
Rise Of The Monarch

"The one to stop the Great Cataclysm shall be you." This is a story about a defective, corrupted 'character'. Lucas was an anomaly to the world. He was an alchemist who lived in the town known as the Player's spawning point. Batches of humans would come through a spatial rift formed in front of the town's gates, calling themselves Players and bearing a mission to subjugate the last floor of Eve, the Tree of Origin that stood in the middle of the world. Every time the Players fail to reach the apex of Eve, everything would be 'deleted', and then 'updated' into a newer copy of the world. Lucas was powerless to do anything other than watch as countless Players fail to complete their mission. No one succeeded, no matter how many versions of the world was created and destroyed. One day, he met Regina, an angel who told him that he was the key to unlocking the world's secrets and breaking out of the cursed loop. He was given freedom- the status of a 'Player'. The trick? He had to clear Eve and prevent the Great Cataclysm from happening! _______ What happens when a puny character is given enormous power and a grand mission to complete? Watch the journey of the puny alchemist Lucas as he rises to glory!

illeannne · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


'Let's see... Divide my mana carefully...'

This process required quite a lot of effort, but it could be done with the current him.

His understanding of mana was quite high. How it worked. How to control it to a decent level. It was present within his area of expertise.

His normal mana activity, however, was like the calm before a storm.

Lucas knew that behind his limiters, there was a raging force waiting to explode all at once. One that would hurt him if he wasn't able to properly control it. That was the gift that the Goddess bestowed upon him.

He had to be careful with using his mana. The storm that lurked behind his every use of the mana contained inside him. It was worrying. Even as he placed all of his focus on his circulation right now, he still felt a huge amount of pressure knocking from all sides at once.

Bit by bit, he let the mana inside him seep out of his body and travel into the body of water.