
Rise Of The Monarch

"The one to stop the Great Cataclysm shall be you." This is a story about a defective, corrupted 'character'. Lucas was an anomaly to the world. He was an alchemist who lived in the town known as the Player's spawning point. Batches of humans would come through a spatial rift formed in front of the town's gates, calling themselves Players and bearing a mission to subjugate the last floor of Eve, the Tree of Origin that stood in the middle of the world. Every time the Players fail to reach the apex of Eve, everything would be 'deleted', and then 'updated' into a newer copy of the world. Lucas was powerless to do anything other than watch as countless Players fail to complete their mission. No one succeeded, no matter how many versions of the world was created and destroyed. One day, he met Regina, an angel who told him that he was the key to unlocking the world's secrets and breaking out of the cursed loop. He was given freedom- the status of a 'Player'. The trick? He had to clear Eve and prevent the Great Cataclysm from happening! _______ What happens when a puny character is given enormous power and a grand mission to complete? Watch the journey of the puny alchemist Lucas as he rises to glory!

illeannne · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


Unlike what Lucas feared, the mechanism behind using magic was actually pretty simple.

As long as you had the right requirements for it, you could launch the spells with ease. The only large drawback was your mana consumption. With mana, it wasn't enough with just filling up the core with potions again and again.

Cecil told him that the mana core actually gets exhausted and strained with each spell depending on the difficulty, so it could impact the caster negatively when they use several spells in succession even if they had sufficient mana. The core could be trained to avoid the exhaustion to a certain level, but it was still obstructive. Especially if it was a high-leveled skill.

The most basic spells can be used right away as long as you had the aptitude. However, for more advanced spells, you needed to 'inherit' it.

They could come from places such as magic books, ancient scrolls, or as reward for a legendary being.

This knowledge was well known in each generation of Players, who strove to increase their power as much as possible.

Advanced spells that could cause literal catastrophes existed. These spells couldn't be obtained by simply coming across an item, but rather had to be inherited from a legacy.

One had to obtain the approval of the legendary being and be allowed to continue the legacy.

Legacies existed both in Eredith and inside Eve. He knew this because he had received news of some people obtaining said legacies. Those people's powers instantly skyrocketed. They wouldn't merely obtain a skill or two, but rather could become the legendary being's successor.

Of course, a normal person wouldn't cut it. The successor had to fulfill whatever the legends' wishes. No matter how random it was. This was why it was so hard to accomplish. No one knew what the legends wanted. They just had to pray for a lot of luck so that the legends' grace stopped by them.

Obtaining a legacy was far from Lucas's priority list, but it did entice him. Just like a hidden class.

Lucas headed towards Eve with high spirits after knowing that he could actually use all six elements. It made him giddy with all the excitement. This meant that he could dish out all sorts of magic, and that opened so many gates to opportunities for him.

Within a few minutes, he arrived at Ulya, and walked towards the butcher's shop to deposit his items.

However, before he even reached the district of said shop, his path was blocked off by someone.

It was the man who screamed the loudest the moment they arrived in Ulya a few days ago. The robust man who had an intense glare. That same glare that was once directed at Adel, was now meant for him.

'Ha?' Lucas wasn't scared of this guy's glare. Compared to the wolves' howls and roars, a simple glare was anything but intimidating.

If anything, it was akin to a little kid trying his best to look strong and scary.

"...Is there anything you want from me?" Lucas wasn't very friendly.

Clear hostility was shown in the other's eyes. There was no way he wouldn't notice it.

The man snickered, thinking that Lucas' polite speech was a sign of him being scared.

It was far from that.

"Hey, aren't you the little guy who acted so damn arrogant the other day? Did you think that you were special or something? This ain't some fantasy novel, and you're not the goddamn main character who can do anything he wants and still get things to his advantage, y'know?" The man said in a mocking tone.

This man was looking for trouble in broad daylight.

Lucas sighed.

There was still a lot of distance from here to Eve. He had camped around the Rudis Forest for days and didn't see a single Player passing by, only characters of the world.

When he was grinding his levels, these people were having the time of their life in Ulya trying to get used to the new world. Their current strength was nowhere near Lucas'. This was undoubtedly the truth.

Lucas knew that in certain worlds, they didn't have frequent monster attacks or disasters that required them to fight. Magic was not even a realistic concept in them.

Judging by the man's tall and muscular body, it was likely that in his original world, the man was indeed feared by many for his physique and looks.

'However, none of that matters here.'

"It's best if you keep your distance away from me."

Lucas wouldn't deliberately seek trouble with others, but he wasn't a pacifist who would forgive any form of mockery or insults hurled towards his way. This man was just underestimating him at the moment, but if he chooses to escalate the situation further...

It would be the end of his patience.

Lucas looked at him straight in the eye, wondering what he would do next.

In response, the man burst into laughter.

"Are you being serious right now? You, a little wimp, is acting so high and mighty, but I bet you tried to go further from Ulya and got scared, so you came back here to follow our lead, right?! Here, I'll let you join us since I'm so kind."

"But first.." The man cracked his knuckles and swung his arm around, clearly preparing for an attack. "I'll have to give you an exquisite welcoming gift so that you can finally learn some manners!"

The man made his choice.

From that, Lucas also solidified his own choice.

"Wrong answer." Lucas raised his hand calmly, waiting for the strike to arrive.

The other party launched a punch. It would be considered fast for normal people.

But to Lucas, whose vision had been trained with fighting the agile monsters all day long, this kind of speed was laughable.

He perfectly received the strike with bare hands, clutching the other's knuckles and securing it tightly.

'Eating the same stale bread for days is a hundred times more painful than this strike.'

Thinking about that, Lucas reminded himself to get a warm, hearty meal while he was in town.

That's right, the man posed zero threat to him. He couldn't even be bothered to formulate a plan to fight him... Taking care of the man was as simple as yawning.