinncent immeadiatly began to question his situarion after making these realisations. First why was he in a change of clothes who changed his clothes after he was brought up from the ocean floor. Second why were the cloths he was changed into a suit and tie. Third and most importantly where the hell was he! The reception room he was in was not the reception room for the harbor, hospital or human resources.

As Vinncent began to have a small anxiety attack the receptionist looked at him and said in a soft voice "Excuse me Mr. Miser, Mr. Elohim will see you now."

As he looked up Vinncent noticed the receptionist staring at him "Is every thing alright Mr. Miser?"

"Yeah I am fine, why do you ask?"Vinncent replied slightly confused.

Smiling the receptionist said "Oh no reason, you were just staring off into space for a little there."

"Well thank you for snapping me back to reality then, You said that Mr. Elohim was ready to see me who is that?" Vinncent asked

"You will find out soon enough his door is down the hall on the right."

Afterwards the receptionist went back to her paper work and seemed to pay Vinncent no mind. As he got up and walked past the receptionists desk down the hallway he couldn't help but look at her. She was rather attractive she had a rounded jaw, high cheeks, a flatter nose, long auburn hair and eyes the color of amethyst but what really caught his attention was her ears. they were elongated like a elves' from a fantasy movie or book. Trying not to stare Vincent continued on the specified path.

"Maybe she was an elf, that would certainly help explain the amethyst eyes that I almost forgot about."

As Vinncent reached for the door handle to Mr. Elohim's office a deep soothing voice called out to him.

"Vinncent come in have a seat we have much to discuss."

Shocked Vinncent turned the handle and opened the door. Behind a large wooden desk sat a man in a white suit with black hair, blue eyes, chiseled jaw and muscles to make any body builder jealous. As Vinncent took a seat while who he assumed to be Mr. Elohim watch he couldn't help but ask.

"How do you know my name? Who are you, and how did I get here?"

Smiling as though he had heard those questions many times before Mr. Elohim looked at Vinncent.

"I shall say who I am and all will become clear for you see I am Elohim however I am also know as the creator, Yahweh, Allah, Jehovah but mainly I'm known as God. That should sufficiently answer your first two questions now as of the third. Simply put you are dead my good sir you died after that crane came down and pancaked you to the sea floor while you head butted the skull of Azrael."

Vinncents blood ran cold did he hear this guy right there's no way he is god, he can't be dead this must be a sick joke by some of the guys at the harbor just trying to rattle him. But that wouldn't explain the receptionist's amethyst eyes or pointed ears. Sure they could have bought a mask and colored contacts but why would someone go this far to prank a man who almost died not to mention also know about how he hit the skull. Almost as if reading his mind Mr. Elohim began talking.

"Vinncent I know its hard to proccess but you really are dead my dear fellow. However, since you have done something rather interesting I wish to reward you. Before sending you on your way." looking at Mr. Eilohim Vinncent replied shakily

"On my way to where? Heaven? Hell? Limbo?"

"No No No, my good sir you miss understand I am giving you another chance at life as of the wishes of Azrael. You see no one has ever found him before they have died. That is, no one except for you, and it also just happens that when you headbutt his poor skull the magic that gives Azrael his eternal life also imprinted on you." Mr. Elohim gently chuckled

"Wait if the magic imprinted onto me doesn't that mean that it left him?" Vinncent asked shocked

"Thats the most intresting part Vinncent, Azrael is just fine his eternal life is still asured. Its almost as if the magic cloned itself before imbeding the copy into you!" Mr. Elohim said smiling

"Im honestly more surprised that you ask about Azrael rather than grow concerned over your eternal life." Vinncent just shrugged

"I've always cared about others more than myself, also I don't know if I could handle the job of the Grim Reaper." laughing Mr.Elohim remarked

"That right there my good fellow is the reason we are giving you a second chance, you are far too humble so we will be giving you some gifts before sending you along to the next life." warry Vinncent asked

"When you say gifts, what exactly are you talking about?"

"They are like... What do you humans call your abilities again... Ah super powers yes they are like those." Eilohim said

"Wait super powers?" Vinncent asked surprised

"Well yes, seeing as the world you will be anhcored in is always in constant termoil and engulfed by brutal wars caused by corrupted leaders and a poorly treated people. Many of whom are enslaved in honor of my name. This cannot stand, as of today you will become one of my archangels. Your job will be to travel to the many realms and dimensions that exist and shall bring about justice for those who are unable to cultivate it by their own hands, avenge those who cannot avenge themselves, You shall be the embodyment of justice and vengance, you shall be guardian of the pure and bane of the corrupt." Eilohim growled with indignation causing the room to shake with each word while vinncent cowered in the leather office chair.

Suddenly Eilohim took a long deep breath relaxed his shoulders and sat back in his chair before he continued.

"The powers you will be granted will allow you to travel between the dimmensions except for those where you have existed or will exist in. The second will give you the ability to transform into any living being nomatter the physiology, ideology and psychology of that being. The third and final blessing that I will give you is that you shall be un-effected by the supossed holy magics of realms you encounter as if you are there it is likely for the purpose I have as of today bestown upon you." then with a inquisitve look Eilohim looked at Vinncent and asked

"So will you take up this charge as my archangel or do you wish to live a second boring life?"

With a calm tone and even calmer mind Vinncent stood up and reached out to Eilohim. "Mr. Eilohim it would be an honor to take up the sacred charge that you have bestown upon me."

Smiling and getting out of his own chair Eilohim reached over his desk and shook Vinncents hand "Thank you Vinncent, and please call me God."

the second chapter to the Rise Of Myriad. All feedback is appreciated negative or otherwise as it all helps the writing process.

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